Between various HDDs, RAID 1 arrays, RAID C arrays within, iDevices, USB sticks and any other stuff you can think of, I've found that the standard install of /dev/sd[0-9] doesn't have enough. (I primarily use amd64.)

I don't mind creating the additional devices, which I often forget; that's not a big deal.

But I can't help wondering:

1) In this day and age of increasing numbers of devices kicking around, how often do others run into this ceiling? I'm currently using sd[0-12].

2) What harm would it be to create sd[0-15] (or more) as pre-existing devices?

Just curious if it would be trivial and/or useful.

Scott McEachern

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

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