> Hi there,
> I'm trying to create manages for SQLite with sqlite2mdoc
> (https://github.com/kristapsdz/sqlite2mdoc
> <https://github.com/kristapsdz/sqlite2mdoc>). I followed the
> instructions in README.md and created an executable named
> ``sqlite2mdoc'', but when I executed it, it just hang up.
> I read the source code and tried ``./sqlite2mdoc -v'' to see what's
> happening, but still didn't get any output. Since I'm not familiar
> with C and C libraries, I think I'd better ask here.
> Thanks.

>From the manpage:

"By default, sqlite2mdoc reads from standard input and outputs files
into the current directory."

So try:

mkdir /tmp/output
./sqlite2mdoc -v -p /tmp/output < /usr/local/include/sqlite3.h

Then if you like the output in /tmp/output, do:

doas cp /tmp/output /usr/local/man/man3/
doas makewhatis

So as not to clobber /usr/local, however, I usually have things I've
compiled in /opt or /usr/local/opt.



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