On 05/10/16 10:29, Gilles Chehade wrote:
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 10:11:48AM -0500, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
Sharing with the list at Gilles request.

To me it seems like at some point the daemon was treating my outgoing mail
as incoming mail and refusing it because they weren't legal recipients.


Actually I'm unsure I see a problem really...

Your initial mail says that you were unable to send outgoing messages
but the log shows that all deliveries took place in few seconds after
messages were committed to the queue.

Can you better explain what it is that you mean when you say:

     "I found I was unable to send outgoing messages earlier"

At line 17750 is the first occurence, this was an outgoing message.

May 9 16:58:36 pettiiijohn smtpd[18733]: smtp-in: Failed command on session 6d638ee0ae34bacc: "RCPT TO:<u...@gmail.com>" => 550 Invalid recipient

I don't send a lot of mail so its hard to say if it would have happened more earlier or not. A few hours later I was able to ssh in and first looked at the queue which was empty. Not sure what I was looking for but its a habit. Then looked through the logs. Saw I was flooded with attempts from the same ip. First just tried a simple /etc/rc.d/smtpd restart which didn't resolve the issue (line 18135). Then I decided to block the offender with pf and restarted smtpd again. Problem solved. The two may not have anything to do with eachother, but at least they aren't filling up my logs anymore.



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