Re: 4.9 errata page

2011-07-16 Thread Theo de Raadt
> I noticed that there is nothing on the 4.9 errata page, where as in
> every preceding version, there would have been several errata/patches
> by now. Is it the case that there are in fact no errata, or has the
> page just not been updated?

So far there hasn't been anything serious enough for an errata.

That's a good thing, right?

4.9 errata page

2011-07-16 Thread Martian67
I noticed that there is nothing on the 4.9 errata page, where as in
every preceding version, there would have been several errata/patches
by now. Is it the case that there are in fact no errata, or has the
page just not been updated?

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Theo de Raadt
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Theo de Raadt  
> wrote:
> >> It does look like an open source result of some talented people, not
> >> an OpenBSD or BSD specific result.
> >
> > OpenSSH happened as a *direct result* of the types of decisions that
> > OpenBSD developers make.
> Hi, Theo. That would be a compelling point if those decisions were
> automatically good ones. Simply being "the types of decisions that
> OpenBSD developers make" is not automatically a selling point, as
> evidenced by the relatively small market share of OpenBSD itself. I'm
> gong to dig into some history here.
> The result of "the types of decisions that OpenBSD developers make"
> are precisely why it is marginalized. The core technology is robust
> and excellent, but the featureset is not only limited, but actively
> dangerous.  I'll explain why: this gots into some serious way-back
> history, but I'm not seeing any change.


> First is the amazing foolishness of having the default key generators
> accept blank passphrases without even requiring a special command line
> option. Second is lack of a reliable key expiration mechanism. Once a
> blank passphrase is in use, clearing them up is very difficult to
> detect and very awkward to revoke the keys. These are deadly aspects
> of the SSH protocol and toolkits that could, and should, have been
> addressed a decade ago, even before OpenSSH existed. The result is
> that I've personally had one hell of a time getting people off of less
> technologically secure tools, such as HTTPS access for Subverson which
> stores passwords in clear text on UNIX and Linux clients. This tool
> has SSH based access available to avoid the UNIX or Linux client
> password storage of HTTPS, but lacks an integral chroot cage or
> dedicated shell to restrict the users: the results are various weird,
> homegrown integrations. (Sourceforge uses one, and it's messy due to
> the lack of chroot cage compatible integration for Subversion.) Git
> does a better job of this, by the way, which is a good reason to
> prefer it.

Wow, it's a real bummer that OpenBSD has caused you so much harm.  Have
you considered trying to live 100% without our software?  Of course, if
you did that, you'd have to keep your mouth shut, wouldn't you.  That
does not seem in your nature..

> But I've dealt with 6 such source control integration efforts in
> the last 5 years, and it's painful to deal with the passphrase free
> keys and having to hand-build an expiration mechanism *eveyr single
> time*, even if I do keep my old notes. This could be eased by client
> side software changes, such as refusing to accept a blank password
> without a special command line option or user privilege, or even a
> setting in ssh_config to block such behavior. If a client can override
> that, then it's their problem, but the lack of any significant barrier
> to generating such keys is a long standing issue I've had to clean up
> after again, and again, and again.

Your pain runs very deep.  Have you considered suicide?

> This is compounded by the longstanding refusal to accept chroot cage
> integration for SSH or SCP. (Yes, it's me: I was one of the people
> publishing such patches over a decade ago.) Debian has actually
> provided some tools for helping set that up,

Ah, yes, Debian.  They have an amazing history when it comes to
patching our code  good luck with that.

> and they're quite useful
> for at least raising the bar for clients with locally authorized
> access to escape their cages. SFTP does a better job of it, and its
> relatively new built-in chroot cages are welcome. But the chroot cages
> for SSH are long-desired for Subversion and CVS repository access, and
> software regression testing environments. (By the way, the better
> security models of "git" with its dedicated shell and good key
> management tools well justify switching to it from CVS or Subversion,
> along with its vastly better "merge" behavior.)
> If we couple all of those decisions, mostly policy decisions, with the
> longstanding incapability to transfer symlinks as symlinks, rather
> than as the targets of the symlink, by both SFTP and SCP, and the
> direct result of those decisions doesn't look so hot, even though the
> underlying protocol and implementation in OpenSSH have much to
> recommend them. 

Your grief would seem more sincere if didn't look like a shopping
list.  Except your name or those you work for do not occur in the
donations list or anywhere else...

> This last one is actually built into the RFC's, but if
> a new RFC is needed, then it's about time.

We don't author the RFC.  But thanks for trying to make us responsible
for that, too.  Pray tell, what are you responsible for, besides
bitching out other people's efforts?

> The result is that I'd *rather* trust the end-to-end encryption of the
> underlying SSH protocol. But the missing basic security features,
> whose absence is either tacitly accepted (such as making pa

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Theo de Raadt  wrote:
>> It does look like an open source result of some talented people, not
>> an OpenBSD or BSD specific result.
> OpenSSH happened as a *direct result* of the types of decisions that
> OpenBSD developers make.

Hi, Theo. That would be a compelling point if those decisions were
automatically good ones. Simply being "the types of decisions that
OpenBSD developers make" is not automatically a selling point, as
evidenced by the relatively small market share of OpenBSD itself. I'm
gong to dig into some history here.

The result of "the types of decisions that OpenBSD developers make"
are precisely why it is marginalized. The core technology is robust
and excellent, but the featureset is not only limited, but actively
dangerous.  I'll explain why: this gots into some serious way-back
history, but I'm not seeing any change.

First is the amazing foolishness of having the default key generators
accept blank passphrases without even requiring a special command line
option. Second is lack of a reliable key expiration mechanism. Once a
blank passphrase is in use, clearing them up is very difficult to
detect and very awkward to revoke the keys. These are deadly aspects
of the SSH protocol and toolkits that could, and should, have been
addressed a decade ago, even before OpenSSH existed. The result is
that I've personally had one hell of a time getting people off of less
technologically secure tools, such as HTTPS access for Subverson which
stores passwords in clear text on UNIX and Linux clients. This tool
has SSH based access available to avoid the UNIX or Linux client
password storage of HTTPS, but lacks an integral chroot cage or
dedicated shell to restrict the users: the results are various weird,
homegrown integrations. (Sourceforge uses one, and it's messy due to
the lack of chroot cage compatible integration for Subversion.) Git
does a better job of this, by the way, which is a good reason to
prefer it.

But I've dealt with 6 such source control integration efforts in
the last 5 years, and it's painful to deal with the passphrase free
keys and having to hand-build an expiration mechanism *eveyr single
time*, even if I do keep my old notes. This could be eased by client
side software changes, such as refusing to accept a blank password
without a special command line option or user privilege, or even a
setting in ssh_config to block such behavior. If a client can override
that, then it's their problem, but the lack of any significant barrier
to generating such keys is a long standing issue I've had to clean up
after again, and again, and again.

This is compounded by the longstanding refusal to accept chroot cage
integration for SSH or SCP. (Yes, it's me: I was one of the people
publishing such patches over a decade ago.) Debian has actually
provided some tools for helping set that up, and they're quite useful
for at least raising the bar for clients with locally authorized
access to escape their cages. SFTP does a better job of it, and its
relatively new built-in chroot cages are welcome. But the chroot cages
for SSH are long-desired for Subversion and CVS repository access, and
software regression testing environments. (By the way, the better
security models of "git" with its dedicated shell and good key
management tools well justify switching to it from CVS or Subversion,
along with its vastly better "merge" behavior.)

If we couple all of those decisions, mostly policy decisions, with the
longstanding incapability to transfer symlinks as symlinks, rather
than as the targets of the symlink, by both SFTP and SCP, and the
direct result of those decisions doesn't look so hot, even though the
underlying protocol and implementation in OpenSSH have much to
recommend them. This last one is actually built into the RFC's, but if
a new RFC is needed, then it's about time.

The result is that I'd *rather* trust the end-to-end encryption of the
underlying SSH protocol. But the missing basic security features,
whose absence is either tacitly accepted (such as making passphrase
keys more difficult to use), or a matter of deliberate policy (such as
refusal to work with chroot cages for SSH or SCP) have seriuosly
impeded the use and security of OpenSSH itself. So I have some
longstanding, and I think well-founded, concerns about "the types of
decisions that OpenBSD developers make".

pf: state key linking mismatch (?)

2011-07-16 Thread Limaunion

hi all: I'm getting tons of messages like this one:

pf: state key linking mismatch! dir=OUT, if=vr1, stored af=2, a0:, a1:, proto=17, found af=2, a0:, a1:, proto=17

The public 'a1' address ( is repeated always but does 
not much my real public interface address.

The rule is probably related with this line:

@41 pass in on vr0 inet proto tcp from any to (vr0:1) port = 64768 flags 
S/SA synproxy state (max 50, adaptive.start 30, adaptive.end 60) tag 
VR0_TAG rdr-to port 64768

Can someone enlighten me what does this means?

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Theo de Raadt
> It does look like an open source result of some talented people, not
> an OpenBSD or BSD specific result.

OpenSSH happened as a *direct result* of the types of decisions that
OpenBSD developers make.

Re: How does OpenBSD compare to Ubuntu Server?

2011-07-16 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 8:16 PM, J Sisson  wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Juan Miscaro  wrote:
>> On 7 July 2011 15:06, jirib  wrote:
>> Are you kidding? Ubuntu? Where installed daemons are running by default,
>> > where there is no command to disable shitty upstart daemons?
>> Which daemons are those again?
>> apt-get install 
> Oh look,  is running before I have a chance to
> configure it and lock it down the way I see fit.  Good thing we
> know those Ubuntu/Debian guys are so damned smart and all...

Far too many daemons are installed by default on Ubuntu. It's a "give
people everything they might desire some day" approach, rather than a
"keep it stable by giving them only what they need and ask for".

This is particularly evidenced by plethora of 3rd party repositories
with fascinating components that are easily merged into Ubuntu, and
require more manual integration and local compilation with OpenBSD.
And the reliance on older, stable, well-debugged components makes
leading edge development of Java and web apps more awkard in OpenBSD.

But OpenBSD is vastly more secure and avoids craziness such as
NetworkManager and 3 million useless and poorly implemented web
proxies and "chat" servers.

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Chris Cappuccio  wrote:
> Nico Kadel-Garcia [] wrote:
>> Don't mistake OpenSSH for OpenBSD. The early history is fascinating.
>> (I was involved in very early SunOS ports of ssh-1 and ssh-2, before
>> OpenSSH existed.)
> Most of the early history isn't even relevant to OpenSSH or to the world
that uses OpenSSH because it involves ssh-2.  OpenSSH took the last free
version of ssh-1 and radically transformed it.
> Despite ssh-1 and ssh-2 being supported on a variety of platforms, none
could include it because of the commercial license.
> Tatu's goal was to operate a commercial enterprise, but the goal with
OpenSSH was to replace telnet.  In the end, everyone got what they wanted,
even if OpenSSH forced the commercial version to an enterprise niche, serving
large environments with odd authentication systems

It does look like an open source result of some talented people, not
an OpenBSD or BSD specific result. I'm just saying, don't confuse the
usefulness and ubiquity of OpenSSH with the mental market share or
relevance of the rest of OpenBSD or other BSD's.

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Chris Cappuccio
Nico Kadel-Garcia [] wrote:
> Don't mistake OpenSSH for OpenBSD. The early history is fascinating.
> (I was involved in very early SunOS ports of ssh-1 and ssh-2, before
> OpenSSH existed.)

Most of the early history isn't even relevant to OpenSSH or to the world that 
uses OpenSSH because it involves ssh-2.  OpenSSH took the last free version of 
ssh-1 and radically transformed it.

Despite ssh-1 and ssh-2 being supported on a variety of platforms, none could 
include it because of the commercial license.

Tatu's goal was to operate a commercial enterprise, but the goal with OpenSSH 
was to replace telnet.  In the end, everyone got what they wanted, even if 
OpenSSH forced the commercial version to an enterprise niche, serving large 
environments with odd authentication systems

timing borked with last sparc64 snapshot

2011-07-16 Thread Markus Lude

today I was updating to the latest snapshot on sparc64 on a SUN Blade
100. While installing the sets all looked normal until after the
base49.tgz set. The progress bar stayed for a while at 0%, then suddenly
jumped to 100%. That's why the time is displayed as 00:00:

Set name(s)? (or 'abort' or 'done') [done]  
bsd  100% |*|  7339 KB00:02 
bsd.rd   100% |*|  2597 KB00:00 
base49.tgz   100% |*| 57926 KB00:16 
comp49.tgz   100% |*| 64997 KB00:00 
man49.tgz100% |*|  9495 KB00:00 
game49.tgz   100% |*|  2709 KB00:00 
xbase49.tgz  100% |*| 12144 KB00:00 
xshare49.tgz 100% |*|  3353 KB00:00 
xfont49.tgz  100% |*| 38485 KB00:00 
xserv49.tgz  100% |*|  6374 KB00:00 
Location of sets? (cd disk ftp http or 'done') [done]   

Before rebooting the system running 'date' several times always display
the same time for a long time. After more than 30min I gave up.

Running reboot does take very long. After a long time I did a Ctrl-C,
unmounted all the drives under /mnt and powercycled the machine.

After booting the machine, the boot seems to hang at:

starting network daemons: sshd sendmail inetd.  
starting local daemons:.
standard daemons: cron. 
Sat Jul 16 18:05:12 CEST 2011   

Machine responds to pings. SSH login is kind of possible. If I press
Ctrl-C after the usual login message I could get a shell prompt.

$ date
Sat Jul 16 18:05:14 CEST 2011
$ date
Sat Jul 16 18:05:14 CEST 2011
$ date
Sat Jul 16 18:05:13 CEST 2011
$ date
Sat Jul 16 18:05:13 CEST 2011
$ date
Sat Jul 16 18:05:13 CEST 2011

Time seems not really reliable here...

snapshot is from July 16th. The one from June 29th was working fine.

Any hints how to resolve this? Anything to test?

With the older snapshot the machine works without problems.


Re: VoIP products for SMBs

2011-07-16 Thread Jessica
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Re: Very strange cvs performance.

2011-07-16 Thread Christiano F. Haesbaert
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 01:12:57PM +0200, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 03:16:29AM -0300, Christiano F. Haesbaert wrote:
> > Hi there, I have a local mirror of cvs src, everything works fine, except 
> > that
> > the IO seems to take place in another disk.
> > 
> > I have a very very very very slow udma controller in wd0 (the ultra 5 one):
> > 
> > wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2
> > 
> > So I keep my cvs in a faster controller/disk:
> > 
> > wd1(pciide1:2:0): using BIOS timings, Ultra-DMA mode 7
> > 
> > I have this, so you can see, most stuff is on the slow controller. 
> > 
> > /dev/wd0a on / type ffs (local)
> > /dev/wd0d on /tmp type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> > /dev/wd0g on /usr type ffs (NFS exported, local, nodev)
> > /dev/wd0e on /var type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> > /dev/wd1a on /data/sta type ffs (NFS exported, local, nodev, nosuid)
> > 
> > Here is the weird part, /cvs points to /data/sta/cvs (which is in the fast
> > controller)
> > 
> > lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   14 Jul 13 19:55 cvs@ -> /data/sta/cvs/
> > 
> > Now watch what happends when I 'cvs up' from another machine:
> > 
> > == No cvs up, disk mostly idle ==
> > 
> > gandalf:haesbaert: iostat -w 3 
> >   ttywd0 cd0 wd1 cpu
> >  tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
> >0   41 11.68   3 0.03   0.00   0 0.00  49.91   5 0.25   1  0  2  1 96
> >0   74  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
> >0   98 13.71   7 0.09   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
> > 
> > == cvs up, wd1 transaction should go up roof ==
> > gandalf:haesbaert: iostat -w 3 
> >   ttywd0 cd0 wd1 cpu
> >  tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
> >0   41 11.68   3 0.03   0.00   0 0.00  49.91   5 0.25   1  0  2  1 96
> >0   98  9.52 263 2.45   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   5  0  9  3 84
> >0   25  9.53 277 2.58   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  5  0 94
> >0   49  9.51 282 2.62   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   2  0  7  1 90
> >0   49  9.67 258 2.44   0.00   0 0.00  64.00   0 0.02   1  0  5  1 93
> > 
> > 
> > But no, IO seems to take place mostly in wd0, I've confirmed swap was not 
> > taking
> > place, I shut down everything, top showed 100mb+ free:
> > 
> > load averages:  2.23,  1.02,  0.65
> > gandalf.midearth 03:12:25
> > 42 processes:  1 running, 40 idle, 1 on processor
> > CPU states:  1.6% user,  0.0% nice,  4.9% system,  0.4% interrupt, 93.2% 
> > idle
> > Memory: Real: 19M/64M act/tot  Free: 176M  Swap: 16M/1024M used/tot
> > 
> > The user doing the cvs has a home in /home/ which is in wd0.
> > I'm also able to hear wd0 (different sound than wd1), so I know fstat is 
> > telling
> > the truth.
> > 
> > What's hapenning ? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something real simple, just 
> > to have
> > an insight, a 'cvs up' is taking more than 30min. 
> > 
> cvs is also using /tmp which is on wd0 for temporary files.

There it is, thank you !

Christiano Farina HAESBAERT
Do NOT send me html mail.

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Christiano F. Haesbaert
Lennart is a funny, funny man, go check the avahi code to see how nice it is.

When working on Avahi I learned a lot about the complexities of safely and
reliably running and maintaining system services, and about securing 
them as much as possible, which is particularly important for
network facing services like Avahi. I implemented a lot of
pretty nifty features in 
this area in Avahi. For example, Avahi is still pretty much
the *only daemon* on a standard Linux install that chroot()s
itself by default.

Christiano Farina HAESBAERT
Do NOT send me html mail.

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Jason Dixon
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 12:37:57PM +, Jona Joachim wrote:
> On 2011-07-16, Chris Cappuccio  wrote:
> > Lennart Poettering has graced the world with his brilliance one more time.  
> > Why?  Lennart doesn't "think BSD is too relevant anymore."
> [nolog]
> This is nothing new, it has been anticipated by BSD developers a long time 
> ago:

Indeed, I've been proclaiming BSD dead for the last five years. Get with
the times.

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Peter N. M. Hansteen 
> Chris Cappuccio  writes:
>> Lennart Poettering has graced the world with his brilliance one more
>> time.  Why?  Lennart doesn't "think BSD is too relevant anymore."
> It would be almost tempting to ask if he uses ssh much and if so which
> one, but I'm not sure I'd bother.

Don't mistake OpenSSH for OpenBSD. The early history is fascinating.

(I was involved in very early SunOS ports of ssh-1 and ssh-2, before
OpenSSH existed.)

Вас пригласили зарегестрироваться

2011-07-16 Thread Ivko
]rn ohq|ln nr B`xecn dpsc` Ivko. B`q ophck`x`~r g`peceqrphpnb`r|q :

Ophber. _ pe`k|mn g` 7 dmei g`p`anr`k 132 EUR!!!

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Jona Joachim
On 2011-07-16, Chris Cappuccio  wrote:
> Lennart Poettering has graced the world with his brilliance one more time.  
> Why?  Lennart doesn't "think BSD is too relevant anymore."

This is nothing new, it has been anticipated by BSD developers a long time ago:

Best regards,

Pond-erosa Puff wouldn't take no guff
Water oughta be clean and free
So he fought the fight and he set things right
With his OpenBSD

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Rod Whitworth
On Sat, 16 Jul 2011 12:40:47 +0200, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:

>Chris Cappuccio  writes:

>> Lennart Poettering has graced the world with his brilliance one more
>> time.  Why?  Lennart doesn't "think BSD is too relevant anymore."

>It would be almost tempting to ask if he uses ssh much and if so which
>one, but I'm not sure I'd bother.

>- P

And a lot of linux users bagged him on /.

None too happy about replacing ALSA with his own toy.

Not often would I point you at /. but here is the exception.


*** NOTE *** Please DO NOT CC me. I  subscribed to the list.
Mail to the sender address that does not originate at the list server is 
tarpitted. The reply-to: address is provided for those who feel compelled to 
reply off list. Thankyou.

This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

Re: Very strange cvs performance.

2011-07-16 Thread Claudio Jeker
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 03:16:29AM -0300, Christiano F. Haesbaert wrote:
> Hi there, I have a local mirror of cvs src, everything works fine, except that
> the IO seems to take place in another disk.
> I have a very very very very slow udma controller in wd0 (the ultra 5 one):
> wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2
> So I keep my cvs in a faster controller/disk:
> wd1(pciide1:2:0): using BIOS timings, Ultra-DMA mode 7
> I have this, so you can see, most stuff is on the slow controller. 
> /dev/wd0a on / type ffs (local)
> /dev/wd0d on /tmp type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> /dev/wd0g on /usr type ffs (NFS exported, local, nodev)
> /dev/wd0e on /var type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
> /dev/wd1a on /data/sta type ffs (NFS exported, local, nodev, nosuid)
> Here is the weird part, /cvs points to /data/sta/cvs (which is in the fast
> controller)
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   14 Jul 13 19:55 cvs@ -> /data/sta/cvs/
> Now watch what happends when I 'cvs up' from another machine:
> == No cvs up, disk mostly idle ==
> gandalf:haesbaert: iostat -w 3 
>   ttywd0 cd0 wd1 cpu
>  tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
>0   41 11.68   3 0.03   0.00   0 0.00  49.91   5 0.25   1  0  2  1 96
>0   74  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
>0   98 13.71   7 0.09   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
> == cvs up, wd1 transaction should go up roof ==
> gandalf:haesbaert: iostat -w 3 
>   ttywd0 cd0 wd1 cpu
>  tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
>0   41 11.68   3 0.03   0.00   0 0.00  49.91   5 0.25   1  0  2  1 96
>0   98  9.52 263 2.45   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   5  0  9  3 84
>0   25  9.53 277 2.58   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  5  0 94
>0   49  9.51 282 2.62   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   2  0  7  1 90
>0   49  9.67 258 2.44   0.00   0 0.00  64.00   0 0.02   1  0  5  1 93
> But no, IO seems to take place mostly in wd0, I've confirmed swap was not 
> taking
> place, I shut down everything, top showed 100mb+ free:
> load averages:  2.23,  1.02,  0.65
> gandalf.midearth 03:12:25
> 42 processes:  1 running, 40 idle, 1 on processor
> CPU states:  1.6% user,  0.0% nice,  4.9% system,  0.4% interrupt, 93.2% idle
> Memory: Real: 19M/64M act/tot  Free: 176M  Swap: 16M/1024M used/tot
> The user doing the cvs has a home in /home/ which is in wd0.
> I'm also able to hear wd0 (different sound than wd1), so I know fstat is 
> telling
> the truth.
> What's hapenning ? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something real simple, just to 
> have
> an insight, a 'cvs up' is taking more than 30min. 

cvs is also using /tmp which is on wd0 for temporary files.

:wq Claudio

Re: Laffs with Lennart

2011-07-16 Thread Peter N. M. Hansteen
Chris Cappuccio  writes:

> Lennart Poettering has graced the world with his brilliance one more
> time.  Why?  Lennart doesn't "think BSD is too relevant anymore."

It would be almost tempting to ask if he uses ssh much and if so which
one, but I'm not sure I'd bother.

- P
Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

Very strange cvs performance.

2011-07-16 Thread Christiano F. Haesbaert
Hi there, I have a local mirror of cvs src, everything works fine, except that
the IO seems to take place in another disk.

I have a very very very very slow udma controller in wd0 (the ultra 5 one):

wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2

So I keep my cvs in a faster controller/disk:

wd1(pciide1:2:0): using BIOS timings, Ultra-DMA mode 7

I have this, so you can see, most stuff is on the slow controller. 

/dev/wd0a on / type ffs (local)
/dev/wd0d on /tmp type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd0g on /usr type ffs (NFS exported, local, nodev)
/dev/wd0e on /var type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd1a on /data/sta type ffs (NFS exported, local, nodev, nosuid)

Here is the weird part, /cvs points to /data/sta/cvs (which is in the fast

lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel   14 Jul 13 19:55 cvs@ -> /data/sta/cvs/

Now watch what happends when I 'cvs up' from another machine:

== No cvs up, disk mostly idle ==

gandalf:haesbaert: iostat -w 3 
  ttywd0 cd0 wd1 cpu
 tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0   41 11.68   3 0.03   0.00   0 0.00  49.91   5 0.25   1  0  2  1 96
   0   74  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
   0   98 13.71   7 0.09   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100

== cvs up, wd1 transaction should go up roof ==
gandalf:haesbaert: iostat -w 3 
  ttywd0 cd0 wd1 cpu
 tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
   0   41 11.68   3 0.03   0.00   0 0.00  49.91   5 0.25   1  0  2  1 96
   0   98  9.52 263 2.45   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   5  0  9  3 84
   0   25  9.53 277 2.58   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  5  0 94
   0   49  9.51 282 2.62   0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   2  0  7  1 90
   0   49  9.67 258 2.44   0.00   0 0.00  64.00   0 0.02   1  0  5  1 93

But no, IO seems to take place mostly in wd0, I've confirmed swap was not taking
place, I shut down everything, top showed 100mb+ free:

load averages:  2.23,  1.02,  0.65
gandalf.midearth 03:12:25
42 processes:  1 running, 40 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states:  1.6% user,  0.0% nice,  4.9% system,  0.4% interrupt, 93.2% idle
Memory: Real: 19M/64M act/tot  Free: 176M  Swap: 16M/1024M used/tot

The user doing the cvs has a home in /home/ which is in wd0.
I'm also able to hear wd0 (different sound than wd1), so I know fstat is telling
the truth.

What's hapenning ? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something real simple, just to 
an insight, a 'cvs up' is taking more than 30min. 


gandalf:sta: dmesg  

console is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/se@14,40:a
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2011 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.

OpenBSD 4.9 (GENERIC) #241: Tue Feb 15 16:08:29 MST 2011
real mem = 268435456 (256MB)
avail mem = 251617280 (239MB)
mainbus0 at root: Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 400MHz)
cpu0 at mainbus0: SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi (rev 9.1) @ 400 MHz
cpu0: physical 16K instruction (32 b/l), 16K data (32 b/l), 2048K external (64
psycho0 at mainbus0 addr 0xfffc4000: SUNW,sabre, impl 0, version 0, ign 7c0
psycho0: bus range 0-3, PCI bus 0
psycho0: dvma map c000-dfff
pci0 at psycho0
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 1 "Sun Simba PCI-PCI" rev 0x13
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
ebus0 at pci1 dev 1 function 0 "Sun PCIO EBus2" rev 0x01
auxio0 at ebus0 addr 726000-726003, 728000-728003, 72a000-72a003, 72c000-72c003,
power0 at ebus0 addr 724000-724003 ivec 0x25
"SUNW,pll" at ebus0 addr 504000-504002 not configured
sab0 at ebus0 addr 40-40007f ivec 0x2b: rev 3.2
sabtty0 at sab0 port 0: console
sabtty1 at sab0 port 1
comkbd0 at ebus0 addr 3083f8-3083ff ivec 0x29: no keyboard
comms0 at ebus0 addr 3062f8-3062ff ivec 0x2a
wsmouse0 at comms0 mux 0
lpt0 at ebus0 addr 3043bc-3043cb, 30015c-30015d, 70-7f ivec 0x22: polled
"fdthree" at ebus0 addr 3023f0-3023f7, 706000-70600f, 72-720003 ivec 0x27
not configured
clock1 at ebus0 addr 0-1fff: mk48t59
"flashprom" at ebus0 addr 0-f not configured
audioce0 at ebus0 addr 20-2000ff, 702000-70200f, 704000-70400f,
722000-722003 ivec 0x23 ivec 0x24: nvaddrs 0
audio0 at audioce0
hme0 at pci1 dev 1 function 1 "Sun HME" rev 0x01: ivec 0x7e1, address
nsphy0 at hme0 phy 1: DP83840 10/100 PHY, rev. 1
machfb0 at pci1 dev 2 function 0 "ATI Mach64" rev 0x5c
machfb0: ATY,GT-C, 1152x900
wsdisplay0 at machfb0 mux 1
wsdisplay0: screen 0 added (std, sun emulation)
pciide0 at pci1 dev 3 function 0 "CMD Technology PCI0646" rev 0x03: DMA, channel
0 configured to native-PCI, channel 1 configur