
I am using *OpenBSD 6.1 *and need help in setting up mail server

tried to send a test mail to gmail account and couldn't get it working

How can i tell OpenSMTPD to forget about the mail and stop trying ?

*smtpd.conf *

### pki setup
pki mail.plrzeal.in certificate "/etc/ssl/mail.plrzeal.in.crt"
pki mail.plrzeal.in key "/etc/ssl/mail.plrzeal.in.key"

listen on lo0
listen on egress tls pki mail.plrzeal.in
listen on egress port 587 tls-require pki mail.plrzeal.in auth

table aliases db:/etc/mail/aliases.db
table vusers file:/etc/mail/vusers
table vdomains file:/etc/mail/vdomains

accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to maildir
accept from any for domain <vdomains> virtual <vusers> deliver to maildir
accept from local for any relay

I tried following
*1*. doas rcctl restart smtpd

*2*. doas smtpctl show queue
OUT : 5d1598b89117541b|local|mta|auth|plrv6@atmaview|plr127...@gmail.com|

*3*.  doas smtpctl remove 5d1598b89117541b   *(* it seem to get removed but
the message keep coming and if i restart smtpd it shows up again*)*

*4.* doas smtpctl show routes
output below
13. [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net) N--- nconn=1 nerror=0
penalty=0 timeout=-
12. [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (sa-in-x1a.1e100.net) N--- nconn=1
nerror=0 penalty=0 timeout=-

*doas smtpd -dv*
debug: init ssl-tree
info: loading pki information for mail.plrzeal.in
debug: init ca-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
info: loading pki keys for mail.plrzeal.in
debug: using "fs" queue backend
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
debug: using "ram" stat backend
info: *OpenSMTPD 6.0.0 starting*
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
info: loading pki information for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki information for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki information for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki information for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki information for mail.plrzeal.in
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ca-tree
debug: init ca-tree
debug: init ca-tree
debug: init ca-tree
debug: init ca-tree
info: loading pki information for mail.plrzeal.in
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: init ca-tree
info: loading pki keys for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki keys for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki keys for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki keys for mail.plrzeal.in
info: loading pki keys for mail.plrzeal.in
debug: init ssl-tree
debug: using "fs" queue backend
debug: using "fs" queue backend
debug: using "fs" queue backend
debug: using "fs" queue backend
debug: using "fs" queue backend
info: loading pki keys for mail.plrzeal.in
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
debug: using "fs" queue backend
debug: using "ram" stat backend
debug: using "ram" stat backend
debug: using "ram" stat backend
debug: using "ram" stat backend
debug: using "ram" stat backend
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
setup_peer: klondike -> control[31057] fd=4
setup_peer: control -> klondike[31654] fd=4
setup_peer: lookup -> control[31057] fd=4
setup_peer: pony express -> control[31057] fd=4
setup_peer: queue -> control[31057] fd=4
debug: using "ram" stat backend
setup_peer: klondike -> pony express[25077] fd=5
setup_peer: control -> lookup[23125] fd=5
setup_peer: lookup -> pony express[25077] fd=5
setup_peer: pony express -> klondike[31654] fd=5
setup_peer: queue -> pony express[25077] fd=5
setup_peer: scheduler -> control[31057] fd=4
setup_done: ca[31654] done
setup_peer: control -> pony express[25077] fd=6
setup_peer: lookup -> queue[5720] fd=6
setup_peer: pony express -> lookup[23125] fd=6
setup_peer: queue -> lookup[23125] fd=6
setup_peer: scheduler -> queue[5720] fd=5
setup_proc: klondike done
setup_peer: control -> queue[5720] fd=7
setup_peer: pony express -> queue[5720] fd=7
setup_peer: queue -> scheduler[43379] fd=7
setup_peer: control -> scheduler[43379] fd=8
setup_done: control[31057] done
setup_proc: lookup done
setup_proc: control done
setup_done: lka[23125] done
setup_proc: pony express done
setup_done: pony[25077] done
filter: building simple chains...
setup_proc: queue done
filter: building complex chains...
setup_done: queue[5720] done
filter: done building complex chains
debug: ca_engine_init: using RSA privsep engine
setup_done: scheduler[43379] done
setup_proc: scheduler done
debug: bounce warning after 4h
smtpd: setup done
debug: parent_send_config_ruleset: reloading
debug: parent_send_config: configuring pony process
debug: parent_send_config: configuring ca process
debug: init private ssl-tree
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:::1 port 25 flags 0x400 pki "" ca ""
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:fe80::1%lo0 port 25 flags 0x400 pki "" ca ""
debug: smtp: listen on port 25 flags 0x400 pki "" ca ""
debug: smtp: listen on port 25 flags 0x401 pki "mail.plrzeal.in"
ca ""
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:fe80::bc8a:c6c3:9884:e3d%gif0 port 25 flags
0x401 pki "mail.plrzeal.in" ca ""
debug: queue: done loading queue into scheduler
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:2001:470:35:1178::2 port 25 flags 0x401 pki "
mail.plrzeal.in" ca ""
debug: smtp: listen on port 587 flags 0x469 pki "
mail.plrzeal.in" ca ""
debug: scheduler: evp:5d1598b89117541b scheduled (mta)
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:fe80::bc8a:c6c3:9884:e3d%gif0 port 587 flags
0x469 pki "mail.plrzeal.in" ca ""
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:2001:470:35:1178::2 port 587 flags 0x469 pki "
mail.plrzeal.in" ca ""
debug: pony: rsae_init
debug: pony: rsae_init
debug: smtp: will accept at most 498 clients
debug: mta: received evp:5d1598b89117541b for <plr127...@gmail.com>
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0,
debug: mta: querying MX for [relay:gmail.com]...
debug: mta: [relay:gmail.com] waiting for MX
debug: MXs for domain gmail.com: preference 5
        IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a preference 5 preference 10
        IPv6:2607:f8b0:400e:c04::1a preference 10 preference 20
        IPv6:2607:f8b0:4003:c07::1b preference 20 preference 30
        IPv6:2607:f8b0:4001:c19::1b preference 30 preference 40
        IPv6:2607:f8b0:4002:c03::1b preference 40
debug: mta: ... got mx (0x1caa0aa84820, gmail.com, [relay:gmail.com])
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0,
debug: mta: querying source for [relay:gmail.com]...
debug: mta: ... got source for [relay:gmail.com]: []
debug: mta: new [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x10000]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: selecting candidate route [] <->
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a:
current one is better
debug: mta: mta_route_unref(): really discarding route [] <->
debug: mta-routing: spawning new connection on [] <->
debug: mta: 0x1caa388326f0: spawned for relay [relay:gmail.com]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta: cannot use [relay:gmail.com] before 2s
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
must wait a bit
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: scheduling relay [relay:gmail.com] in 1s...
ec365fc1d00eef74 mta event=connecting address=smtp+tls://
debug: smtpd: scanning offline queue...
debug: smtpd: offline scanning done
debug: mta: ... timeout for [relay:gmail.com]
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=2, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: querying source for [relay:gmail.com]...
debug: mta: ... got source for [relay:gmail.com]: []
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: cancelling connector timeout
debug: mta: cannot use [relay:gmail.com] before 1s
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
must wait a bit
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: scheduling relay [relay:gmail.com] in 10s...
debug: mta: ... timeout for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: selecting candidate route [] <->
debug: mta-routing: spawning new connection on [] <->
debug: mta: 0x1ca99cf586f0: spawned for relay [relay:gmail.com]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta: cannot use [relay:gmail.com] before 2s
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
must wait a bit
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
ec365fc29690aa7b mta event=connecting
address=smtp+tls://IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a:25 host=sa-in-x1a.1e100.net
debug: mta: ... timeout for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (
sa-in-x1a.1e100.net): not validated yet
debug: mta: hit route limit
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
limits reached
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: ... timeout for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (
sa-in-x1a.1e100.net): not validated yet
debug: mta: hit route limit
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
limits reached
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: ... timeout for [relay:gmail.com]
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: querying source for [relay:gmail.com]...
debug: mta: ... got source for [relay:gmail.com]: []
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: cancelling connector timeout
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (
sa-in-x1a.1e100.net): not validated yet
debug: mta: hit route limit
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
limits reached
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=4, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: scheduling relay [relay:gmail.com] in 10s...
debug: mta: ... timeout for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (
sa-in-x1a.1e100.net): not validated yet
debug: mta: hit route limit
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
limits reached
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: ... timeout for [relay:gmail.com]
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: querying source for [relay:gmail.com]...
debug: mta: ... got source for [relay:gmail.com]: []
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: cancelling connector timeout
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (
sa-in-x1a.1e100.net): not validated yet
debug: mta: hit route limit
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
limits reached
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=4, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: scheduling relay [relay:gmail.com] in 10s...
debug: mta: ... timeout for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0]
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (
sa-in-x1a.1e100.net): not validated yet
debug: mta: hit route limit
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
limits reached
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: ... timeout for [relay:gmail.com]
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: querying source for [relay:gmail.com]...
debug: mta: ... got source for [relay:gmail.com]: []
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x20000]
debug: mta: cancelling connector timeout
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> (sa-in-f27.1e100.net):
not validated yet
debug: mta-routing: skipping route [] <-> IPv6:2404:6800:4003:c00::1a (
sa-in-x1a.1e100.net): not validated yet
debug: mta: hit route limit
debug: mta-routing: no route available for
limits reached
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:gmail.com],0x0] in
debug: mta: draining [relay:gmail.com] refcount=4, ntask=1, nconnector=1,
debug: mta: scheduling relay [relay:gmail.com] in 10s...

Thank You

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