abbiamo pensato di estendere al 1 Settembre la deadline per il call for paper.

I costi di trasferta per gli speaker saranno sostenuti da OWASP Italy (nei 
limiti del possibile).

Ricordo che Gary McGraw sarà il keynote dell'evento.


> Il giorno 10 lug 2017, alle ore 13:45, Igor Falcomata' <k...@sikurezza.org> 
> ha scritto:
> ----- Forwarded message from Matteo Meucci <matteo.meucci(at)owasp.org> -----
> Buona sera,
> ecco a voi il Call For Paper del prossimo OWASP Day che si terrà a
> Cagliari il prossimo 20 Ottobre 2017.
> L'obiettivo è quello di realizzare una conferenza che parli delle
> nuove iniziative di Software Security e delle ultime ricerce nel campo
> della AppSec.
> =============================================================
>                    OWASP-Italy Day Cagliari
>                        20th October 2017
> =============================================================
> Introduction
> ============
> Following on from the great successes of last OWASP Days, the new
> conference will take place next 20th October 2017 at the University of
> Cagliari.
> Organization and goals:
> =======================
> * The event will show several points of discussion: we will present
> the state of the art of the Secure Software Initiatives and technical
> speeches about the new researches in Application Security.
> * We will organize a round table regarding women in Application Security.
> * As conclusion of the day, we organize a round table discussing the
> most interesting subjects came out during the event.
> * Conference goal is creating a debate on which will be the evolution
> of the research for the Web Application Security, and how to start a
> secure software initiative.
> Call For Paper:
> ==============
> OWASP solicits contributions on the above topics, or general matters
> of interest to the community. Those who are interested in
> participating as speakers to the conference can submit an abstract of
> the speech to the OWASP-Italy Board by email at:
> owasp-italy <at> owasp.org.
> The email subject must be “OWASP Day 2017: CFP” and  the email body must
> contains the following information/sections:
> * Name and Surname
> * Email address
> * Telephone number
> * Company name and role
> * Short biography(max 100 words)
> * List of the author’s previous papers/articles/speeches on the same topics
> * Title of the contribution
> * Type of contribution: Technical or Informative
> * Abstract (max one A4 style page)
> * Why the contribution is relevant for OWASP-Italy Day
> The submission will be reviewed by the OWASP-Italy Board and the 8-9
> most interesting ones will be selected and invited for presentation
> Important dates:
> ================
> * Contributions submission deadline:            5th August 2017
> * Communication of acceptance for contributions:    30th August 2017
> Additional information:
> =======================
> * Conference website:
> https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=Italy_OWASP_Day_2017
> * OWASP Speaker Agreement: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Speaker_Agreement
> * About OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/ || http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Italy
> Grazie!
> Matteo
> -- Matteo Meucci OWASP-Italy Chair http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Italy
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> ________________________________________________________
> http://www.sikurezza.org - Italian Security Mailing List
http://www.sikurezza.org - Italian Security Mailing List

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