Hi All,

I have somewhat the following config for relayd running on 6.1.
And I am trying to forward certain request paths to different hosts.

table <wwwhost> { xx.xx.xx.131 }
table <otherhost> { xx.xx.xx.31 }
http protocol httpsfilter {
        match request header remove "Proxy"
        match request header append "X-Forwarded-For" value "$REMOTE_ADDR"
        match request header append "X-Forwarded-By" value 

        match response header set "Server" value "Sever"
        match response header set "X-Powered-By" value "Power"
        match response header set "X-Frame-Options" value "SAMEORIGIN"
        match response header set "X-Xss-Protection" value "1; mode=block"
        match response header set "X-Content-Type-Options" value "nosniff"

        match request quick path "/crm/" forward to <otherhost>

        tcp { no splice }
relay host_tls {
        listen on $ext_addr_v4 port 443 tls
        listen on $ext_addr_v6 port 443 tls
        protocol httpsfilter
        forward to <wwwhost> port 80 check http "/" host example.com code 200
        forward to <otherhost> port 80

I have tried both "match request quick path" and "match request quick url" but 
what I noticed is that as soon as you have visited one of the URLs that needs 
forwarding to a different host you end up at the <otherhost> for all subsequent 
With "match request quick url" this is to be expected as it checks everything 
up to /.

For example:

http://example.com/ -> wwwhost
http://example.com/crm/ -> otherhost
http://exmaple.com/folder/ -> otherhost

Is this expected behaviour for "match request quick path" as well?
Is there any way to do this type of load balancing?



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