Encryption of two disks on the same host

2018-08-05 Thread Thomas Levine
I want to use full disk encryption on all of the disks of a host (two hosts). 
They can have the same password. How should I do this?

1. A method that I know will work is to make separate CRYPTO discipline 
softraid devices for each disk, install on one of them; and configure and mount 
the other disk encryption by calling bioctl rc.local. I would either type the 
password twice or use a keydisk stored on the first softraid device.
2. I could make a RAID 0 or CONCAT discipline device to combine the two devices 
and then make a CRYPTO discipline device on top of that, but my reading of the 
manual pages suggests that I can't install boot(8) on this.
3. Perhaps I could do the option 2 and add a new disk (SD card) that I use just 
for installing boot(8). (If I'm doing that, I might use the same SD card for 
both boot and keydisk.)

Are there other approaches I should consider?
And, if I want to put boot on a separate disk, which question in the installer 
do I specify that in?

Owner and group of a newly created file

2018-07-01 Thread Thomas Levine
I was just reading about the effect of Set-user-Id and Set-group-Id bits
on file creation, as they seem like they would be useful for me.
Unfortunately, most of the documentation I have managed to find is
related to GNU systems, and this could easily be different in OpenBSD.

It appears that they have no effect on file creation. Rather, they a
only "on execution", as specified in the manual.

FreeBSD similarly seems to ignore these settings.

Perhaps this is why there is only GNU documentation on this feature;
it seems that it does not exist in OpenBSD. Am I correct in my
conclusion that files created in OpenBSD are always owned by the creator
and group-owned by the directory's group? That is, a GNU system would
mimic this behaviour when u-s,g+s (6000) is set on the directory?

Suppose, for example, I run this as root.

  mkdir /test
  chown root:wheel /test
  chmod a+rwx,u-s,g-s /test

And then this as tlevine

  touch /test/a

This is the result.

  $ ls -lhd /test{,/a}
  drwxrwxrwx  2 root wheel   512B Jul  1 12:46 /test
  -rw-r--r--  1 tlevine  wheel 0B Jul  1 12:46 /test/a

I repeat the process, except that I set the user and group id this time. As 

  rm -R /test
  mkdir /test
  chown root:wheel /test
  chmod a+rwx,u-s,g-s /test

As tlevine,

  touch /test/a

The resulting /test/a has the same owner and group as before.

  $ ls -lhd /test{,/a}
  drwsrwsrwx  2 root wheel   512B Jul  1 12:48 /test
  -rw-r--r--  1 tlevine  wheel 0B Jul  1 12:48 /test/a

Very conveniently for me, this behaviour (u-s,g+s in GNU) is the mode
that I want. Perhaps this is by design.

Re: New laptop recommendations

2018-06-21 Thread Thomas Levine
I spoke with Todd Weaver at LibrePlanet about running OpenBSD on Purism.
I suggested that the company install a bunch of operating systems and
post dmesg, but I don't think they have done that yet.

If I remember correctly, he also said he would be happy to provide
a refurbished laptop to a developer for the purpose of confirming that
the hardware works well on OpenBSD.

Why would you use make show rather than make -V in ports?

2017-12-22 Thread Thomas Levine
The normal port Makefile includes this "show" target.

  $ grep -A3 ^show: /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk
  .for _s in ${show}
  @echo ${${_s}:Q}

Why would one use it rather than make -V?