
I have a table in my pf.conf that is declared and used as such:

table <bruteforce> persist
block drop quick from <bruteforce>
pass in on $EXT_IF inet proto tcp from any to any port 22 keep state 
(max-src-conn 5, max-src-conn-rate 5/3, overload <bruteforce> flush global)

which gets flushed via roots crontab:
10      1       *       *       *       /sbin/pfctl -t bruteforce -T expire 

when looking at it with pfctl -vvs all it seems like the "cleared"
field gets set to the epoch:
-pa-r-- bruteforce
        Addresses:   17
        Cleared:     Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
        References:  [ Anchors: 0                  Rules: 2                  ]
        Evaluations: [ NoMatch: 399867             Match: 31301              ]
        In/Block:    [ Packets: 31301              Bytes: 1863344            ]
        In/Match:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        In/Pass:     [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        In/XPass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Block:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Match:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Pass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/XPass:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]

My non-persisting tables show:
--a-r-- shares
        Addresses:   3
        Cleared:     Fri Apr 14 10:19:10 2017
        References:  [ Anchors: 0                  Rules: 1                  ]
        Evaluations: [ NoMatch: 192012             Match: 0                  ]
        In/Block:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        In/Match:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        In/Pass:     [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        In/XPass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Block:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Match:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Pass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/XPass:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]

which corresponds to the pf uptime.

Is this intentional?

I ran into this while trying to parse snmp info:
$ snmpwalk -l authPriv -x AES -a MD5 -X xxxxxxxx  -u snmp  -A xxxxxxxx  thor  
iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.openBSD | egrep 
OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfTblName.2 = STRING: "bruteforce"
OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfTblName.3 = STRING: "shares"
OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfTblStatsCleared.2 = Timeticks: (3238636736) 374 days, 
20:12:47.36 1/100th of a Second
OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfTblStatsCleared.3 = Timeticks: (51729800) 5 days, 23:41:38.00 
1/100th of a Second


$ uname -vmr
6.1 GENERIC.MP#20 amd64

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