Hi, I have a box running 4.3, Last Month I was running mgetty+ppp(official packages for that version), this machine was a dial-in server with ppp and mgetty using the *ringback* mode as explained in the mgetty man page, first 2 rings then the user cancels (I did this part with a Java App (JDUN Library) that dials, waits the exact time for two rings, cancel, and then dials
again in 20 or so seconds, all this for automate all this in one app),
in the server mgetty waits for the call in a max of 30 seconds to 'really' answer the incoming call. Mgetty has break me 3 modems, these modems are serial modems, both modems works perfectly but only for dial-out, even tested with MS RAS in windows server and RAS in WinXP these modem not longer works for dial-in calls, I'm a little bit lost because these seem incredible but after a month working and some random problems the incoming calls won't work anymore and I have switched to MSRAS, I need to know if this is a problem with the ringback feature only, it's this a bug? bellow are my
configs so anyone can tell me if there is anything wrong with them too.

debug 8
speed 115200

port cua00
  speed 115200
  debug 8
  data-only yes
  rings 2

#login.config.  Based on ppp man page.
/AutoPPP/ -     -       /usr/local/bin/ppplogin

*       -       -       /bin/login @

#line of/etc/ttys to activate mgetty
cua00   "/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -R 30 /dev/cua00"       dialup  on secure

#*default* line in ppp.conf

 set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
 ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
 set device /dev/cua00
 set speed 115200

#*incoming* line (for incoming connections) on ppp.conf
#I replaced all my IPS and NETMASK with Text.

  enable pap
  allow users ras_user

ras_user *       password  *

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