This morning after the radio show with Vince, Carl, Fred, and myself had the
opportunity to meet and say a couple words to Colonel Oliver North in the
meeting room of the radio station.  It is often said that you are judged by
the people you associate with and the people you hold in high esteem.  For
years Mr. North has been a national persona on radio shows, he has written
best selling books, been grilled in front of Congress on Iran Contra affairs
of the Reagan Presidency and yet he still maintains a down to earth
perception and his ego remains in check.

The stature of the man led me to believe that he would have this aura about
him that would have him untouchable to the common folk.  I'm glad to say
that nothing could be further from the truth.  Mr. North was very
approachable and for a brief instant even related to us common folk at a
level which made it appear that he was in awe of what we were doing and
accomplishing and he was appreciative that even on the local level people
are battling for common sense government.  The man is a humble individual
who has been cast into the limelight by his position in the military and his
work revolving around the troops, and having NY Times best selling books
doesn't hurt either.  He isn't an individual that should be placed on a
pedal stool after all he is just like us, just with a bigger bank account
and friends which hold national prominence.

I'll tuck this memory away for keeping just as I have done when my step
father and myself spent 3 months out in AZ filming the sequel to Smokey &
the Bandit.  In the police car scene in the desert it was my step fathers
truck that was hauling the flat bed with the metal barrels on it that the
police car landed on, then the cop ask to let him off at the next stop to
which the air horn blowing was the reply.
It was a white cabover Petebilt with KEEN Transport on the door which was
also shown in the movie.


"lite a fire for a man he'll be warm for a day, lite the man on fire and
he'll be warm the rest of his life".

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

"You don't pay taxes - they take taxes."
~ Chris Rock~

"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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