
I'm back from my hiatus.

what I'm looking for is something like a kamailio but much much easier and straight forward and perhaps a BSD license instead of GPL.

I have about 4 weeks after next week of free time (god willing) and I'm thinking of expanding on a software of mine for a sip proxy.  But if it'll save time to have a straight forward software that's already written plus the config writing and understanding, then I need not code it.

The software should be able to answer a VOIP call for sip:callpeter.tel or whatever I put on https://callpeter.tel.

It should also be able to do sips:// or tls'ed sip.  It should register or be registerable to an already existing AVM sip server.  And it should be security conscious.

Thanks for feedback,


Over thirty years experience on UNIX-like Operating Systems starting with QNX.

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