The basic question is per the subject line, filling in the details here

I have wireguard working with each peer having ipv4 and ipv6 addresses

and all of them are able to ping each other and also to the WAN through

the central peer.

The central peer is a vultr VPS and has a /64 prefix ipv6.

What I want to do:

 - give each peer their own global ipv6/128 address

   - use case

      anyone on those peers can host their own simple services

      e.g. nextcloud, syncthing, rubywarden, etc 

So currently my solution is to do a binat to each wireguard peer

by using pf binat-to

Given that one of the best uses ipv6 is to remove NAT, I'd like to

know how to do this without using binat-to.

I'm attaching my pf and wireguard configuration files

/etc/pf.conf -


open_tcp="{ 80, 443 }" # 6942 is ssh port

flood_tcp="{ 6942, 42069 }"

open_udp="{ 161 }" # use 161 for wireguard

# stop bruteforce attackers that try to hug of death

table <bruteforce> persist

table <pfbadhost> persist file "/etc/pf-badhost.txt"

# options for pf performance

set loginterface egress

set block-policy drop

set syncookies adaptive (start 25%, end 12%)

set skip on {lo, wg0}

block in quick on egress from <bruteforce>

block out quick on egress from <bruteforce>

block in quick on egress from <pfbadhost>

block out quick on egress to <pfbadhost>

block drop

pass in on wg0

pass proto icmp

pass proto icmp6

pass in on egress proto tcp from any to any port $flood_tcp \

                flags S/SA keep state \

                (max-src-conn-rate 1/3, \

                overload <bruteforce> flush global)

pass in on egress proto tcp from any to any port $open_tcp

pass in on egress proto udp from any to any port $open_udp

pass out

pass out on egress inet from wg0:network to any nat-to vio0

# nat to wireguard peers

anchor "wireguard/nat" 

load anchor "wireguard" from "/etc/pf.conf.anchor.wireguard"

pf.conf.anchor.wireguard - 


anchor "nat" {

        pass on egress inet6 from fc00::6942:1 to any binat-to 

        pass on egress inet6 from fc00::6942:2 to any binat-to 


/etc/hostname.wg0 - 


inet alias

inet6 alias fc00::6942:17 112

inet6 alias 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::4269 64

mtu 1420


!route -n add -inet6 fc00::6942:1/128 -iface fc00::6942:17

!route -n add -inet6 fc00::6942:2/128 -iface fc00::6942:17

/etc/hostname.vio0 -



inet6 autoconf -autoconfprivacy -soii

inet6 alias 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::17 64

inet6 alias 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::1 64

inet6 alias 2001:19f0:5:5cd5::2 64

/etc/wireguard/bsdac-wg-central.conf (central peer file) - 



PrivateKey = MCdzcLt9EZ8ej5vQTHq9Ig6UM4L3C38aXgLebLIxyGw=

#Address =,fc00::6942:17/112

ListenPort = 161


PublicKey = <hidden>

PresharedKey = <hidden>

AllowedIps =,fc00::6942:1/128


PublicKey = <hidden>

PresharedKey = <hidden>

AllowedIps =,fc00::6942:2/128

/etc/wireguard/bsdac-wg-peer.conf - 



PrivateKey = <hidden>

Address =,fc00::6942:1/128

ListenPort = 161


# WireGuard server public key

PublicKey = <hidden>

PresharedKey = <hidden>

Endpoint = <hidden>

AllowedIPs =,fc00::6942:0/112

PersistentKeepalive = 25

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