Taxpayers let their voices be heard loud and clear on Monday as
the House was preparing to vote on the bailout package. The
flood of phone calls and emails helped convince enough
Congressmen to defeat the $700 billion package.

Today the struggle has moved to the Senate where it is expected
that a vote will be held this evening. Twenty-six groups joined
the National Taxpayers Union in signing an open letter urging
Senators to vote against this bailout. You can read it here. We
also urge concerned citizens to continue to contact their
Senators to make sure the message gets through.

Senator Christopher Bond
(202) 224-5721

Senator Claire McCaskill
(202) 224-6154

D.C. and local district office numbers are available on your
Senators' web sites. You can look up that information here:

In case the Senate's web servers crash like the House's did on
Monday, you can also look up contact information here:

More Resources:

Below is a Vote Alert that NTU sent to each Senate office
earlier today:

NTU urges all Senators to vote "NO" on the $700 billion
financial industry bailout plan.

This unconscionable scheme forces the vast majority of taxpayers
who were honest and prudent to bail out firms on Wall Street
that made bad business decisions. This version of the
legislation heaps on even more bad policy to the original
proposal, including an amendment from Sen. Sanders (I-VT) to
impose a punitive tax hike on wealthy individuals. Other
provisions, such as those for renewable energy, are a cynical
exercise in vote-buying. Furthermore, the bill does nothing to
address the root causes of today's market difficulties. The
long-term effects of this fiasco, including inflation, a weaker
dollar, and an even more precarious federal balance sheet, are
almost certain to outweigh the shallow short-term stabilization
of moneyed interests who have been twisting arms on both ends of
Pennsylvania Avenue. Tellingly, amendments to improve the bill
from a taxpayer perspective have been forbidden.

Congress helped to create this debacle with the Community
Reinvestment Act, poor tax policies, hastily designed
mark-to-market regulations, and spectacular negligence with
regard to the systemic risks posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac. Instead of addressing those core problems, this disgraceful
plan snatches $700 billion from the pockets of hard-working
Americans, the vast majority of whom had no part in this
horrific play.

Congress apparently decided to listen to a few political
heavy-hitters in the financial community about the need to
shovel boatloads of taxpayer money into their faltering
businesses, rather than listening to their constituents who have
stridently opposed this giveaway. Surely some Senators will reap
what they have sown at the ballot box for their shocking
negligence of taxpayers' concerns.

Cloture and final passage votes on the bailout will be among
only a handful in the last decade to receive the highest weight
of 100 in our annual Rating of Congress.


Visit the web address below to tell your friends, family,
colleagues, and neighbors how they can GET INVOLVED!

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for
NTU's Taxpayer Action Center at:


If you would like to unsubscribe from NTU's Taxpayer Action
Center, you can respond to this email with "REMOVE" as the
subject, or you can visit your subscription management page at:;
National Taxpayers Union 108 N. Alfred St. Alexandria, VA 22314

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