Hi all,

I opened a thread on launchpad about this but I'm having trouble loading the website atm. Anyways, I want to whip up a naive prototype and I'm a little lost on the standard way to query the DB. I was hoping to find a native SQLite solution but I wasn't happy with the possibilities.

However, I'm at a bit of a loss where to start connection to the database in the correct way. There are a lot of layers of abstraction that I can't sort out just sifting through the source code. What headers do I need to include at a minimum to create a simple query?

In regards to duplicate detection, as a starting point I want to query title, artist, and duration of each track into a list of lists and perform some simple comparison of all unique permutations of the tracks. I have tested this in Python and it works reasonably well for a basic brute force approach.


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