Lads, and ladies,

I was wondering if anyone else comes across this
issue where  Openvpn client gives the following error

 04:38:33 78906 openvpn[56335]: Control Channel Authentication: using
'/etc/openvpn/tlsauth.pem' as a OpenVPN static key file
Apr 16 04:38:33 78906 openvpn[56335]: UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]
Apr 16 04:38:33 78906 openvpn[56335]: UDPv4 link remote:
Apr 16 04:38:33 78906 openvpn[56335]: write UDPv4: Can't assign
requested address (code=49)
Apr 16 04:38:35 78906 openvpn[56335]: write UDPv4: Can't assign
requested address (code=49)

I see references on OpenVPn fora that it is an
issue with the routing table getting corrupt

which sounds a bit weird when other access to the
system seems ok but  doing a  restart of the
physical network interface with the route
that openvpn uses to connect to the server

has anyone else come across this issue

Ill try to do more in depth debugging when
the issue arrises
is there any way of verifyin the route table

I use route -n show and it looks normal enough
arp -an  looked fine also

# arp -an
Host                                 Ethernet Address   Netif Expire     Flags                          6c:3b:6b:e6:04:ab    em0 19m46s                        00:0d:b9:42:dc:68    em0 permanent  l

# route -n show
Routing tables

Destination        Gateway            Flags   Refs      Use   Mtu  Prio Iface
default          UGS        3  1066720     -     8 em0
224/4              URS        0     2162 32768     8 lo0
127/8              UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0          UHl        1      736 32768     1 lo0
192.168.1/24      UC         1     6662     -     4 em0        6c:3b:6b:e6:04:ab  UHLc       2    27648     -     4 em0      00:0d:b9:42:dc:68  UHLl       0 105119892     -     1 em0      UHb        0        0     -     1 em0

Destination                        Gateway
Flags   Refs      Use   Mtu  Prio Iface
::/96                              ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
::/104                             ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
::1                                ::1                            UHl
     14       14 32768     1 lo0
::                    ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
::                    ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
::                    ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
::ffff:                  ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002::/24                          ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002:7f00::/24                     ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002:e000::/20                     ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002:ff00::/24                     ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
fe80::/10                          ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
fec0::/10                          ::1                            UGRS
      0        0 32768     8 lo0
fe80::1%lo0                        fe80::1%lo0                    UHl
      0        0 32768     1 lo0
ff01::/16                          ::1                            UGRS
     11       11 32768     8 lo0
ff01::%lo0/32                      ::1                            Um
      0        1 32768     4 lo0
ff02::/16                          ::1                            UGRS
     11       11 32768     8 lo0
ff02::%lo0/32                      ::1                            Um
      0        1 32768     4 lo0

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