This was on the WE THE PEOPLE website.  I signed the petition at the bottom.




***Group Alert***HELP***Do you want your child vaccinated at school? 
Posted by: "mofmars333"   mofmars333 
Sat Nov 7, 2009 7:45 am (PST) 

We need these signatures & you don't have to be a healthcare worker to sign. We 
know the mandate for H1N1 vaccination was reversed but the Healthcare workers 
who came out in protest that won that decision know they're not home free yet.

They have gathered here to plan their strategy: , & need your help.

If the shots become mandatory you may wish you'd signed. Now pass this 
everywhere & do your part because if you read their messages you'll see what 
they're doing & how badly they need your signature.

"First they came for the Healthcare workers, and I did not speak out—because I 
was not a Healthcare worker; Then they came for the ...                     
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