Hi list,

I've been recently amazed (in a bad way) by the number of spam this list
receives that seem to be coming from french companies.

I just wanted to point french readers at a spam gathering organisation
[0,1]. They provide a form [2] to submit this kind of emails for
statistical and (hopefully) more effective treatment in a legal way
against the evil-doers.

PS: considering the off-topic level of this email, please only respond
to me personnaly if you feel you have to, do not overload this list.

PPS: there even exist a Python script [3] for easy submission from Mutt!

[0] http://www.signal-spam.fr
[1] http://www.signal-spam.fr/index.php/frontend/presentation
[2] https://www.signal-spam.fr/signaler.php
[3] http://www.signal-spam.fr/index.php/frontend/extensions/script_python

Olivier "I still think the sky is forever blue and problems can be solved by
just being kind" Mehani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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