
I've been spending some time getting to know
mjpegtools and other video resources better so I can
create a process for myself to import VHS tapes and
encode them to mpeg2 and write them to DVD. As such,
I've been pouring over the readme's and howto's and
whatnot but I have an issue I can't seem to get past.

Here's what I'm doing: I'm using lavrec to import 2
hours of video at a time from my vcr with my G400-TV.
This gives me about 15 avi files ranging from 1.5-1.8
gigs each. I open the first with avidemux, append the
next fourteen, and run three filters to crop, resize,
and detinterlace (this is all NTSC). This gives me one
big avi. When I play the avi in either MPlayer or
Xine, it runs fine.

But since I need to encode this to mpeg2 (going by the
mjpeg dvd how-to and other resources) I rip the audio
either by using lav2wav or lavtrans, and then I rip
encode the video using lav2yuv:

lav2wav hercules.avi | mp2enc -o hercules.mp2

lav2yuv hercules.avi | mpeg2enc -n n -M 2 -f 8 -s -r
16 -o hercules.m1v

And then for multiplexing them to mpeg2:

mplex -f 8 hercules.mp2 video.m1v -o hercules.mpg

When I go to play the mpg file it looks great for
about 8-10 minutes, and then the video freezes and the
sound becomes a screeching blast white noise. I
checked the mp2 file, and that seemed to be the
problem as screeched also when I played it alone. I
then took a different approach of going back to my 15
original avi captures and ripping the audio from the
directly, and then appending them together in a wav
editor. After re-encoding this gives me a perfect
sounding mp2. Using this new mp2 file I re-encode the
whole thing to mpeg2 again with lav2yuv.

This time when I play the file the video simply
freezes at the exact same spot as last time but this
time without the white noise screech.

At this point I think there must be something wrong
with the way avidemux appends or saves the avi file.
So  I come back to the shell to try without visual
aids. Since then I've been trying to use every tool I
can find that I think I can substitute for avidemux
including using lavtans as described in the
mjpeg-howto under the "Unify videos" section.  This
starts to work until it hits 2-gig file size and then
craps out. The how-to warns of this IF "there is the
2GB file-size-limit on 32Bit systems with an older
glibc." I'm using RedHat 8.1 beta (phoebe) with
glibc-2.3.1-46, so I'm not convinced that is my

Mencoder also hits this 2-gig file barrier, but then
creates additional 2-gig files until its finished

So as it stands now I'm just trying to get single
giant m1v file that doesn't freeze, or identify what's
happening to make it freeze. The only way I can seem
to get a single avi file is with avidemux, which could
be causing my problem, and I can't get a single avi
file with lavtrans without encurring the 2-gig file
limit. Also, it might be worthy of noting that the
freeze point always happens at the exact same frame,
and this is not a transitional point between two
appended files.

I'm also concerned that even I do get past the file
size limit that any new mpeg2 encodings will produce
the same freezing problem. I'm starting to think that
I'm going about this all wrong by appending it all
together into huge audio and video files before
splitting and encoding.

I'm confused to the point that I now seek the wisdom
of my betters.

*grog* I need to sleep.

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