Re: Removal of old libraries

2016-11-13 Thread Clint Pachl

Amit Kulkarni wrote on 11/08/16 07:22:

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 12:53 AM, Clint Pachl  wrote:

Ax0n wrote on 09/03/16 13:12:

I've got a Toshiba NB305 netbook that's been my daily-use laptop for more
than 6 years now. The last fresh install I did was OpenBSD 4.9-RELEASE in
early May 2011. I've been quite happy with how it works, and I've been
doing bsd.rd upgrades and M:Tier binary updates ever since.

There is a lot of seemingly unused cruft in /usr/local/lib -- stuff with
atime of my last level 0 dump several months ago.   Looks like pkg_add -u
left a bunch of stuff behind. Is there a recommended way to clean this
stuff up, or should I just start chopping away with something like:

find /usr/local/lib -type f -atime +90 | doas xargs rm

(after a new level 0 dump, obviously...)

Ax0n wrote on 09/03/16 13:12:

I've got a Toshiba NB305 netbook that's been my daily-use laptop for more
than 6 years now. The last fresh install I did was OpenBSD 4.9-RELEASE in
early May 2011. I've been quite happy with how it works, and I've been
doing bsd.rd upgrades and M:Tier binary updates ever since.

There is a lot of seemingly unused cruft in /usr/local/lib -- stuff with


atime of my last level 0 dump several months ago.   Looks like pkg_add -u
left a bunch of stuff behind. Is there a recommended way to clean this
stuff up, or should I just start chopping away with something like:

find /usr/local/lib -type f -atime +90 | doas xargs rm

(after a new level 0 dump, obviously...)

I've been removing the old system during the upgrade script since 4.9,
coincidentally. I haven't had a problem yet while upgrading two production
servers and my two laptops, from release to release.

After selecting the OS sets during the upgrade, but before hitting ENTER,
type ! at the “Set name(s)?� prompt to enter a shell. Then run: `cd /mnt


rm -rf bin sbin usr/!(local) && exit`. Then just hit enter and continue
running the upgrade script.

WARNING: this will wipe out your system, so if the upgrade fails for some
reason, you are TOTALLY SCREWED!

I periodically (every few releases) clean out /usr/local. First, get a
list of manually installed packages using `pkg_info -m`. Then uninstall
everything. It is interesting to see what gets left behind. If any garbage
is left over, remove it. Then reinstall from your generated list. I don't
do this very often anymore as `pkg_delete -a` seems to clean up quite well.

As insurance, I take level 0 dumps just before upgrading or cleaning
/usr/local. Also, one of my laptops is a spare that has all the same
software installed as the production servers and my main laptop. So this
laptop is a test run if you will. If there are quirks, my main laptop is my
second chance to make sure I know what the hell I'm doing before finally
upgrading my two production systems.

Also, just a public announcement, test your restore-from-backup process
once in awhile.

I've always thought about sharing this process, but always thought it is
probably not the best advice.


pkg_add sysclean

This will restore your system as close to a new install as possible. What
you are doing is quite dangerous.

But the very next step in the upgrade blows away the system by 
overwriting it anyway. Right?

What could happen? What if following the normal procedure of untaring 
the OS sets on top of the existing system fails midway? Then you have an 
inconsistent system too.

I'd rather start with a clean slate and build on top of that than chip 
away at an existing, running system, which others have recommended via 
the sysclean package (I haven't looked at the code so I don't know what 
it does, but I wouldn't trust it until I inspected the code).

I have all my OS sets and packages stored on a local server along with 
my level 0 dumps, which I've never needed by the way. If the worst 
happens, I just PXE boot the ramdisk image and do a quick restore of the 
system to where it was just before the upgrade.

I've always liked the clean install process, and this modified process 
gets me close without actually doing a clean install. I've done this for 
11 releases now with 4 systems without any problems. Just thought I'd 
share, but with the warnings I provided earlier.

This behavior of mine may stem from my days as a hard-real-time embedded 
systems engineer where we had to get rid of every single byte that did 
not matter. I used to count the assembly instructions and add up all the 
clock cycles for each hardware interrupt routine to make sure we would 
never stall/slow the system. I just like minimal I guess.

Re: Laptop Recommendations?

2016-11-13 Thread Nathan Koch
Thanks for all the support everyone. I'm weighing my options.


On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 04:20:15PM -0500, Donald Allen wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 3:06 PM, Mihai Popescu  wrote:
> > Folks, pay attention, please! The OP asked about a laptop.
> > Pansonic Thoughbook is not a laptop! It's a real desktop.
> >
es> I think the folks *are* paying attention. For example:
> >
> > Thanks.

Re: Running OpenSMTPD at home behind a cloud proxy

2016-11-13 Thread Jiri B
On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 10:51:22PM +0100, Joris Vanhecke wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'd like to pull my emails out of the cloud and run them on a local
> server (pcengines APU2 looks good).
> My ISP blocks tcp ports below 1024 and sending email from a residential
> (dynamic) IP might mark my email as spam.
> Right now I'm thinking of renting a cheap VPS and using it as a proxy
> for my home server which would use a dynamic DNS.
> I don't really want a copy of the email on the VPS so I was planning to
> use relayd or socat to route incoming traffic to my local OpenSMTPD
> server.
> But I don't really see a way to proxy outgoing connections from smtpd...
> Any ideas?

What about to have paused remote delivery on cloud proxy (and deliver
on request initiated from home server) and paused remote delivery on home
mail server as well and unpause the queue when you do tcp port forwardning
to cloud host as well.

Or just run VPN between cloud host and home host. If either of them won't
be available your mail will stay in queue.


Re: Running OpenSMTPD at home behind a cloud proxy

2016-11-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 14/11/16 07:51, Joris Vanhecke wrote:
> Right now I'm thinking of renting a cheap VPS and using it as a proxy
> for my home server which would use a dynamic DNS.
> I don't really want a copy of the email on the VPS so I was planning to
> use relayd or socat to route incoming traffic to my local OpenSMTPD
> server.
> But I don't really see a way to proxy outgoing connections from smtpd...

socat could do the job… provided you've got something to daemonise it.
(e.g. supervisord)

Another one to look at would be xinetd (isn't in ports, so that'll have
to be hand compiled/installed) which amongst other things, can proxy a
service.  Something like:

> service https_port_forward
> {
> flags = IPv6   # Use AF_INET6 as the protocol family
> disable = no   # Enable this service
> type = UNLISTED# Not listed in standard system file
> socket_type = stream   # Use "stream" socket (aka TCP)
> protocol = tcp # Protocol used by the service
> user = nobody  # Run proxy as user 'nobody'
> wait = no  # Do not wait for close, spawn a thread instead
> redirect = yourhost.dynamicdns.service 65025 # Your OpenSMTPD server port
> only_from = ::/0 # Allow world + dog
> port = 25  # Listen on port 25
> }

The 'yourhost.dynamicdns.service' could also be an entry in /etc/hosts
too, since it's only the VPS that needs to know about it.

I used something similar to work-around OpenVPN being unable to listen
to a dual-stack TCP socket for port-sharing with HTTPS.

nginx also has a SMTP proxy feature:

Or you can go the whole hog and have your host VPN in to the VPS and
have the VPS do firewall-level port forwarding, which side-steps what
the ISP might do nicely.

Hadn't heard of relayd though, I might have a look at it.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Running OpenSMTPD at home behind a cloud proxy

2016-11-13 Thread Joris Vanhecke
Hey all,

I'd like to pull my emails out of the cloud and run them on a local
server (pcengines APU2 looks good).
My ISP blocks tcp ports below 1024 and sending email from a residential
(dynamic) IP might mark my email as spam.

Right now I'm thinking of renting a cheap VPS and using it as a proxy
for my home server which would use a dynamic DNS.
I don't really want a copy of the email on the VPS so I was planning to
use relayd or socat to route incoming traffic to my local OpenSMTPD

But I don't really see a way to proxy outgoing connections from smtpd...

Any ideas?


Re: OpenBSD 6.0 and emacs.

2016-11-13 Thread Mihai Popescu
| Since going to 6.0  emacs-24.5p5-gtk2   has randomly and infrequently been non
| responsive and consuming one CPU.

Be very careful with this, you may run out of CPUs and who knows, this
beast can randomly and quite frequently bite from your RAMs and SSDs
... in a non responsive feelings about your screams.

| The only way to stop is a kill -9. This is on a 32 system, and the only thing
| strange I did was to use gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.20.0p1 to stop
the errors on
| emacs initial load

You mean to stop what? Eating all your computer? Ah, I see it, you are
taliking about system 32 type. Yep, well known type, it looks like it
is preffered by emacs.
What again? Emacs called for help on gsettings-desktop-schemas? Bloody
hell! Oh, this is the initial meal, only. Sorry, I mean load. I see it

| Is this a known problem, and if not any ideas on how to track the
problem down.

Well, I don't know about "known problem", but I would try to put some
salt on the remaining CPUs. Who knows, maybe emacs is not for salty

Please, please, do not send your dmesg, 32 syste type is well known
around here. Do not send some commands outputs, emacs is by itself

Re: Mount HDD USB on 6.0 Stable: Fail

2016-11-13 Thread David Coppa
On Sun, 13 Nov 2016, Stephane HUC "CIOTBSD" wrote:

> $ disklabel sd1
> # /dev/rsd1c:
> type: SCSI
> disk: SCSI disk
> label: 3AS
> duid: 
> flags:
> bytes/sector: 512
> sectors/track: 63
> tracks/cylinder: 255
> sectors/cylinder: 16065
> cylinders: 38913
> total sectors: 625142448
> boundstart: 0
> boundend: 625142448
> drivedata: 0
> 16 partitions:
> #size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
>   c:6251424480  unused
>   i:625139712 2048   MSDOS

Now that I've read your mail carefully...

Why is your disk of type "MSDOS"?

It should be "NTFS".

Here's the output of disklabel for a ntfs formatted pendrive I have


# /dev/rsd2c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: TS4GJFV30   
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 498
total sectors: 8011774
boundstart: 0
boundend: 8011774
drivedata: 0 

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  c:  80117740  unused
  i:  8009726 2048NTFS



Re: Mount HDD USB on 6.0 Stable: Fail

2016-11-13 Thread Stephane HUC "CIOTBSD"
On 11/13/16 21:32, Mihai Popescu wrote:
> Why don't you run hotplug-diskmount directly in a terminal an see what
> is the message, if any?


# /usr/local/libexec/hotplug-diskmount cleanup 3AS
# /usr/local/libexec/hotplug-diskmount attach 3AS

# ls -al /vol/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel  512 Nov 13 21:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 root  wheel  512 Nov  6 18:19 ..
drwx--   2 root  wheel  512 Nov 13 21:47 .db
drwx--   2 my_userid   wheel  512 Nov 13 21:47 3AS

# ls -al /vol/3AS/
total 8
drwx--  2 my_userid   wheel  512 Nov 13 21:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  512 Nov 13 21:47 ..

~ " Fully Basic System Distinguish Life! " ~ " Libre as a BSD " +=<<<

Stephane HUC as PengouinPdt or CIOTBSD

Re: Mount HDD USB on 6.0 Stable: Fail

2016-11-13 Thread Mihai Popescu
Why don't you run hotplug-diskmount directly in a terminal an see what
is the message, if any?

OpenBSD 6.0 and emacs.

2016-11-13 Thread Peter Fraser
Since going to 6.0  emacs-24.5p5-gtk2   has randomly and infrequently been non
responsive and consuming one CPU.

The only way to stop is a kill -9. This is on a 32 system, and the only thing
strange I did was to
use gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.20.0p1 to stop the errors on emacs initial

Is this a known problem, and if not any ideas on how to track the problem

Re: Mount HDD USB on 6.0 Stable: Fail

2016-11-13 Thread Stephane HUC "CIOTBSD"
Not anyway!

It's installed ;)

$ pkg_info -Q ntfs
ntfs_3g-2016.2.22 (installed)

On 11/13/16 18:44, David Coppa wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Stephane HUC "CIOTBSD"
>  wrote:
>> Hi, all
>> I attempt to mount an external HDD, on my OBSD 6.0 stable.
>> For this, i use 'hotplug-diskmount' in version 1.0.2 downloaded on this url:
>> Because, this version seems to support NTFS.
>> (see, official info on the webpage project:
>> I configured /etc/rc.conf.local as:
>> $ egrep "hotplug" /etc/rc.conf.local
>> hotplugd_flags=
>> After adding Fuse package, i make and install:
>> $ pkg_info -Q fuse
>> enblend-enfuse-4.0p4
>> exfat-fuse-1.2.4 (installed)
>> fuse-1.1.1p0 (installed)
>> fuse-utils-1.1.1p1 (installed)
>> fuse-zip-0.4.0 (installed)
>> libconfuse-2.7p3
>> py-defusedxml-0.4.1p0
>> sshfs-fuse-2.5 (installed)
> You're probably missing ntfs_3g:
> # pkg_add ntfs_3g
> quirks-2.270 signed on 2016-11-12T12:50:18Z
> ntfs_3g-2016.2.22: ok
> Install it, and retry.
> Ciao!
> David

~ " Fully Basic System Distinguish Life! " ~ " Libre as a BSD " +=<<<

Stephane HUC as PengouinPdt or CIOTBSD

Re: Mount HDD USB on 6.0 Stable: Fail

2016-11-13 Thread David Coppa
On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Stephane HUC "CIOTBSD"
> Hi, all
> I attempt to mount an external HDD, on my OBSD 6.0 stable.
> For this, i use 'hotplug-diskmount' in version 1.0.2 downloaded on this url:
> Because, this version seems to support NTFS.
> (see, official info on the webpage project:
> I configured /etc/rc.conf.local as:
> $ egrep "hotplug" /etc/rc.conf.local
> hotplugd_flags=
> After adding Fuse package, i make and install:
> $ pkg_info -Q fuse
> enblend-enfuse-4.0p4
> exfat-fuse-1.2.4 (installed)
> fuse-1.1.1p0 (installed)
> fuse-utils-1.1.1p1 (installed)
> fuse-zip-0.4.0 (installed)
> libconfuse-2.7p3
> py-defusedxml-0.4.1p0
> sshfs-fuse-2.5 (installed)

You're probably missing ntfs_3g:

# pkg_add ntfs_3g
quirks-2.270 signed on 2016-11-12T12:50:18Z
ntfs_3g-2016.2.22: ok

Install it, and retry.


Mount HDD USB on 6.0 Stable: Fail

2016-11-13 Thread Stephane HUC "CIOTBSD"
Hi, all

I attempt to mount an external HDD, on my OBSD 6.0 stable.
For this, i use 'hotplug-diskmount' in version 1.0.2 downloaded on this url:

Because, this version seems to support NTFS.
(see, official info on the webpage project:

I configured /etc/rc.conf.local as:
$ egrep "hotplug" /etc/rc.conf.local


After adding Fuse package, i make and install:
$ pkg_info -Q fuse
exfat-fuse-1.2.4 (installed)
fuse-1.1.1p0 (installed)
fuse-utils-1.1.1p1 (installed)
fuse-zip-0.4.0 (installed)
sshfs-fuse-2.5 (installed)

$ make
cc -O2 -pipe-c hotplug-diskmount.c
hotplug-diskmount.c: In function 'do_mount':
hotplug-diskmount.c:355: warning: passing argument 2 of 'execv' from
incompatible pointer type
hotplug-diskmount.c: In function 'do_fsck':
hotplug-diskmount.c:388: warning: passing argument 2 of 'execv' from
incompatible pointer type
hotplug-diskmount.c: In function 'do_ntfs3g':
hotplug-diskmount.c:434: warning: passing argument 2 of 'execv' from
incompatible pointer type
hotplug-diskmount.c: In function 'get_ntfs3g_label':
hotplug-diskmount.c:469: warning: passing argument 2 of 'execv' from
incompatible pointer type
cc   -o hotplug-diskmount hotplug-diskmount.o
  # make install
install -c -S -s  -o root -g bin  -m 555 hotplug-diskmount
install -c -o root -g bin -m 444  hotplug-diskmount.8

I initialize hotplug-diskmount:
# /usr/local/libexec/hotplug-diskmount init

And, set enable and active this:
# rcctl enable hotplugd
# rcctl start hotplugd

The file /etc/hotplug/attach contains:
# /etc/hotplug/{attach,detach}


case "${DEVCLASS}" in
/usr/local/libexec/hotplug-diskmount attach -u "$LOGIN" -m 0700

Thoses rights are:
$ ls -al /etc/hotplug/attach

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  212 Nov  6 12:52 /etc/hotplug/attach*


When i attempt to mount NTFS USB HDD, it fails.

# dmesg
umass0 at uhub0 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "JMicron USB to
ATA/ATAPI bridge" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 6
umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
scsibus4 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
sd1 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun 0:  SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd1: 305245MB, 512 bytes/sector, 625142448 sectors

$ disklabel sd1
# /dev/rsd1c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: 3AS
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 38913
total sectors: 625142448
boundstart: 0
boundend: 625142448
drivedata: 0

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
  c:6251424480  unused
  i:625139712 2048   MSDOS

$ mount | egrep "sd1"

$ ls -al /vol/

total 16
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel  512 Nov 13 16:05 ./
drwxr-xr-x  14 root  wheel  512 Nov  6 18:19 ../
drwx--   2 root  wheel  512 Nov 13 16:05 .db/
drwx--   2 my_userid   wheel  512 Nov 13 16:05 3AS/
$ ls -al /vol/3AS/

total 8
drwx--  2 zou   wheel  512 Nov 13 16:05 ./
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  512 Nov 13 16:05 ../

Nothing, it's displaying.

If, i wrote:
# mount /dev/sd1i usb/

mount_msdos: /dev/sd1i on /home/zou/usb: not an MSDOS filesystem

Normal, it's really NTFS!

When i use mount_ntfs:
# mount_ntfs /dev/sd1i usb/
$ ls -al usb/

total 150472
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid  2560 Jan  1  1601 $AttrDef*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Mar 16  2015 $BadClus*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid   9767808 Jan  1  1601 $Bitmap*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid  8192 Mar 16  2015 $Boot*
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Mar 16  2015 $Extend/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid  67108864 Mar 16  2015 $LogFile*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid  4096 Mar 16  2015 $MFTMirr*
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Nov  9 09:49 $RECYCLE.BIN/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Mar 16  2015 $Secure*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid131072 Jan  1  1601 $UpCase*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Mar 16  2015 $Volume*
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Jan  1  1601 ./
drwxr-xr-x  37 my_userid  my_userid  1536 Nov 13 15:48 ../
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid21 Nov  2 05:50 .cm0013*
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Oct 18 10:36 Data/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid  7260 Nov  2 05:50
DataMigrationScript Sirius to Sirius.bat*
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Oct 28 13:01 Documentation/
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Oct 21 12:59 Drivers/
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid 0 Nov  2 05:00 FBSD/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 my_userid  my_userid  1488 Nov  2 05:50 Licence
drwxr-xr-x   1 my_u