
I'm using cssh with xterm and when I connect to multiple hosts at once,
occasionaly I get this error in one or two xterm windows (not always,
and not always in the same):
tcsetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device

The login goes fine, but the terminal acts weird in that window:
- it echoes every command I enter after executing it
- control characters don't work
- when I complete a command/filename with TAB it echoes the TAB and
  doesn't complete the command/filename, but if I press enter it seems
  that in the buffer there was the correct (completed) command/filename
- can't use eg. vim in it

I can not reproduce this always, as it happens once or twice out of,
say, 10 logins (but the target machine's type/OS/shell etc. doesn't

I've tried cssh with another terminal (Eterm), with which it didn't
produce this erratic behaviour, but Eterm crashed a lot so I stopped
using it.

Has anyone else experienced this (the xterm error, not the Eterm crash


LIVAI Daniel
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