On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 23:58:14 -0400
Brendan Desmond <bren...@imap.cc> wrote:

> On 2015-07-29, Scarlett wrote:
> >(My last few mails to this list have been caught by the spam daemon, 
> >so I'm replying directly and hoping this makes its way through).
> >
> >I've wrestled with w3m's code plenty. What I found did not make me 
> >happy, as bcallah@ can attest (they also pointed me to this message).
> >
> >Numerous Linux distributions have fixes for fairly serious bugs in
> >w3m sitting in their patches directories that have not been fixed 
> >upstream.
> >
> >Fuzzing it did not have positive results.
> >
> >Memory management practices are terrible. I suspect that replacing
> >the GC layer with regular malloc() and adding free() in the correct
> >places would be a major effort. A rewrite would possibly be
> >preferable.
> >
> >I've merged a lot of fixes from various Linux distributions, and
> >some of my own (C-standard-libraryification, overflow checks, NULL
> >pointer deref bugs). I've also made some non-trivial simplifications
> >to the code, removed a lot of cruft, and made it use libtls.
> >
> >You can check out my repository here, if you're interested: 
> >https://bitbucket.org/Scarletts/w3m/src
> >
> >I'd be really happy if other people took an interest and sent in
> >some patches, or just tested it.
> >
> >w3m is fairly terrifying code. I would recommend using a "modern" 
> >intensively audited browser and disabling features like JavaScript 
> >over using w3m if security is a major concern.
> >
> >On the bells and whistles end of the spectrum, I'm rather partial to 
> >Iridium at the moment. Video performance on YouTube is much nicer
> >than Firefox, and the process-per-tab feature adds some much needed 
> >stability.
> I am not a programmer at all, so I avoided stating that my gut tells
> me that w3m is likely in dire need of major fixes and optimizations.
> My dream project, if I ever learn C, would be to fork w3m or to write
> a brand new browser in the spirit of w3m. I'll check out your repo
> and mess around with it, for sure :) Thanks for the reply.
> -BSD

For plaintext browsing lynx has a lot of nice defaults that w3m lacks
out of the box (meaningful page caching being the kicker).

I like the promise of Dillo too with its graphical www minus all of the
cancerous scripting.

It is just not likely that there can ever again be a web browser worthy
of getting the default designation in any serious OS.

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