Dear mlpack folks

I'm delighted to announce a new project which has been added to the mlpack
GSoC idea list for Reinforcement learning environment generation.

This project relates to Procedural generation of the environment, so that
RL agents can face real world situations. Please do find the new idea on
the ideas list.

We're planning to add some more gif/images so that potential students can
get a deeper understanding of it, so stay tuned!

This is a special project for us, since we're co-mentoring with someone
external: Shaikh Mohd. Fauz,  to mlpack member list. This is owing to his
experience in Game Engine's which was crucial for our previous GSoC

Please feel free to reach out to the mentors via email or community chat.
We're excited to have you!

Reach out to me:
Reach out to Fauz:

mlpack mailing list

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