Hi everybody,

I don't want to spam the list here, but I figured this was important enough to warrant an announcement considering several hundred people downloaded the script last week.

tl;dr: Bugs found, patch your stuff

A couple bugs have been reported by users, one in RipGrep and another in find(1). The RipGrep bug is a bit of a show-stopper, as it was discovered that its behaviour differed from that of grep(1) and GNU grep, where with the '-o' flag, it does not select the most exact match when given multiple search patterns ala 'pattern1|pattern2' it rather will select the first specified pattern that happens to match. What makes this significant is that the way this played out was RipGrep was only pulling the first digit in the CIDR block, ie '' was instead matched as '' . Big yikes. Mea culpa, should of caught that before I tried to be a tough guy and recommend an alternative to tried and true grep.

The find(1) bug has been quite persnickety to debug, as users report intermittent failures from find(1) where it pukes up error: 'find: -exec: cannot open "." ' I haven't been able to reproduce the error, so until I (or someone more knowledgeable) can figure out what's going on with that, that's going to have to be worked around.

I've released a patch to address both issues, you can find full instructions on the website: geoghegan.ca/pfbadhost.html

Quick start:

$ ftp https://geoghegan.ca/pub/pf-badhost/0.4/patches/pf-badhost_p0.patch
# patch <pf-badhost_p0.patch /usr/local/bin/pf-badhost.sh


Jordan Geoghegan

On 2020-07-01 20:38, Jordan Geoghegan wrote:
Hey folks, just thought I'd share with you that I've released the latest versions of pf-badhost and unbound-adblock.

pf-badhost webpage: https://www.geoghegan.ca/pfbadhost.html
unbound-adblock webage: https://www.geoghegan.ca/unbound-adblock.html

Key pf-badhost changes:

* pf-badhost goes portable, we now support {Open,Free,Net,Dragonfly}BSD as well as MacOS! * Support for IPv6 subnet aggregation added thanks to the excellent aggregate6 utility written by job@
* Greatly improved IPv6 handling in general
* User configuration section added for configuring whitelists and custom blocklists
* Bogon filtering added
* Greatly improved error handling

Key unbound-adblock changes:

* unbound-adblock goes portable, we now support {Open,Free,Net,Dragonfly}BSD as well as Linux!
* Greatly improved error handling and input sanitation
* User configuration section added for configuring whitelists and custom blocklists

pf-badhost changelog: https://www.geoghegan.ca/pub/pf-badhost/0.4/changelog.txt unbound-adblock changelog: https://www.geoghegan.ca/pub/unbound-adblock/0.4/changelog.txt

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