Hi Ron,

Glad to hear that Mixxx became usable for you at some point.

Regarding the installation problem of your friend, it seems that the installation program cannot escalate privilege to install as administrator, either due to UAC has been disabled or your antivirus program is blocking th installer. Either turn on UAC, disable your antivirus during installation or execute the installation program as Administrator (right click -> run as Administrator)

Please report if you manage to get Mixxx installed and what was the exact problem (if it is the anti-virus, please report the antivirus program that block Mixxx installation)

Best regards,


Le 12/08/2018 à 17:30, ron camron via Mixxx-devel a écrit :
Hello Developers.  I am currently runny mixxx 2.2 alpha development
version and i rather like it.  A pivital improvement in screen reader
accessibility has made it the must use version for me.  I can now read
file information using jaws screen reader.  Something i was not able
to do before.  However another dj friend of mine tried running the
same software and encountered problems.  We are both running windows
10 64bit edition.  Yet he encounters problems where i don't.  I will
copy in the log file that mixxx brings up when trying to instal.  I
will copy it in to the message.

[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i001: Burn v3.10.3.3007, Windows v10.0
(Build 17134: Service Pack 0), path:
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i000: Initializing string variable
'InstallFolder' to value '[ProgramFiles6432Folder]Mixxx'
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i000: Initializing string variable
'LaunchTarget' to value '[InstallFolder]\mixxx.exe'
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i009: Command Line:
-burn.filehandle.attached=644 -burn.filehandle.self=652'
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'P:\Shared\dj
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder' to value 'P:\Shared\dj friends\'
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleLog' to value
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleName' to value 'Mixxx'
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:57]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleManufacturer' to value 'The Mixxx Development Team'
[9830:92D4][2018-07-24T15:36:58]i000: Setting version variable
'WixBundleFileVersion' to value ''
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:58]i100: Detect begin, 2 packages
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:58]i000: Setting numeric variable
'vcredist32installed' to value 1
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:58]i000: Setting numeric variable
'vcredist64installed' to value 1
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:58]i052: Condition 'vcredist64installed'
evaluates to true.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:58]i101: Detected package: vcredist64,
state: Present, cached: None
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i101: Detected package: MainPackage,
state: Absent, cached: None
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i104: Detected package: MainPackage,
feature: PDBFeature, state: Absent
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i104: Detected package: MainPackage,
feature: MainProgram, state: Absent
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i104: Detected package: MainPackage,
feature: DesktopShortcutFeature, state: Absent
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i104: Detected package: MainPackage,
feature: Translations, state: Absent
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i104: Detected package: MainPackage,
feature: Manual, state: Absent
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i052: Condition 'VersionNT64' evaluates to true.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:36:59]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i200: Plan begin, 2 packages, action: Install
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]w321: Skipping dependency registration
on package with no dependency providers: vcredist64
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i204: Plan 5 msi features for package:
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i203: Planned feature: PDBFeature,
state: Absent, default requested: Unknown, ba requested: Unknown,
execute action: None, rollback action: None
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i203: Planned feature: MainProgram,
state: Absent, default requested: Unknown, ba requested: Unknown,
execute action: None, rollback action: None
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i203: Planned feature:
DesktopShortcutFeature, state: Absent, default requested: Unknown, ba
requested: Unknown, execute action: None, rollback action: None
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i203: Planned feature: Translations,
state: Absent, default requested: Unknown, ba requested: Unknown,
execute action: None, rollback action: None
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i203: Planned feature: Manual, state:
Absent, default requested: Unknown, ba requested: Unknown, execute
action: None, rollback action: None
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleRollbackLog_MainPackage' to value
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i000: Setting string variable
'WixBundleLog_MainPackage' to value
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i201: Planned package: vcredist64,
state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present,
execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency:
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i201: Planned package: MainPackage,
state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present,
execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No,
dependency: Register
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i300: Apply begin
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:15]i010: Launching elevated engine process.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:35]i011: Launched elevated engine process.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:35]e000: Error 0x800700e8: Failed to wait
for child to connect to pipe.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:35]e000: Error 0x800700e8: Failed to
connect to elevated child process.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:35]e000: Error 0x800700e8: Failed to
actually elevate.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:35]e000: Error 0x800700e8: Failed to elevate.
[9830:9ACC][2018-07-24T15:37:35]i399: Apply complete, result:
0x800700e8, restart: None, ba requested restart:  No

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