On 14/02/18(Wed) 04:01, Jiri B wrote:
> How to "remove" loXX belong to rdomain XX ?
> # ifconfig vether55 rdomain 55
> # ifconfig vether55                                                           
> vether55: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> rdomain 55 mtu 1500
>         lladdr fe:e1:ba:d6:a0:59
>         index 23 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: vether
>         media: Ethernet autoselect
>         status: active
> # ifconfig vether55 destroy
> # ifconfig lo55                                                               
> lo55: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> rdomain 55 mtu 32768
>         index 24 priority 0 llprio 3
>         groups: lo
>         inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
>         inet netmask 0xff000000
>         inet6 fe80::1%lo55 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x18
> # ifconfig lo55 destroy
> ifconfig: SIOCIFDESTROY: Operation not permitted
> From lo(4):
> ...
>      A loop interface can be created at runtime using the ifconfig loN create
>      command or by setting up a hostname.if(5) configuration file for
>      netstart(8).  The lo0 interface will always exist and cannot be destroyed
>      using ifconfig(8).
> ...
> So it will exists forever till next reboot?

Yes, it's a current limitation of the rdomain <-> loopback

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