Hi everyone,

I have a problem in a OpenBSD 4.5 server, some users login to it and
when logout the session dosent expires, something like this:

$ w
10:34AM  up 39 days, 13:54, 12 users, load averages: 0.06, 0.10, 0.08
online.ok p0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   10:31AM     0 w
dont.disappear p9 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   Wed05PM    37 -
dont.disappear pa xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   Wed05PM    29 -
dont.disappear pb xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   Wed05PM    29 -
dont.disappear pc xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   Wed05PM    29 -
dont.disappear pd xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx   Wed05PM    37 -
online.ok pf xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx    9:41AM     0 ssh -lroot 192.332.213.1
online.ok ph xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx    9:42AM     0 -ksh

The are no process running for user 'dont.disappear', if i do 'ps aux
| grep sshd'  only appear the real active session. The only change in
sshd_config is:

ClientAliveInterval 300
ClientAliveCountMax 12
UseDNS no

And the port. Any ideas?

Best regards.

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