hi everyone!
recently we use the OpenBSD! it so fine, but we couldn't use the any devices. Our organization will to be use the OpenBSD. when OpenBSD have CTH480 and any drivers.
Now our organization have competition for the desktop and server.

If our organization select the OpenBSD. We will donate.

I use the OpenBSD in 1998. I love Theo de Raadt.
our organization need easy to install and short installation.
and good security solution.

we don't need MS Windows and MS applications.
Just need good security for the work.

Drawing the illustration. and stock the big image on the server.
if OpenBSD's ports have zfs-fuse. almost people will select the OpenBSD.

FAT filesystem have compatibility for the other Operating systems.
but, couldn't use use big data.(NTFS and exFAT is suck.)

almost Linux user use the ext[2-4]fs by default.
any Linux user need raid system and compatibility.
Now, System engineer watch the OpenBSD. because OpenBSD have good solution.
They want to use OpenBSD. but, OpenBSD have restriction.

I know OpenBSD have the strict policy. and couldn't include any licences.
(I found CDDL and GPL is suck.)

anybody want to change the Linux and Windows to OpenBSD, but, OpenBSD didn't have compartible filesystem. (I know OpenBSD have original raid filesystem. and I use it. I say just compartibility.)

OpenBSD is good solution. And we gratitude OpenBSD's programers.
best Regards.

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