Hey all,

I have having trouble getting my Atheros based WG311T Netgear wireless
card to work. I have ruled out bad signal strength thus far, and the
driver seems to be working.

Dmesg (STABLE-branch GENERIC 3.8):

  ath0 at pci3 dev 7 function 0 "Atheros AR5212" rev 0x01: irq 10
  ath0: AR5212 7.9 phy 4.5 rf2112 5.6 rf2112 5.6, FCC1A, address

scanpci data:

  pci bus 0x0003 cardnum 0x07 function 0x00: vendor 0x168c device
  0x0013 Device unknown


  inet NONE media autoselect \
        nwid Halo
        nwkey 0x<webhexkey>
        chan 11

<wephexkey> is a 26-digit hexadecimal WEP key.

Running 'route flush; sh -x /etc/netstart' gets me with nothing that
works. All the settings seem fine when I do an 'ifconfig -a' but the
status still says that there is no network.

I notice that it alternates media and mode between (DS11) and (DS11
mode 11b) constantly.

I have a working resolv.conf file as well as /etc/mygate configured

I have also tried manually doing these settings with ifconfig (as per
the ath(4) man page), but that made no difference.

The only other seemingly noteworth thing is that my dmesg is littered
with the following entry:

  arp: attempt to add entry for on ath0 by
  00:09:5b:ff:6f:54 on em0

Is there anyone out there who has had a similar problem or who knows
what I can do to fix this? Searching online gave me little in the way
of results that I could understand or that seemed relevant.

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"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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