On Fri, 2019-11-22 at 09:05 +0100, Unicorn wrote:

I am currently setting up my ThinkPad X220 as a server running
and wish to disable the integrated display as it is anyway and will
be used.

Equally, I wish for the ThinkPad to not suspend when I close the lid,
as the lid will be closed practically all the time. :)

I am not familiar with how the underlying systems work so I had
figuring out a solution myself, and searching online sadly did not
me working results. Any help is thus greatly appreciated!


Okay, by trial and error I found the sysctl setting machdep.lidaction=0
turns off suspend on closing lid, and I figured out I need to add it to
/etc/sysctl.conf to make it permanent, so I'm sorry for the early
question about that :)

Still would like to know how to turn the display off, have not figured
that out yet ;)



You can turn off the screen via X:

xset dpms force off

(I found this on google in 2/3 minutes, so you might want to improve your google-foo.)

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