
I'm running OpenBSD 6.5/amd64 in a qemu VM (host is Linux Debian).

I see multiple lines of "no _STA method" in dmesg.

(Full log: https://termbin.com/5ccz)

I've asked the qemu developers on their irc channel what it might mean
and they said it's ACPI related but they can't determine exactly what
it is about.

qemu-system-x86_64 -drive if=ide,file=/home/oc/VM/img/openbsd.image \
-M q35,accel=kvm -m 400M -cpu host -smp $(nproc) \
-net user,hostfwd=tcp::6666-:22 -net nic -nographic

This is the command I use to boot OpenBSD:

It's probably harmless but I'd like to have your opinion about it.


Ottavio Caruso

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