Right now I'm rescanning my track collection on my laptop, and I expected it to 
be a short operation, but it's taking forever.  I'm guessing it's because I 
moved a large part of my track collection to a different partition on my hard 
drive, even though the path remained the same.  The issue is that QDirIterator 
doesn't present the tracks in any particular order; it'll be dictated by how 
they happened to be stored in the underlying filesystem.  When I moved the 
track collection, that permuted the files in each directory.

The issue is that the directory-hash calculation isn't order-independent; it 
calculates the directory hash by appending all the filenames to one string.  If 
we changed it to calculate the hash of each filename individually, and XORed 
those together, then it would be order-independent, and shouldn't detect less 
changes than the previous method.


Steven Boswell
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