report : m.2 wifi card

2022-11-19 Thread T T
hi all .

the Intel's  Dual Band Wireless 8260NGW works well on HP's prodesk 800 G3 dm .

# dmesg | grep iwm0
iwm0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Intel AC 8260" rev 0x3a, msi
iwm0: hw rev 0x200, fw ver 36.ca7b901d.0, address xxx^3


Expansion after openbsd nvme clone (growfs doesn't work)

2022-09-04 Thread T T
hi all

Clone from 128GB nvme to 256GB nvme with dd and then clean up

with nvme , boot bsd.rd and the it doesn't work at fdisk -e sd1

In my case , I always create a swap partition first ,
then /tmp ,
and then create /,
so there is an empty part after /, so I can expand it.

1) boot PC wiith USB HDD (openbsd is installed)

2)256GB nvme is sd1

# disklabel -E sd1

Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
sd1> p
OpenBSD area: 133120-234441613; size: 234308493; free: 16
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:200737248 33704352  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12959
  b: 16783325   133120swap
  c:4688621280  unused
  d: 16787904 16916448  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12960
  i:   131072 2048   MSDOS
sd1> q
No label changes.

3) fist 256GB nvme is rysnched  to 320GB HDD (this is sd3)
# rsync -avHx /m1a/  /m3a/

# sysctl hw.disknamesis


5)# umount /m1a

# fdisk -e sd1
Enter 'help' for information

sd1: 1> p
Disk: sd1   Usable LBA: 34 to 468862094 [468862128 Sectors]
GUID: 64993e58-e41f-4644-bd81-ecc381f110c5
   #: type [   start: size ]
  guid name

   0: EFI Sys  [2048:   131072 ]
  b7918f5f-d85b-4325-afc2-5d77e9ac43f1 EFI system partition

   3: OpenBSD  [  133120:234308493 ]
  e25cfd82-c3c3-4335-a154-19d42078cef7 OpenBSD disklabel

expand 3 erea
sd1: 1> edit 3
   #: type [   start: size ]

   3: OpenBSD  [  133120:234308493 ]
Partition id ('0' to disable) [01 - FF, ]: [A6] (? for help)
Partition offset [34 - 468862094]: [133120]
Partition size [1 - 468728975]: [468728975] <ーーーto the end point
Partition name: [OpenBSD disklabel]

sd1*: 1> p
Disk: sd1   Usable LBA: 34 to 468862094 [468862128 Sectors]
GUID: 64993e58-e41f-4644-bd81-ecc381f110c5
   #: type [   start: size ]
  guid name

   0: EFI Sys  [2048:   131072 ]
  b7918f5f-d85b-4325-afc2-5d77e9ac43f1 EFI system partition

   3: OpenBSD  [  133120:468728975 ]
sd1*: 1> w
Writing GPT.
sd1: 1> q

# disklabel -E sd1
Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
sd1> p
OpenBSD area: 133120-234441613; size: 234308493; free: 16
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:200737248 33704352  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12959
  b: 16783325   133120swap
  c:4688621280  unused
  d: 16787904 16916448  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12960
  i:   131072 2048   MSDOS

sd1> b  p
OpenBSD area: 133120-468862128; size: 468729008; free: 234420531
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:200737248 33704352  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12959
  b: 16783325   133120swap
  c:4688621280  unused
  d: 16787904 16916448  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12960
  i:   131072 2048   MSDOS
sd1*> d a
sd1*> a a
offset: [33704352]
size: [435157776]
FS type: [4.2BSD]
sd1*> p
OpenBSD area: 133120-468862128; size: 468729008; free: 83
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:435157696 33704384  4.2BSD   4096 32768 1
  b: 16783325   133120swap
  c:4688621280  unused
  d: 16787904 16916448  4.2BSD   2048 16384 12960
  i:   131072 2048   MSDOS

sd1*> w
sd1> q
No label changes.

8)# newfs sd1a

9)# mount /dev/sd1a  /m1a

# df
Filesystem  512-blocks  Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd2a135124276   640 118368424 8%/
/dev/sd3a615302152  24245752 560291296 4%/m3a
/dev/sd1a428308848 8 406893400 0%/m1a

# rsync -avHx /m3a/  /m1a/

# sysctl hw.disknames


# cat /m1a/etc/fstab

88288c44497d7022.b none swap sw
88288c44497d7022.a / ffs rw,wxallowed 1 1
88288c44497d7022.d /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2


## Oh Shindo



from tuyoshi takesima

pf behind the 2nd wifi router

2022-06-08 Thread T T
hi all .

I'm running pf.conf behind the second wi-fi router .

[openbsd PC]--wired lan-->2nd wifi router--wifi-->1st wifi router

opebbsd address is .

/etc/pf.conf is
table  { \ \\ }
table  persist file "/etc/spammers"
set skip on lo
block in
block out
block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010
block return out log proto {tcp udp} user _pbuild
pass in   quick on egress from to
pass out  quick on egress from to
block in quick on egress from  to any
block return out quick on egress from any to 
block in quick on egress from  to any
block return out quick on egress from any to 

the result is
# pfctl -sr
block drop in all
block drop out all
block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp from any to any port 6000:6010
block return out log proto tcp all user = 55
block return out log proto udp all user = 55
pass in quick on egress inet from to flags S/SA
pass out quick on egress inet from to flags
block drop in quick on egress from  to any
block return out quick on egress from any to 
block drop in quick on egress from  to any
block return out quick on egress from any to 
pass all flags S/SA

I have a little  knowledge so I don't understand the drawbacks of this
script .

Please give me some advices.


write google document by microphone

2022-05-16 Thread T T
hi all .

i read ,

 i set /etc/sysctl.conf

then i can input the sentence ( japanese ) by using microphone .
my microphone is usb audio r and the setting is pulseau0 .


Re: clover and nvme

2020-08-27 Thread T T

i succeed to boot manjarolinux ,
failed to boot openbsd .

details is here

clover and nvme

2020-08-23 Thread T T
hi all .

nvme on pci express adapter sometimes cannot boot OS .

but i can boot windows 10 on this nvme by using clover .

i use archlinux .

1) download CloverISO-5070.tar.lzma

tar xvf CloverISO-5070.tar.lzma --lzma

modprobe fuse

fuseiso ./Clover-v2.5k-5070-X64.iso /mnt

ls /mnt

EFI Library usr

2) mkdir /home/foge/clover---

cp -aR  /mnt/*   /home/foge/clover---

cd  /home/foge/clover---

# ls

EFI  Library  usr

3)# cd EFI/CLOVER/drivers/

#cp off/NvmExpressDxe.efi UEFI/

4)/dev/sdb is USB memory

mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1

mount /dev/sdb1  /mb1

cp -aR /home/foge/clover---/*  /mb1

umount /mb1

5)this USB memory can boot nvme on pci express (windows10).

i did not try OpenBSD , but  i hope this USB memory may be boot OpenBSD .


from tuyosi takesima

Re: DVD & how to overcome mkisofs

2019-09-10 Thread T T
hi all .
now i use openbsd snapshots(6.6) and manage to watch DVD .

1) mount /dev/cd0c /mnt

2)$ mplayer -v /mnt/VIDEO_TS/VTS_11_1.VOB | grep 'audio stream'
==> Found audio stream: 128
==> Found audio stream: 129

3)mplayer /mnt/VIDEO_TS/VTS_11_1.VOB -aid 129 -nosub
