so i went a bit crazy and fished out 2 more home
routers, one more usb dongle (only supported
on linux) and a windows machine.  quite a lan
party i am having.

using the 4 routers helped me rule out the router.
and using another usb dongle on linux helped
me confirm it is definitely not an openbsd issue.

the crucial clue for me was trying:

openbsd wifi -> router -> ethernet linux

where suddenly everything was ok.
that ruled out openbsd wifi issues
(on run(4); ath(4) kind of works, but being internal
it is not nice that it has 1/3 of the usb dongle's

and finally pinging linux from windows showed
exactly the same kind of erratic behaviour i was
seeing from openbsd.

sorry for the monologue, but writing my research
to the mailing list really makes me concentrate
and as a bonus maybe someone can chime in
and/or learn something from it.

today's moral lesson: write at least 3 mails
to misc@ before starting pointing fingers.
and that linux is a good talker but bad
listener. hehe.

have a nice weekend.  i am glad i did not
waste mine on this.

it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow.

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