In previous posts I had discussed that I'd had to force CBR in previous releases but 
would give VBR a try next time I encoded.  I gave it a try and it does indeed work.  I 
used -q 6 with no specification of bitrate (guess that defaults to 7500000 bps) and it 
used about 3/4 of the CD (140 minute video).  Now while it does work, and I will 
continue using VBR since it does work and it appears I won't have to worry about 
having to specify a bitrate to fit on a DVD, I really can't tell the difference in 
quality between VBR and CBR.  Now keep in mind I was using reasonably high rates 
(5000+) for CBR encoding, sometimes as low as 4500.  But perhaps someone else could 
tell the difference or perhaps if I were to see a CBR and VBR side-by-side I could 
tell, but I think that speaks of the quality of the CBR capability in mpeg2enc :-)

Anyway, next time I'm going to use -q 5 and see how that goes.  Any suggestions on a 
'q' value?  I noticed it defaults to 8.  I'm not sure I can tell the difference 
between 8 and 6, but that's just me :-)  BTW, ever since I started playing around with 
creating DVD's I've started to see defects on DirecTV I would have never noticed 
before.  Scenes with a lot of 'fog' seem to really be problematic.  My wife thinks I'm 
going insane...she couldn't see that it was 'blocky', but I guess I watch things with 
a different eye than I did before :-)

I'd say is a big improvement over 1.6.1.  If I'd had it when I first started 
trying to make DVDs I probably wouldn't have wasted 40 of them before I got a 
combination that works (multiple that by the cost of DVD+R as well as the frustration 
I went through and perhaps you understand my resistance to giving something new a try 
;-)  But things are much improved now, and I'd guess I would have only burned a few 
coasters if I had to start from scratch today...

-- Ray

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