Re: [website] Incorrect release date on the front page

2019-04-27 Thread Anonymous
Theo de Raadt:
> wrote:
>> Anonymous writes:
>>> Otto Moerbeek:
>>>> On Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 03:13:00PM +, Anonymous wrote:
>>>>> Here too:
>>>> Does it matter? It is very common for publications to be dated in the
>>>> future. 
>>> No, it's not common, neither for software releases nor for texts
>>> published online (blogposts, fiction, etc). Maybe you're talking about
>>> some niche. And yes, it matters because it's confusing: I opened the
>>> front page soon after the release but was in doubt whether it's for real
>>> because of the date.
>> Well I'm not an author, editor, publisher or printer but I'm fairly sure
>> nobody's ever gone from "I'm going to write a book" to "this book has been
>> printed and is already on the shelves" in less than 24 hours, so
>> publishing "in advance" like this makes total sense.
>> A bit weird but luckily I'm not a complete fucking moron so I'm able to
>> work out that when something says "released* on [future date]" that time
>> travel was not invented while I wasn't looking and that a week here or
>> there just doesn't matter.
>> People pointing out spelling mistakes have more utility than this thread.
> Looking closer, the release directory contains root.mail which is dated
> May 1.  That file is also contained in the base set for each
> architecture, which is hashed and signed.  Sometimes tar'd, hashed, and
> signed.  There are also many binaries and files throughout the release
> which aren't date May 1.  It is a pretty unkempt state of affairs.
> Obviously to repair some of these issues, we should change the date in
> that file (and some other files also) and re-roll all the release
> builds.  Starting now.  Which will take some time.  Sadly, those
> repaired files will miss May 1, which is sure to elicit new complaints.
> Ironic isn't it?  Just-in-time is difficult in the real world.
> I suggest the OP learns to let it go.  Or visiting a clinic for some
> therapy, in most countries this is government subsidized.
> The observant among you will have noticed that most errata+syspatch go
> out a day early also.  We've got a good justification for that though --
> we are pandering to folk on the early side of the dateline.  You can
> conclude the 6.5 release was made available on-time, as we are pandering
> to people on the early side of the weekline.  I'll probably pander to
> someone else for the 6.6 release.
> I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say `hello,
> goodbye,' I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
The reason for concern is that if the date is wrong then the
infrastructure used to roll out the release has a bug which can have
whatever consequences so rushing to download is unwise. But yes, I see
that nothing has changed since the 70s, same moronic attitude towards
people confused by Unix shit. At least you are funny morons, I give you

Re: [website] Incorrect release date on the front page

2019-04-27 Thread Anonymous
Otto Moerbeek:
> On Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 03:13:00PM +0000, Anonymous wrote:
>> Here too:
> Does it matter? It is very common for publications to be dated in the
> future. 
>   -Otto

No, it's not common, neither for software releases nor for texts
published online (blogposts, fiction, etc). Maybe you're talking about
some niche. And yes, it matters because it's confusing: I opened the
front page soon after the release but was in doubt whether it's for real
because of the date.

[website] Incorrect release date on the front page

2019-04-27 Thread Anonymous
Here too:

Re: Bitcoin client for OpenBSD?

2012-10-16 Thread Anonymous
You wrote:

> 2012/10/16 Fritz Wuehler 
> :
> > ...snip... Bottom line
> > appears to be a lone miner with a normal desktop computer is not going to be
> > able to do anything but heat up his room. I agree bitcoin is a cool concept
> > and design and the history is fascinating. But we are probably priced out.
> >
> I don't see much difference to 'real money' when thinking from
> standpoint of a lone miner with a normal desktop printer.
> we don't create the money, we just trade it, be it buying things or
> working to earn it etc..

That's a good comparison and it is the point I was making. Nobody has ever
legally printed money with his own printer but people have been able to mine
bitcoins with their own computers until recently. That was the original
point of bitcoin and it is already on the verge of disappearing. bitcoin was
supposed to be decentralized currency but because of increasing resources
needed for mining that part is no longer relevant. 

Do you really want another unelected federal reserve board of bitcoin? That
kind of defeats the purpose.

Re: Skype.

2012-10-16 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
You wrote:

> On 16 October 2012 19:48, David Coppa  wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 7:40 AM, Jay Patel  wrote:
> >> Hi ... i copied the under /usr/local/purple/  but it wont
> >> show up under adding account or in plugin options to  link this
> >> library to pidgin to get access to skype.. let me know ...
> >>
> I would have thought a better route would be inside a Linux/Windows VM
> inside of QEMU?

But then sound won't usually work, which sort of defeats the point of
skype. There are much better IM networks and clients than skype. What there
isn't so far is a voice chat that's better than skype, although they only
offer it on 32 bit Linux and Windows and some other not very useful fringe

Re: Bitcoin client for OpenBSD?

2012-10-15 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
You wrote:

> Anonymous writes:
> > Is there a bitcoin client for OpenBSD or is anyone porting one?
> pstumpf@ posted one to ports@ a few months back:
> Haven't heard of any updates since then.

Thanks I'll have a look.

Bitcoin client for OpenBSD?

2012-10-15 Thread Anonymous
Is there a bitcoin client for OpenBSD or is anyone porting one? Seems like
OpenBSD would be a good OS to host a client considering there are viruses
and exploits of that well known *cough* OS *cough* that too many people use.

Re: Dilemma: between OpenBSD and NetBSD

2012-08-10 Thread Anonymous
You wrote:

> A client of mine asked me if I can develop a BSD project for them. I don't 
> have much experience with BSDs, and I have been collecting some background 
> information.
> I was given the choice between OpenBSD and NetBSD.
> Now, since portability is not all that important, I was oriented towards 
> OpenBSD, which is more secure. The only problem might be the lack of certain 
> features on OpenBSD, such as support for a modern filesystem. As I said, I 
> don't know much about BSDs, so don't flame at me if I say something 
> incorrect. In fact, I am asking your advice. 
> What I would need for my project is a filesystem that supports, at least, 
> journaling. From what I have seen, NetBSD already has that, while OpenBSD 
> doesn't.
> Has any modern filesystem been ported to OpenBSD? I really need to know, 
> because this issue may constitute a stumbling block to my adoption of OpenBSD.
> Thanks
> Ben J. Rafter

Ben, damn glad to meet you and trim those line lengths! It looks like you're
posting from Microsoft Outhouse! 340 characters is TOO FUCKING HIGH!

Now on to the question you didn't ask but really needs to be asked:

Is it better for you and your client to run their project on a filesystem
that doesn't journal but on an operating system that stays up, or would it
be better for you to run with a journaling filesystem on an OS that can't
stay up? Forgive my bluntness, but I think that speaks to the heart of your
question! If I'm not wrong about you, you're going to need a journaling
filesystem little buddy! 

Ben Dover

Re: OpenBSD forked

2012-06-24 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
Marc Espie wrote:

> W. Richard Stevens was THE best unix books author *ever*, bar none.
> He's on a par with such CS giants as Don Knuth, writing-wise.
> "Advanced Unix programming" is *the* best book to understand how
> to write Unix code, PERIOD.

Are you saying the 1992 edition is still worthwhile now in 2012?

Re: German Government claims to be able to break PGP and SSH

2012-05-24 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
You wrote:

> Hi there!
> What do you guys think about the reliability of the news (unfortunatelly
> in German only) on
> (
> entschluesseln-1205-92031.html) that the German government claims to be
> able to break PGP and SSH. The official answer to some MPs and the party
> "Die Linke" is here:
> eldeaufklaerung-durch-geheimdienste-des-bundes
> For the non-German speaking (found on page 3 of the official document):
> Question:
> "3. Is the technique used also able to at least in part decode and/or
> analyze encrypted communication (e.g. by SSH of PGP)?"
> Answer:
> "Yes, the technique used is in principle able to do this,

Another theoretical attack? Yawn

RC4? MD5? don't use them.

> depending on the way and quality
512 bit pubkeys, definitely factorable. 768 maybe. 1024 with the help of the
MIBs. More than that, not for another 5-10 years. If you have the private
key, weak passphrases are always susceptible to dictionary attacks.

> Is this some sort of Governmental FUD by just NOT adding like "if
> the password/passphrase is weak enough"?

Can't read the article but sounds like FUD from what they answered.

Password or passphrase has nothing to do with breaking PGP or SSH unless you
have the user's private key. Only the length of the public key matters. Use
2048 bit keys and nobody is getting your plaintext without bashing your balls.



Delete key not working "normally" in Emacs console mode

2012-05-15 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
I am running OpenBSD 5.1 SPARC (32 bit) under QEMU. It seems to work
perfectly except for a couple of minor annoyances one of which may be QEMU

In Emacs 23.4.1 -no-x from packages I am having a problem getting both
backspace and delete to work correctly at the same time, correctly being
defined as backspace causing the cursor to move to the left and consume
characters and delete as remaining in the current column and consuming
characters to the right. Terminal type is sun (default).

Can anyone help with this please? Thank you.

Re: Suggestion

2012-03-11 Thread Anonymous
You wrote:

> On Sunday 11 March 2012 07:57:35 Nomen Nescio wrote:
> > You wrote:
> > 
> > > On Friday 09 March 2012 13:10:13 Nomen Nescio wrote:
> > > > > Who in their right mind would EVER want to run this crap?
> > > > 
> > > > You answered your own question. My guess? People who are too cheap to 
> > > > buy
> > > > Windows and too stupid to figure out how to find a free copy of XP or 
> > > > Win 7
> > > > on the net and do the activation or find a password. That's a pretty 
> > > > small
> > > > user space.
> > > 
> > > Free copy's of Windows? Do  they exist?
> > 
> > The point is if you want Windows you have two ways of getting it. You can
> > buy a copy or rip one off. Got it now? Either one runs better than FreactOS
> > 
> It was a retoriocal question? Got it now?

No and I don't think you do either. Did you mean it was a sarcastic
question? If so, I got it. My comments were rhetorical, yours may have been
sarcasm but I didn't get it ;-)

Re: Suggestion

2012-03-11 Thread Anonymous
> > > Violating copyright laws because "software should be free" or "I found it
> > > on the Internet!!!" is dangerous if you actually have a job or your mommy
> > > and daddy aren't willing to pay your legal costs if you get caught. Like
> > > stealing money from winos, you might not get caught but it teaches
> > > dangerous habits that shouldn't be taught in your social life or
> > > professional life. OpenBSD and the other open sourced operating systems
> > > have been very good about this: Nomen should not be suggesting dangerous
> > > habits on a public mailing list.

I was not suggesting anything. I was answering a rhetorical question with a
rhetorical answer. Read what I wrote and don't have a cow, dude. If you want
Windows you can buy a copy or rip one off. That is the reality. FreactOS
isn't going to help people who want Windows.

> > My question was retorical.

So was my answer your question was based on.

> I'm afraid that some folks do think that pirated copies are "free". Ethics
> can be very difficult: is it ethical to steal from a thief?

Yes, see below :-)

> For someone who's living in the "I can steal it for free, why bother with
> a freeware one" world, explaining ethical or moral behavior can be
> awkward.

Because freeware has to have advantages other than being free. OpenBSD is not
good because it's free as in beer, it's good because it's good for technical
reasons. The fact it's free as in not GPL, and doesn't cost money is just
more to like about it. It is not the main thing to like about it. 

There's that and the twenty some odd boxes I bought in the last 20 years
that had various versions of Windows forcibly installed that I paid for,
most without any install media. Forgive me for not feeling like a criminal
when I run bootlegged copies of XP in a VM to do stuff for $WORK since I do
believe I have the right to run to run copies of the Curse of Redmond
without pissing further hard earned $CURRENCY away on them. BTW Redmond
assholes, if you're reading this, you shitheads owe me twenty fucking CDs
with your shit-for-an-OS installation on them. Until then, FUCK YOU! Go
Chinese hackers, you rock! ;-) Keep on crackin' it babe, keep on crackin' it.

As far as I'm concerned, Microsoft is the criminal. The people who rip off
copies are justified based on MicroPimp's criminal business practices. Don't try
to extrapolate this to other issues, it's specific to MicroPimp. 

Re: My OpenBSD 5.0 installation experience (long rant)

2012-03-08 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> That's interesting, as for me bsd.rd only creates sd0, so I have to find
> the right sdN in dmesg and then "cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV sdN" if I want to
> install OS there...

as somebody else said the easiest thing is to use whatever fdisk you prefer
and make an OpenBSD partition before starting the OBSD installer. The OBSD
installer usually finds that and you go right to disklabel 

Re: My OpenBSD 5.0 installation experience (long rant)

2012-03-07 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> So I downloaded all the package files, wrote them to a USB stick,
> created a bootable image with GRUB, booted into the OpenBSD installer
> and off we go. Now, this computer already had Windows 7 and Linux,
> plus about 16 GB of unpartitioned space where OpenBSD is going. It's
> actually the same notebook from two years ago.

Not very smart trying to install another OS on a disk that has anything else
you want on it. I think you took a silly risk. Did you see the part where it
says you're supposed to have a good backup?

> password. Configuration of network interfaces. I'm not actually paying
> a whole lot of attention to the questions as this is just a test
> installation and I figure I can always explore and configure the
> system later.

Big mistake, as you found out later.

> And my partition table is gone. Poof! Instantly, with no confirmation.

Yeah, BSD spares us the endless hair pulling OK "confirmation" dialogs that
come standard with Windows and BSD users appreciate that. No, we demand it.

> I immediately realized what had happened and rebooted. Too late. I got
> a "No OS" message. It seems that the OpenBSD installer actually
> overwrites the partition table the instant you press Enter.

It's pretty offensive when software does what you tell it, is that what you
are saying?

> What saved me was an Ubuntu installation CD and the wonderful tool
> gpart ( With a bit of tinkering in
> gpart and some very careful work with the Linux version of fdisk, I
> managed to reconstruct the partition table and saved my system.

Great. Do that a few more times and you'll have the know-how to multiboot a
new OS. BTW many Linux distros will do the same thing to you. No intelligent
person adds a new OS to an existing disk with important stuff on it unless
he knows what he is doing.

For you, VirtualBox or VMWare would have made alot of sense. It still would
except from your whining I don't really think you're cut out for
OpenBSD. Ubuntu would be good for you, probably.

> Distributing an installation program that can wipe out the user's hard
> disk instantly on a single wrong keystroke, without so much as a
> confirmation prompt is so shortsighted and irresponsible that I can
> barely believe it.

Try installing another copy of Windows on the same disk and let us know how
you make out. Even better, try OS/2. It will nail every disk you have.
Actually so will most Windows, they write bootloaders on every disk they
find, without asking you and with no confirmation dialogs.

> This is not about being an expert user or knowing what you want to do,
> because I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Maybe, but you had no idea *how* to do it. Critical difference there buddy.

> This is about incredibly stupid user interface design. Sorry, it's just
> too unbelievable that someone would think that this is actually a good
> idea.

Well honestly the BSD installers are mostly old and cranky but we know how
they work pretty well by now and they very seldom do anything but what you
tell them. You're coming from Windows and hand-holding "OS" and you got a
taste of a serious OS. You can't really blame the installer for believing
you meant what you typed.
> I joined this mailing list just to tell you this: Right now, I feel
> like never, ever touching OpenBSD with a ten-foot pole again.

Have a nice day luser! I didn't even have to join the list to say that.

Re: Trusting the Installation

2012-03-04 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> the reason is "you can download source code, look at it, make sure for
> yourself there's no backdoors, build your own ISO from source code"

You can but nobody does. If the entire OpenBSD team can't finish a complete
audit of OpenBSD in one release cycle how long do you suppose it would take
one person to do that? Not very practical.

Re: Router project on OpenBSD questions

2012-02-29 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
Brauer spewed:

> * Patrick Lamaiziere  [2012-02-29 13:12]:
> > I don't think.
> it is very tempting to comment on that :)
> > As far I can see here with a rate of 50K packets through the system, it
> > already spents 50% in interrupt.
> oh, really! that applies to each and every box and usage scenario on
> the planet of course. details just complicate things.

What a surprise, another 100% noise level post from Henning. For a smart guy
you sure have alot of free time. Maybe you ought to be designing and coding
more and flaming less huh buddy?

Re: smartphones and managing openbsd servers

2012-02-22 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> I just downloaded PaderSync SSH Trial and I think I will buy the
> full version.

I got it before it was a paid app whilst still in testing. It seems very
good and handles large keys well enough. The only objection I've got is the
menus and dialogs can be a bit wordy but it does seem to work fine.

> It has a semi transparent keyboard with easy
> access to Ctrl, Alt, etc keys (in contrast to ConnectBot)
> and works in landscape mode giving larger characters.

BlackBerrys have a physical keyboard so we've got to use the transparent
onscreen kb just for bits like control and alt keys (emacs is fun on a BB)

> keyboard, ...). It also claims to do scp...

yeah sftp telnet and maybe smb. an nfs client would be grand.

Re: smartphones and managing openbsd servers

2012-02-19 Thread Anonymous
> > What newer smartphones do you recommend for using also as a tool for
> > managing OpenBSD servers (maybe windogs too) ? What experiences had you had
> > with smartphones and OpenBSD managing?

BlackBerry has built in VPN and you can also buy a few different SSH and
SFTP apps.

Re: Backup Redundancy Etcetera

2012-02-07 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> Anonymous  wrote:
> > Solaris
> > ZFS
> I've heard of it (ZFS) but here's the thing, I struggle enough keeping
> up with Wndows and OpenBSD I don't want to put another system into the
> mix.

Understood. Unfortunately or fortunately however you look at it OpenBSD
doesn't have ZFS. But FreeBSD does. That could be another option with less
of a learning curve than Solaris which admittedly is steep. Another thing to
consider is a prebuilt NAS appliance based on FreeBSD or OpenSolaris. There
are numerous ones out check

What ZFS does for you aside from offering pretty high quality software RAID
and other redundancy/protection from data loss is give you really nice
management features like being able to do quotas and resize filesystems and
compress (and with Solaris 11 even encrypt them) all from one central
management interface instead of external or add-on tools. It's one stop
shopping. It also makes NFS and SAMBA less painful since you don't have to
play around with the normal share tables and portmapper stuff (not THAT big
of a deal but not zero) you can just turn features on or off at the ZFS
filesystem level. It's really ideal for a backup or NAS appliance. Again you
must have known good hardware from the disks to the backplane to the RAM or
ZFS will ruin your week or even your whole month. When it works, it
works. When it doesn't, oh shit.

> > You
> > could probably script Filezilla to SSH what you want to the file server.
> Good idea.
> I'll probably end up either installing the Microsoft NFS client and
> scripting that or use the bog standard ftp client and script that.

The problem is the M/S NFS client only works on certain versions of Windows
and not others. Even on the versions it is supposed to work on it doesn't
always work. I have an XP Pro box that SFU refuses to install on.

Re: Backup Redundancy Etcetera

2012-02-06 Thread Anonymous
> Hey.


> Currently my backup regime is woeful.
> I have years worth of work on a Windows machine

> and some stuff
> scattered across OpenBSD machines.
> I'm thinking of building a machine (the file server) to provide some
> backup and central storage.


> Being able to push data to the server manually from Windows and other
> operating systems over the network. SSH or IPsec or similar is my idea
> here.

Windows is a weakspot since it is so bad and has few standard tools. You
could probably script Filezilla to SSH what you want to the file server.
Everybody else can simply mount NFS shares, dead easy with ZFS. Or you could
rsync from non-Windows systems to Solaris.

> Having some mechanism where I can pull onto the server from the
> clients at selected times or poll the machines for changes and update
> the server or something.

You can script cron jobs to rsync from everywhere but on Windows.

> I have no experience here and I'm thinking about acronyms like NFS,
> rsync, etcetera.

NFS is better for sharing in real time. For backups rsync is hard to beat
but Windows is a weak point as mentioned by other posters.

> This is for a small number of machines and low rate data changes but
> if I can find something that's in base, scalable, robust, secure,
> simple, quick ...


> Please give me some recommended acronyms, man pages, etcetera.

PLEASE check the Solaris HCL and possible before
building a file server. If you pick the wrong components, ZFS will hurt you
badly. If you pick the right components you will be so happy.

Re: looking for hardware recommendations, x86 or otherwise.

2012-02-02 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> What's so funny is that they put GNU/Linux on it, when gNU is supposed to
> be about FREE dom. LOL. Fucking LOL.

That's perfect. GNU has nothing to do with free, it has to do with butt
fucking people until they become ASSimilated. Sounds like a match.

> For poor people in third world countries I think they would be better off
> buying used 1ghz-2ghz Desktop computers for $50/each

Obviously you don't live in a 3rd world country. I do and nothing is 50
bucks here except the women. Nobody throws anything out except dead cats
and PCs cost about 350 USD for a new build based on 3-5 year old NOS parts
the Americans dumped on the market after they went obsolete.

Re: sparc64 5.0

2012-01-25 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> Now that I have it setup with the correct package path, etc, I am finding
> out 5.0 is much better than 4.9 was;

Can you say exactly what is better? I found 4.9 very nice and had no issues
running it on a server.

Re: locate weirdness

2012-01-22 Thread Anonymous
> And yet you, L.V. Lammert, 

I am not Lammert. I don't approve of the way Lammert handled the issue but
that is separate from the fairly regular piss parades and walls of text
taking place here when a simple answer would work. The consensus of the
vocal parties is that contribution = abuseLicense and I call bullshit.

Lammert SHOULD have apoligized to the list for fucking himself and wasting
people's time but he was less likely to do that after Henning and others
gratuitous ass parade and ensuing gang bang. Whoever told him to man up was

Re: locate weirdness

2012-01-21 Thread Anonymous
Lars Hansson  whined

> > I notice you spend much more time scolding people than actually saying>
> anything worthwhile. You should work on yourself and find out why that>
> is. Perhaps you could benefit from some anger management training? 

> I notice that Henning is contributing much more code to OpenBSD than
> you ever have and has also produces much more informative and useful
> replies than you ever have. You should stop trolling and get a life.

I asked this before but I guess you didn't see it. So if you contribute
"much more code to OpenBSD" than someone else do you automatically get
license to insult people and post 100% noise as some kind of reward?

Lars, you ass-licking dog, what I am saying to you and prima donnas like you
is you can be a good human being and that is more important than all the
patches and code in the world. If you can contribute patches and new code so
much the better, but if all you do is contribute to OpenBSD and you behave
like a fucking asshole you wipe out all the benefit. Cause the world does
need good human beings but it doesn't need prima donnas just because they
contribute to OpenBSD. I'm pretty sure the project would still be doing fine
even if acclaimed contributors and their ass-licking dog fanboys like
you didn't spend entire threads bashing people when a simple answer would be
enough. They know everything already right? so it should be easy to answer.

> Cheers,
> Lars

Fuck you and your boyfriend.

Re: locate weirdness

2012-01-15 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> Perhaps he did.  Wouldn't it be useful to help the guy trying to help
> you (you know, the "wheat") by giving a really simple and
> straightforward answer, even if it is repeating yourself ?  Probably
> would've been less typing than what you just did (e.g. "Sorry, I think
> it runs as user ").

No, we've been over that and the answer from the argumentative sonsabitches
was "as long as you contribute one patch you are permitted nay might we
suggest *encouraged* to flame rather than help." I guess it makes them feel
like men, but to the rest of us they only seem like girl scouts.

If you point this out you spawn an entire new subthread of postings by the
abovementioned argumentative sonsabitches reaffirming their girl scout
status. Why actually answer a question when you can create a sharkfest of
insults and make yourself feel like a man? So what if you "contribute"? I
fired a few assholes like you. I don't need prima donnas, you're not worth
it. Helpful people who actually know something aren't mutually exclusive.
To you primma donnas, go fuck yourselves. You aren't worth it.

Re: Longsoon/Godson MIPS boxes, where to buy?

2012-01-03 Thread Anonymous
> > If you don't have signal to add to the thread at least don't add to the 
> > noise.
> Could you please follow your own advise and simply STFU?
> -- 
> Rafal Bisingier

As long as you shitheads keep your gang bang going the STFU is going to have
to come from you.

Re: Longsoon/Godson MIPS boxes, where to buy?

2012-01-03 Thread Anonymous
Henning Brauer  wrote:

> > I feel the price is too high
> then don't buy a lemote, case closed.

The question was about where to get a good price on one. Scroll up asshole.

> the person you insulted.

I insulted nobody except people who attacked me for daring to express the
opinion that the price of the mini is "too FUCKING HIGH!!!"

> keep going, 2 developers insulted. that is going to give you a lot of
> karma points here.

Shaking and quaking ;-)

> you have no idea what I do or don't.

But you do about me? I got a bulletin for you, your crystal ball needs

> aha. again you know sth about me I haven't said. genius!

Lot of that going around

> it is arguable wether we argue or are just making fun of the OP (you,
> aparently). 

keep jerking off if it makes you feel better

> my only assumption was that you want to run OpenBSD. And that should
> be a pretty safe assumption on misc@ _OPENBSD_ .org.

Uh no. OpenBSD is one of the OS that runs on MIPS. I thought I could get
some help on where to find a cheap MIPS box, specifically the Lemote. Oh
well! Arrogant motherfucker!

> we tell you to just not buy the device in question if you don't wanna
> pay its price. that doesn't even require you to make your genius and
> superiour morals public.

But your bandwidth is justified in your own eyes I am sure

> hey miod, we must convince the rest of us to leave openbsd, this guy
> here said so, and he's obviously an omniscient genius.

Don't try to twist my words. I said nothing bad about OpenBSD or
miod. You're a shit stirring little fagot doing your best to draw everyone
into your little sharkfest. If you don't have signal to add to the thread at
least don't add to the noise.

Re: Longsoon/Godson MIPS boxes, where to buy?

2012-01-01 Thread Anonymous
> The deal with Lemote is you want free box with no restricted anything 
> its the way to go.  For 250 us dollar its not a bad network but for 500 
> for the 10.9 I can get a used I5 for that price easy.
> Its just not the same to compair an intel aton or I3 to Lemote product.

I think it is and I don't care what's free or not. I'm looking at what you
get for your money and an Intel box for the same price (specially a used one
like you said) is head and shoulders above the current Longsoon.

I would like a MIPS box but I am not going to be held hostage to buy one and
neither are most people.

Re: Longsoon/Godson MIPS boxes, where to buy?

2011-12-30 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> i saw them on face book and amazon also 250 & 500 us dollars

Like Kurt Russell said, "That's TOO FUCKING HIGH!!!"

When they start selling them for a fair price let's say 50 bucks for the
black box and maybe 150 for a loaded laptop then it's time to buy. Until
then, tekmote isn't getting my business.

Re: Where do I buy Lemote Loongson/Godson MIPS hardware? (was Re: Longs buy?)

2011-12-28 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)

Re: Where to buy Lemote FuLoong MIPS boxes?

2011-12-15 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
I say again: The prices at the "official European shop" in the Netherlands
are sky high.

Re: Narcicism?

2011-12-02 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> I came to openbsd only recently trying to find a modern OS which will run
> on my old sun blade 100.

Net and FreeBSD probably also support it. Depending on what you want to do
with your system I would recommend OpenBSD or FreeBSD. FreeBSD will have
more current apps (your complaint below) and is a better desktop if you
define a good desktop by more apps and more current apps. I don't need the
latest of anything so OpenBSD works fine for me. However on SPARC I really
like Solaris for a server or desktop. OpenBSD would be better for an
applicance like a router, firewall etc. if you have an extra SPARC box. Then
again Solaris 10 will go away but OpenBSD hopefully is here to stay.

> I wanted to use a linux but the only current linux for sparc64 is debian
> 6.03

Gentoo/Funtoo also run on SPARC64.

> Openbsd seems to have  better drivers since it works fine.

OpenBSD always works fine on everything I have tried it on.

> annoys me.  Also no recent browser support.  Seamonkey 2.04 is old. 

What about Solaris 10? The latest Firefox builds are available and so are
very recent copies of almost every app. I build everything else from source
though. If you're going to run an old box you will either need to accept
living with an old OS and old apps or learn to build whatever you want from
source. In some cases the latter isn't possible though.

Re: Narcicism?

2011-12-02 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> And in common tradition hoardes of OpenBSD devs shall come to the rescue
> and spend hours of unpaid time so you won't have to spend US$300 on
> a new computer. :rolleyes:

Fuck you man! Who needs a new computer? Blades rule! ;-)

Re: Dennis Ritchie

2011-10-17 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
You wrote a brown nosed post.

> I think

No evidence of that from your post

> that there are few things in this world that are held in as high esteem as
> the C language.

Har dee har har. C is shite. Useful maybe but still shite.

> It is a privilege to be able to write it really

Did you pay your C-tax this year, serf boy?

Another ass-kissing idiot atheist wrote:

> > Today is a sad sad day :(

Like hell it is, heathen!

> > Rest in Peace.
> > Without you, we would never be here.

Har dee har har. You're a dumb sonofabitch ain't ya? Did Ritchie bang your
mom? Otherwised he has nothing to do with why you're here.

Re: PCB manufacturer

2011-09-21 Thread Anonymous
Finally! Some on-topic spam!

Re: What should I do with a remote AIX machine if I accidentally "chmod "/usr/bin/ksh"?

2011-08-30 Thread Anonymous Remailer (austria)
> Call IBM support.  You will have 10 technicians onsite in a week.

And 10 invoices in tomorrow's mail.

Re: Comparing large amounts of files

2009-12-11 Thread anonymous
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 06:24:24PM -0500, STeve Andre' wrote:
>I am wondering if there is a port or otherwise available
> code which is good at comparing large numbers of files in
> an arbitrary number of directories?  I always try avoid
> wheel re-creation when possible.  I'm trying to help some-
> one with large piles of data, most of which is identical
> across N directories.  Most.  Its the 'across dirs' part
> that involves the effort, hence my avoidance of thinking
> on it if I can help it. ;-)
> Thanks, STeve Andre'
What is wrong with diff (-r option)?