[mitk-users] Problems with orientation Quaternion of NavigationData

2017-02-28 Thread Albert Alises

I am trying to set a CameraVisualiser to set up a camera that follows a
mesh around the space. To do so I need a navigation data that is used as
the input of the camera visualiser. The problem is that the mesh movement *does
not come from a tracking system*. However, I know the position of the mesh
at each frame and also its orientation (a vector defining the axis the mesh
is looking at), so at each frame It should be possible to define a new

When I try to set the navigation data, the position is correctly placed
using *SetPosition(mitk::Point3D) *but I am confused about the orientation,
as it is represented by a quaternion on the method of
*SetOrientation(mitk::Quaternion)*. How can I represent the orientation in
a quaternion given a direction vector or the axis the mesh is aligned
(let's say, (0.5,0.5,0))?

Thank you very much,
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Re: [mitk-users] using mitkRotationOperation

2017-02-28 Thread Albert Alises
Hello Wojciech,

The mitk Rotation Operation works as follows:

The first parameter indicates which operation do you want to perform, in
our case the rotation, so the first parameter is *mitk::OpROTATE* instead
of 1. The second parameter indicates the point to rotate around. by setting
it to *geo->GetCenterInWorld() *, you are rotating around the center of
your view, which is correct based on your goals. The third and four
parameters refer to the vector of rotation and angle of rotation,
respectively. That is, they represent a rotation in *Axis-Angle *form.

 In your case, you are rotating an angle given by *position *(MITK treats
them as non radian angles), *around the axis* defined by vector (in your
case, (0,1,0), but note that you assigned the position 0 of the vector 3
times! instead of: mitk::Vector3D vector = mitk::Vector3D();

Once defined this operation, you apply it to your geometry such as:

* geo->ExecuteOperation(op);*
And update the geometry. Try defining the rotation with the parameters
mentioned above and also render again using *this->RequestRenderWindowUpdate
*and see if it works.


2017-02-27 0:20 GMT+01:00 Wojciech Lassmann :

> Hi, i have problem.
> I want to rotate the mitkWidget4 cotents arround 3 perpendicular vectors
> (that would rotate with the world)
> I allready know that VTK functions are not much of a help, as they rotate
> around static axis, And i want to try with mitkRotationOperation, but seems
> thet i dont understand it.
> i use qt slider moved signal to trigger the slot, and read its position
> qDebug() <
> //typedef mitk::Vector Vector3D;
> mitk::Vector3D vector = mitk::Vector3D();
> vector[0]=0.0;
> vector[0]=1.0;
> vector[0]=0.0;
> mitk::RotationOperation* op = new mitk::RotationOperation(1, //i dont
> actually know what does tis fo as it just an int, what value should it have
> geo->GetCenterInWorld(), //where geo is time geometry of the data storage
> initialising the views
> vector,
> (double)position); //which is the slider value
> geo->ExecuteOperation(op);
> ui->view2->mitkWidget4->update(); //where view2 is my temorary name
> for QmitkStdMultiWidget
> This doesn't seem to do anything, and I have no Idea why.
> (http://docs.mitk.org/2015.05/GeometryOverviewPage.html 
> *geometry->GetVtkMatrix()->Rotate()
> *mentioned at the end of the page doesn't seem to exist anymore)
> With Regards,
> Wojciech Lassmann
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
> ___
> mitk-users mailing list
> mitk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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Re: [mitk-users] Render vtkCamera position update on QMitkRenderWindow

2017-02-24 Thread Albert Alises
Hello Ingmar,

Thank you for your response! I did try to do that but unfortunately the
scene keeps going black after executing these changes. Calling any event on
the window makes the view to render correctly (wheel event, or just moving
around), so it has to be a method called when doing that on a
QmitkRenderWindow, just cannot seem to find it...

Thank you,

2017-02-24 15:05 GMT+01:00 Ingmar Wegner <iweg...@gmx.de>:

> Hi Albert,
> did you try orthogonalizing the view up vector before calling
> RequestUpdate?
> currentCamera->OrthogonalizeViewUp();
> mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(mitk::
> RenderingManager::REQUEST_UPDATE_3DWINDOWS);// For 3D widget only
> This recomputes the view up vector to force it to be perpendicular to
> camera->focal point vector. (See vtkCamera docu)
> Ingmar
> (Written on cellphone)
> Am 24.02.2017, 13:13, Albert Alises <ironicpsy...@gmail.com> schrieb:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am having trouble rendering the update of a vtkCamera on a
>> QMitkRenderWindow. I have a renderWindow which looks at a given scene. I
>> get its associated* vtkRenderWindow* and from it, the* ActiveCamera()*
>> (Which is a vtkCamera object).
>> I then modify the position and the view of that camera by doing that:
>> currentCamera->SetPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0);
>> currentCamera->SetViewUp(1.0,0.0,0.0);
>> currentCamera->SetFocalPoint(0.7, 0.3, 0.4);
>> vtkTransform* translationToPoint = vtkTransform::New();
>> translationToPoint->Translate(40, 20, 30);
>> currentCamera->ApplyTransform(translationToPoint);
>> After applying these transformations, the renderwindow turns black, which
>> suggests that the render has not been updated. I have tried:
>> currentCamera->Modified();
>> this->RequestRenderWindowsUpdate();
>> Paint method of the Base Renderer from MITK
>> vtkRenderWindow->Update();
>> and rendering the camera, render windows, renderer associated None of
>> them is working though However, the rendering is updated correctly when
>> scrolling on the window with the mouse. Which method is the correct one to
>> call for the window to show the new scene after modifying the vtkCamera
>> associated to a the window? (the one the WheelEvent method on the
>> QMitkRenderWindows seems to call).
>> Thank you very much,
>> Albert.
>> --
>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most engaging
>> tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot__
>> _ mitk-users mailing list
>> mitk-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/
>> lists/listinfo/mitk-users
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[mitk-users] Render vtkCamera position update on QMitkRenderWindow

2017-02-24 Thread Albert Alises
Hello everyone,

I am having trouble rendering the update of a vtkCamera on a
QMitkRenderWindow. I have a renderWindow which looks at a given scene. I
get its associated *vtkRenderWindow *and from it, the *ActiveCamera() *(Which
is a vtkCamera object).

I then modify the position and the view of that camera by doing that:

currentCamera->SetFocalPoint(0.7, 0.3, 0.4);
vtkTransform* translationToPoint = vtkTransform::New();
translationToPoint->Translate(40, 20, 30);

After applying these transformations, the renderwindow turns black, which
suggests that the render has not been updated. I have tried:

Paint method of the Base Renderer from MITK

and rendering the camera, render windows, renderer associated None of
them is working though However, the rendering is updated correctly when
scrolling on the window with the mouse. Which method is the correct one to
call for the window to show the new scene after modifying the vtkCamera
associated to a the window? (the one the WheelEvent method on the
QMitkRenderWindows seems to call).

Thank you very much,
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mitk-users mailing list

Re: [mitk-users] [SOFA] Modify fields of a node component (such as translation/rotation) from C++ API.

2016-11-28 Thread Albert Alises
Hello Stefan,

Thank you very much for your answer!. The problem I have is not a null
pointer, as the cast seems to work, but the translation is just not
applied, nothing changes. Right now I have implemented the animate and
called the rendering update


And changed the casting to be to a visualmodelImpl (and translation)

sofa::component::visualmodel::VisualModelImpl* visualModel =
 visualModel->applyTranslation(100, 0, 100);

However, when pressing the button, it acts as a step button, just updating
a delta in the direction of the force and not applying the translation. In
my scene I have a MechanicalObject attached to the VtkModel and a
RigidMapping, maybe I have to modify those? I don't think so, just
modifying the translation of the model should do it
Sorry for all the trouble but I am just so confused about it.


2016-11-24 13:22 GMT+01:00 Kislinskiy, Stefan <

> An addition to my mail below: You didn't specify your actual problem. Is
> the cast failing with a null pointer or does it work, but you would expect
> to see seomthing different on the screen?
> Also, most of the time you do not have a standalone visual model in your
> scene but a simulated object with an attached visual model to get a visual
> representation of the simulated object. In this case, you want to modify
> the simulated object itself. Doing otherwise would result in strange
> effects like you would see your simulated object at another position as it
> is actually located at. For example, adding an x-translation of 10 to an
> visual model of a simulated object at x-pos 100, would show your object +10
> off. When the simulation is running, the offset persists and while the
> simulation object interacts with your scene at position A, it would be
> rendered at position (Ax+10, Ay, Az).
> Von: Kislinskiy, Stefan <s.kislins...@dkfz-heidelberg.de>
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. November 2016 12:57
> An: Albert Alises
> Cc: mitk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Betreff: Re: [mitk-users] [SOFA] Modify fields of a node component (such
> as translation/rotation) from C++ API.
> One of the greatest things about MITK Simulation is, that it is
> transparent to SOFA, which means, that it kind of *is* SOFA, with
> additional functionality on top. There's (nearly) nothing special you need
> to know and if it doesn't work in MITK SImulation, that usually means that
> it doesn't work in plane SOFA either. From another view: You don't have to
> care about MITK's reinit stuff or anything like that when writing your
> simulations.*
> The SOFA guys used (and are using) C++ for many years, until they switched
> to Python rather recently as it seems. So they have lots of experience even
> with the C++-API. Trust them. :-) Did you try the suggestion of Hugo? Of
> course you need to update the SOFA scene after your modifications, which is
> an intrinsic requirement of any simulation software. But beware, other than
> for initialization before the very first simulation step, it's not a good
> idea to manually transform any simulated object in the scene. This way you
> completely bypass the simulation and you may introduce infinite forces to
> your scene as it appears to the simulation that you moved the object
> infinitely fast. If you want to know how to update your simulation in C++,
> just have a look at the code behind the step button of the simulation
> plugin.
> * There's this one exception: To get SOFA visuals working and behaving
> nicely in the context of VTK, we had to use SOFA's factory mechanism to
> inject our own VisualModel/OglModel replacement class instead of the
> standard SOFA ones (see [1]). They are kind of identical, but it might be
> necessary to know the difference when it comes to casting of course. In
> contrast to Hugo's suggestion, you want to cast to VtkModel instead of
> VisualModel/OglModel. So remember, every VisualModel/OglModel in your scene
> will be instantiated in MITK Simulation as a VtkModel instead. All of these
> classes derive from VisualModelImpl so if this superclass provides
> everything you need, you can also just cast to VisualModelImpl to stay
> super compatible with standalone SOFA. If I remember correctly, you can
> also check the type of objects in your scene in the scene graph of the MITK
> Simulation plugin.
> BTW there's also a great hidden feature in the scene graph of the MITK
> Simulation plugin. You can right-click a "visual model" to open a context
> menu, which allows you to indirectly render into

Re: [mitk-users] [SOFA] Modify fields of a node component (such as translation/rotation) from C++ API.

2016-11-24 Thread Albert Alises
Hello Stefan,

I already asked on the SOFA Forum


However, I am still stuck with the question, as seemingly the C++ API of
SOFA is not used a lot, and also I do not know how the integration with
MITK works (e.g do i have to reinit the scene node for any modification to
happen?). I believe it is a problem with the references or casting, but I
get quite lost on the API of SOFA with C++

Best Regards,

2016-11-24 8:26 GMT+01:00 Kislinskiy, Stefan <

> Hi Albert,
> for questions related to pure SOFA, I highly recommend to ask in the
> official SOFA forum instead:
> https://www.sofa-framework.org/community/forum/section/
> user-forum/developing-in-sofa/
> Best,
> Stefan?
> ____
> Von: Albert Alises <ironicpsy...@gmail.com>
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. November 2016 10:56
> An: mitk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Betreff: [mitk-users] [SOFA] Modify fields of a node component (such as
> translation/rotation) from C++ API.
> Hello,
> I have a problem related to the way we access the scene and nodes
> information via the C++ API of SOFA (from MITK). I have a simulation node,
> sofa::simulation::Simulation simnode;
> Based on that object, I want to access a specific node component of this
> simulation, that is an OglModel (a mesh loaded from an stl). What I want to
> do is modify the translation and rotation properties of this node. That can
> be done on the xml file defining the scene as:
> However, as I am using MITK integrated with sofa, I need a way to access
> and modify the scene using the C++ API, not the xml. Is there a way I can
> get the OglModel object and add/modify fields to it from the
> sofa::simulation::Simulation class?
> I get to the point where I get the SOFASimulation object from the
> mitk::Simulation one.
> SOFASimulation = simulation->GetSOFASimulation();
> Then I get a child node and try to get the mesh object and cast it to a
> VisualModel which has an applyTranslation method. However this does not
> seem to work, what I want to do is setup the scene moving the mesh (not on
> simulation runtime)
> sofa::simulation::Node::SPtr ImplantNode = SOFASimulation->GetRoot()->
> GetChild("Implant");
> sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *object = ImplantNode->getObject("
> oglModel6");
> sofa::core::visual::VisualModel* visualModel = dynamic_cast visual::VisualObject*>(object);
> visualModel->applyTranslation(100,0,100);
> Is it a casting problem, reference ... I do not know how to modify the
> initial placement of the objects of the scene, and the SOFA C++ API does
> not provide any examples that I have seen.
> Thank You,
> Albert.
> Thank you very much,
> Cordially,
> Albert.
mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] [SOFA] Modify fields of a node component (such as translation/rotation) from C++ API.

2016-11-23 Thread Albert Alises

I have a problem related to the way we access the scene and nodes
information via the C++ API of SOFA (from MITK). I have a simulation node,

sofa::simulation::Simulation simnode;

Based on that object, I want to access a specific node component of this
simulation, that is an OglModel (a mesh loaded from an stl). What I want to
do is modify the translation and rotation properties of this node. That can
be done on the xml file defining the scene as:


Then I get a child node and try to get the mesh object and cast it to a
VisualModel which has an applyTranslation method. However this does not
seem to work, what I want to do is setup the scene moving the mesh (not on
simulation runtime)

sofa::simulation::Node::SPtr ImplantNode =

sofa::core::objectmodel::BaseObject *object =

sofa::core::visual::VisualModel* visualModel =


Is it a casting problem, reference ... I do not know how to modify the
initial placement of the objects of the scene, and the SOFA C++ API does
not provide any examples that I have seen.

Thank You,


Thank you very much,
mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] Problem with usage of QmitkDataStorageTableModel

2016-09-27 Thread Albert Alises

I have a problem/missunderstanding with the usage of the
QmitkDataStorageTableModel. I want to add a table to my view so it shows
certain nodes of the data storage and a property. However, when trying to
create all the widgets from the .ui file, it detects that it cannot be
created as it is a Q_OBJECT, not a widget.

Furthermore, when trying to create it programatically, I do not know how to
add it to an existing Qt layout, as it apparently only accepts widgets to
be added to a layout, not objects. How can I work my way through it to add
the table to the GUI (via Qt Designer for instance), or programatically? I
am quite lost on that, and casting and such does not seem to work for me.

Thank you,
mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] Link shared library to a MITK Plugin

2016-09-07 Thread Albert Alises

I have created a .so shared library with some functions and filters. I want
to use this library in a MITK plugin. How can I link this library for use
in a specific plugin?

mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] Delete all childrens of node when deleting from DataStorage

2016-08-02 Thread Albert Alises

What I want to do is notify the application when a node has been deleted
from a DataStorage, and then delete also its children nodes. How can I do
that? I have looked a little bit about the events and such but I find it
quite confusing.

Thank you,
mitk-users mailing list

Re: [mitk-users] Iterate through nodes of the data Storage

2016-08-01 Thread Albert Alises
Hi Dr. Maleike,

I finally solved it by calling it.Value()->GetName() inside my loop.


2016-08-01 15:13 GMT+02:00 Daniel Maleike <d.male...@mint-medical.de>:

> Hi Albert,
> have you tried calling "it->GetName()" inside your loop? Unless there are
> syntax errors (perhaps it would be "(*it)->GetName()"), this should work
> and give you the name for each object.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> --
> Dr. Daniel Maleike, Mint Medical GmbH
> Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 2, 69221 Dossenheim/Heidelberg
> Geschäftsführer: Dr. Matthias Baumhauer, Registergericht Mannheim, HRB
> 709351
> --
> *From:* Albert Alises <ironicpsy...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, August 1, 2016 2:35 PM
> *To:* mitk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [mitk-users] Iterate through nodes of the data Storage
> Hello,
> I want to check if a node with a certain name is already on the data
> Storage. So far, I retrieve all the nodes on the data storage using:
>mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allNodes =
> this->GetDataStorage()->GetAll();
> However, I do not know how to iterate through the set of objects. I have
> tried creating a loop with a constant iterator, like:
>  for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstIterator it =
> allNodes->Begin(); it != allNodes->End(); ++it){
> }
> I do not know how to iterathe through the different names of the objects
> and compare with a string, given the iterator. How could I do it?
> Cheers,
> Albert.
> --
> ___
> mitk-users mailing list
> mitk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mitk-users
mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] Iterate through nodes of the data Storage

2016-08-01 Thread Albert Alises

I want to check if a node with a certain name is already on the data
Storage. So far, I retrieve all the nodes on the data storage using:

   mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer allNodes =

However, I do not know how to iterate through the set of objects. I have
tried creating a loop with a constant iterator, like:

 for ( mitk::DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstIterator it =
allNodes->Begin(); it != allNodes->End(); ++it){


I do not know how to iterathe through the different names of the objects
and compare with a string, given the iterator. How could I do it?

mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] QMitkDataStorageComboBox filter surfaces

2016-07-22 Thread Albert Alises

In my plugin, I have a QMitkDataStorageComboBox. In my data storage, I have
several nodes that are surfaces, among others.

How can I make only the surface nodes to show in the Combo Box? It is
setting the predicate somehow, but I do not know how to specify it to
filter only a certain kind of nodes...

Thank you,
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mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] Error graphics card when building a MITK project

2016-07-07 Thread Albert Alises

I have built MITK in my computer with no errors. However, when I try to
build a MITK project, the following errors appear:

/usr/lib64/nvidia/libnvidia-glcore.so.367.27: undefined reference to
/usr/lib64/nvidia/libnvidia-glcore.so.367.27: undefined reference to
/usr/lib64/nvidia/libnvidia-glcore.so.367.27: undefined reference to

I suppose it is somehow related to the graphics card drivers, but I have no
clue how to solve it. Anyone faced the same problem?

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mitk-users mailing list

Re: [mitk-users] Confusion and lack of understanding on how to use Qt Creator with MITK

2016-07-06 Thread Albert Alises
Hello Stefan,

I have compiled the hello world minimal example, setting the path to the
> MITK-superbuild compiled in Fedora Linux. However, when I try to use
> QApplication, etc (i.e making a similar example to the STep1 of the
> tutorial), CMake does not recognize the libraries... do I have to add
> something to CMakeLists? (such as mitk_create_executable or
> mitk_create_module).

Right now my CMakeLists is the one on the minimal example of the slides,
and can detect, for example,  but no
 , what should I add to CMakeLists?


2016-07-06 11:06 GMT+02:00 Kislinskiy, Stefan <

> Hi,
> in that case I really do recommend any basic CMake tutorial first as it is
> crucial in understanding the build process and configuration. Before you
> can use MITK in the minimal way I referenced in the last mail, you would
> need to have a built MITK somewhere on your PC and set its path during the
> configure step of your CMake based project. Just to be sure, you know CMake
> GUI, right? As you are new to all this, I would recommend to use the
> MITK-ProjectTemplate first/instead and follow the Developer Tutorial (
> http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial) referenced in my last mail. It
> is quite exhaustive in describing each and every step. The MITK-superbuild
> is explained there as well. Be sure to check the Qt version requirements
> stated in the tutorial.
> Best,
> Stefan
> PS: Please keep the conversation on the list, so that other may find
> answers to similar questions in the future, thank you.
> *Stefan Kislinskiy, PhD*
> Div. Medical and Biological Informatics / E130
> Postdoc
> German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
> Foundation under Public Law
> Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
> 69120 Heidelberg
> Germany
> phone: +49 6221 42-3556
> fax: +49 6221 42-2345
> s.kislins...@dkfz.de
> www.dkfz.de
> Management Board: Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros (interim), Prof. Dr. Josef
> Puchta
> VAT-ID No.: DE143293537
> *From:* Albert Alises [mailto:ironicpsy...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2016 10:39
> *To:* Kislinskiy, Stefan
> *Subject:* Re: [mitk-users] Confusion and lack of understanding on how to
> use Qt Creator with MITK
> Hello Stefan,
> Thank you for your answer! However, I still don't understand how to
> compile the basic hello world project. I have the CMakeLists and the
> main.cpp files in a folder, how do I build the project? do I have to
> specify the path to MITK somewhere, put it on the same folder, create a
> build folder?
> Sorry, I am new to all this,
> Best Regards,
> Albert.
> 2016-07-06 10:02 GMT+02:00 Kislinskiy, Stefan <
> s.kislins...@dkfz-heidelberg.de>:
> Hi Albert,
> as MITK is a CMake based project, your project is supposed to use CMake as
> well instead of qmake. You can open a CMake project in Qt Creator, though,
> so no worries. See slide 8 of the power point presentation here [1], which
> is a minimal but fully functional example of using MITK. If you want to
> create a GUI application we highly recommend to have at least a look at the
> MITK-ProjectTemplate, which is a sophisticated example of using MITK [2, 3].
> Best regards,
> Stefan
> [1]
> http://mitk-um.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MITK_Tutorial_Introductory_Session.pdf
> [2] http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial_(Microsoft_Windows)
> [3] Tutorial Theory Slides: http://mitk-um.org/slides-um2016/
> Von: Albert Alises [ironicpsy...@gmail.com]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Juli 2016 22:09
> An: mitk-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Betreff: [mitk-users] Confusion and lack of understanding on how to use
> Qt  Creator with MITK
> Hello,
> I have a basic understanding issue on how to integrate MITK with Qt
> Creator. Basically, all I want to do is create a QT5 project, and edit it
> with QT creator, while using MITK on it, such as creating render windows,
> etc.
> I have looked at the tutorial and everything but I just do not understand
> how can I use it with Qt and Qt creator, on a normal Qt project... I have
> MITK installed on a Linux Fedora machine.
> Does anyone know how can I configure it to being integrated with Qt
> creator and being able to create, for instance, a GUI with a renderwindows?
> Thank you,
> Albert.
Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
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present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
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mitk-users mailing list

[mitk-users] Confusion and lack of understanding on how to use Qt Creator with MITK

2016-07-05 Thread Albert Alises

I have a basic understanding issue on how to integrate MITK with Qt
Creator. Basically, all I want to do is create a QT5 project, and edit it
with QT creator, while using MITK on it, such as creating render windows,

I have looked at the tutorial and everything but I just do not understand
how can I use it with Qt and Qt creator, on a normal Qt project... I have
MITK installed on a Linux Fedora machine.

Does anyone know how can I configure it to being integrated with Qt creator
and being able to create, for instance, a GUI with a renderwindows?

Thank you,
Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
mitk-users mailing list