Hello Rohan,

thanks for the update.

> One more request to you. Please brief me any procedure by which we can add 
> these
> tags to our code. Presently I have aliased the command in the bashrc of my
> system. It will be  more convenient for the users to run the code directly 
> with
> g++.

One option that could work depending on your system is:

g++ example.cpp -std=c++11 `pkg-config --libs mlpack`

In the end, there is no general solution and alias might work in your case, but
it would look different if you like to use mlpack in conjunction with another

> Presently I am documenting my first RL code on mlpack on my blog page. After
> this I will try simple policy gradient method on cartpole . I would like to 
> know
> Shangton's and Ryan's views on it. Please let me know if you wish to give any
> suggestions.

Sounds good, we will look at the PR once we get a chance.

I hope this is helpful, let me know if I should clarify anything.


> On 21. Feb 2018, at 05:30, Rohan Raj <rajrohan1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Marcus,
> Thanks for being the saviour. The code ran smoothly. Please let me know how 
> to render the output window of the gym.
> Previously I was running the codes without #include 
> <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> . However same error was encountered . What I see 
> here is that you had added an executable in the command. I sincerely request 
> you to add the same executable in your comment on the issue 
> <https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/issues/562#issuecomment-204810912>. 
> One more request to you. Please brief me any procedure by which we can add 
> these tags to our code. Presently I have aliased the command in the bashrc of 
> my system. It will be  more convenient for the users to run the code directly 
> with g++.
> Presently I am documenting my first RL code on mlpack on my blog page 
> <https://rohanrajblogs.blogspot.in/>. After this I will try simple policy 
> gradient method on cartpole . I would like to know Shangton's and Ryan's 
> views on it. Please let me know if you wish to give any suggestions. 
> Thanks
> Rohan Raj
> Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
> Assam , India
> Phone : +91 8723990557, +91 8651776581
> On 21 February 2018 at 01:57, Marcus Edel <marcus.e...@fu-berlin.de 
> <mailto:marcus.e...@fu-berlin.de>> wrote:
> Hello Rohan,
> Either you can remove #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> or link against the
> boost unit test framework e.g. clang++ basic.cpp /path/to/lib/libmlpack.so
> -I/path/to/mlpack/include/ -larmadillo -lboost_unit_test_framework -std=c++11
> Let me know if that solves the problem.
> About Log::Debug see http://www.mlpack.org/docs/mlpack- 
> <http://www.mlpack.org/docs/mlpack->
> git/doxygen/classmlpack_1_1Log.html#afd147ffc8dcfdceaccad2fa1dde00e30 for more
> information, it's bascially like std::cout but it will only print the output 
> if
> you build mlpack with DEBUG=ON.
> I hope this is helpful, let me know if I should clarify anything. And a nice
> blog post would be awesome.
> Thanks,
> Marcus
>> On 20. Feb 2018, at 18:50, Rohan Raj <rajrohan1...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:rajrohan1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello Shangtong and Marcus,
>> I am Rohan Raj,aka luffy 1996 . I have earlier expressed my interest in 
>> reinforcement learning module for GSOC 18.
>> Presently I am trying to implement policy gradient method using mlpack. 
>> Before diving into this problem I planned to run a simple q learning problem 
>> using Shangtong's last years code. However I was facing errors similar to 
>> this issue <https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/issues/562>. I
>> tried implementing zoq's command by referencing the library and armadillo to 
>> g++, but still do not have any success.
>> This might be an elementary mistake from my side in the code. However , 
>> helping me out by rectifying it will be a great help as I am new to mlpack. 
>> I am stuck here for a day. I would like to mention that I will document a 
>> blog , once this works (incase it hasn't been written.) I also have doubts 
>> regarding Log::Debug and its use in the code written by Shangton in the 
>> qlearning 
>> <https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/blob/master/src/mlpack/tests/q_learning_test.cpp>
>>  test file. It will be great if any one explains me the use of Debug.
>> The codes are available on my github 
>> <https://github.com/luffy1996/policy-gradient> page. basic.cpp is the code 
>> which I am mentioning in this email. I will add the README once the code 
>> works and I will document the blog . 
>> Points to note are:
>> 1) The reinforcement learning test passed success on my system.
>> 2) I have added the lib and include as said by zoq in the comment of issue 
>> <https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/issues/562> still the similar error exists.
>> I sincerely request you not to broadcast this message on mlpack lists. I am 
>> planning to document it once this code works. :) 
>> I will be grateful to your help.
>> Thanks,
>> Rohan Raj
>> Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
>> Assam , India
>> Phone : +91 8723990557, +91 8651776581
>> ᐧ
> ᐧ

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