For an smtpd.conf containing this:

table domains { mydomain.tld }
table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtual

action "domain" maildir "/var/vmail/mydomain.tld/%{dest.user}" virtual 

match from any for domain <domains> action "domain"

The following virtual file works:

----------------8<----------------     b...@mydomain.tld
b...@mydomain.tld               vmail

That is, when I send mail to both <> and
<b...@mydomain.tld>, it is delivered to the

After reading this[1], I tried to remove the domain parts from my
virtual table:

bertalan.peter  bp99
bp99            vmail

But this caused email sent to <> be delivered
to a /var/vmail/mydomain.tld/bertalan.peter/.

Is it possible to skip the domain part in a virtual table file?
That way I could also reuse the file with a different domain.

Thank you


Bertalan Z. Péter <>
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