[ml] DIMVA 2014

2014-06-19 Per discussione Gigi Sullivan
`Gigi Sullivan' sulli...@sikurezza.org Until I loved, life had no beauty; I did not know I lived until I had loved. (Theodor Korner) See the reality in your eyes, when the hate makes you blind. (A.H.X)

[ml] My botnet is your botnet: Taking over the Torpig botnet

2009-05-02 Per discussione Gigi Sullivan
Ragazzi, un paper che potrebbe interessarvi... (abstract qui sotto) http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~seclab/projects/torpig/torpig.pdf Botnets, networks of malware-infected machines that are controlled by an adversary, are the root cause of a large number of security threats

[ml] Debian OpenSSL Predictable PRNG

2008-05-16 Per discussione Gigi Sullivan
Ciaps, probabilmente lo sapete di gia` e avete gia` provveduto ma, nel caso non fosse cosi`, just FYI [*] http://metasploit.com/users/hdm/tools/debian-openssl/ bye, GG sullivan [*] chiavi generate tra settembre 2006 e 13 maggio 2008 potrebbero essere vulnerabili -- Lorenzo `Gigi