
i recently did a tests against new decklink board (decklink quad2) that works with newer driver (blackmagic-io.ko) and found some issues:

- ScheduleVideoFrame stop working in video-callback after the thread driver initialized get finished.

- ScheduleAudioSamples sometimes cause in kernel driver warnings then called from ScheduledFrameCompleted.

- on some motherboards ScheduleAudioSamples cause a stalls for a 40miliseconds then it called from ScheduledFrameCompleted

so i did a rework of current consumer_decklink.cpp

it contains a lot of changes so the question: should it be sent as patch or it would be better to create something like *decklink2_consumer.cpp*

Maksym Veremeyenko

 * consumer_decklink.cpp -- output through Blackmagic Design DeckLink
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Dan Dennedy <d...@dennedy.org>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with consumer library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS  /* see inttypes.h */
#include <framework/mlt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "common.h"

static const unsigned PREROLL_MINIMUM = 3;

        OP_NONE = 0,

class DeckLinkConsumer
        : public IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback
        , public IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback
        mlt_consumer_s              m_consumer;
        IDeckLink*                  m_deckLink;
        IDeckLinkOutput*            m_deckLinkOutput;
        IDeckLinkDisplayMode*       m_displayMode;
        int                         m_width;
        int                         m_height;
        BMDTimeValue                m_duration;
        BMDTimeScale                m_timescale;
        double                      m_fps;
        uint64_t                    m_count;
        int                         m_channels;
        bool                        m_isAudio;
        int                         m_isKeyer;
        IDeckLinkKeyer*             m_deckLinkKeyer;
        bool                        m_terminate_on_pause;
        uint32_t                    m_preroll;
        uint32_t                    m_acnt;
        uint32_t                    m_reprio;

        mlt_deque                   m_aqueue;
        mlt_deque                   m_frames;

        pthread_mutex_t             m_op_lock;
        pthread_mutex_t             m_op_arg_mutex;
        pthread_cond_t              m_op_arg_cond;
        int                         m_op_id;
        int                         m_op_res;
        int                         m_op_arg;
        pthread_t                   m_op_thread;

        IDeckLinkDisplayMode* getDisplayMode()
                mlt_profile profile = mlt_service_profile( 
MLT_CONSUMER_SERVICE( getConsumer() ) );
                IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* iter = NULL;
                IDeckLinkDisplayMode* mode = NULL;
                IDeckLinkDisplayMode* result = 0;

                if ( m_deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator( &iter ) == S_OK )
                        while ( !result && iter->Next( &mode ) == S_OK )
                                m_width = mode->GetWidth();
                                m_height = mode->GetHeight();
                                mode->GetFrameRate( &m_duration, &m_timescale );
                                m_fps = (double) m_timescale / m_duration;
                                int p = mode->GetFieldDominance() == 
                                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "BMD mode %dx%d 
%.3f fps prog %d\n", m_width, m_height, m_fps, p );

                                if ( m_width == profile->width && p == 
                                         && (int) m_fps == (int) 
mlt_profile_fps( profile )
                                         && ( m_height == profile->height || ( 
m_height == 486 && profile->height == 480 ) ) )
                                        result = mode;
                                        SAFE_RELEASE( mode );
                        SAFE_RELEASE( iter );

                return result;

        mlt_consumer getConsumer()
                { return &m_consumer; }

                pthread_mutexattr_t mta;

                m_displayMode = NULL;
                m_deckLinkKeyer = NULL;
                m_deckLinkOutput = NULL;
                m_deckLink = NULL;

                m_aqueue = mlt_deque_init();
                m_frames = mlt_deque_init();

                // operation locks
                m_op_id = OP_NONE;
                m_op_arg = NULL;
                pthread_mutexattr_init( &mta );
                pthread_mutexattr_settype( &mta, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE );
                pthread_mutex_init( &m_op_lock, &mta );
                pthread_mutex_init( &m_op_arg_mutex, &mta );
                pthread_mutexattr_destroy( &mta );
                pthread_cond_init( &m_op_arg_cond, NULL );
                pthread_create( &m_op_thread, NULL, op_main, this );

        virtual ~DeckLinkConsumer()
                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: entering\n",  __FILE__, 

                SAFE_RELEASE( m_displayMode );
                SAFE_RELEASE( m_deckLinkKeyer );
                SAFE_RELEASE( m_deckLinkOutput );
                SAFE_RELEASE( m_deckLink );

                mlt_deque_close( m_aqueue );
                mlt_deque_close( m_frames );

                op(OP_EXIT, 0);
                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: waiting for op 
thread\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );
                pthread_join(m_op_thread, NULL);
                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: finished op thread\n", 
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );


                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: exiting\n", __FILE__, 

        int op(int op_id, int arg)
                int r;

                // lock operation mutex

                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: op_id=%d\n", __FILE__, 
__FUNCTION__, op_id );

                // notify op id
                m_op_id = op_id;
                m_op_arg = arg;

                // wait op done
                while(OP_NONE != m_op_id)
                        pthread_cond_wait(&m_op_arg_cond, &m_op_arg_mutex);

                // save result
                r = m_op_res;

                mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: r=%d\n", __FILE__, 
__FUNCTION__, r );

                // unlock operation mutex

                return r;


        static void* op_main(void* thisptr)
                DeckLinkConsumer* d = static_cast<DeckLinkConsumer*>(thisptr);

                mlt_log_verbose( d->getConsumer(), "%s:%s: entering\n", 
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );

                        int o, r;

                        // wait op command
                        pthread_mutex_lock ( &d->m_op_arg_mutex );
                        while ( OP_NONE == d->m_op_id )
                                pthread_cond_wait( &d->m_op_arg_cond, 
&d->m_op_arg_mutex );
                        pthread_mutex_unlock( &d->m_op_arg_mutex );
                        o = d->m_op_id;

                        mlt_log_verbose( d->getConsumer(), "%s:%s:%d 
d->m_op_id=%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, d->m_op_id );

                        switch ( d->m_op_id )
                                case OP_OPEN:
                                        r = d->m_op_res = d->open( d->m_op_arg 

                                case OP_START:
                                        r = d->m_op_res = d->start( d->m_op_arg 

                                case OP_STOP:
                                        r = d->m_op_res = d->stop();

                        // notify op done
                        pthread_mutex_lock( &d->m_op_arg_mutex );
                        d->m_op_id = OP_NONE;
                        pthread_cond_signal( &d->m_op_arg_cond );
                        pthread_mutex_unlock( &d->m_op_arg_mutex );

                        // post for async
                        if ( OP_START == o && r )

                        if ( OP_EXIT == o )
                                mlt_log_verbose( d->getConsumer(), "%s:%s: 
exiting\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );
                                return NULL;

                return NULL;

        bool open( unsigned card = 0 )
                unsigned i = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
                IDeckLinkIterator* deckLinkIterator = NULL;
                HRESULT result =  CoInitialize( NULL );
                if ( FAILED( result ) )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "COM initialization 
failed\n" );
                        return false;
                result = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CDeckLinkIterator, NULL, 
CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDeckLinkIterator, (void**) &deckLinkIterator );
                if ( FAILED( result ) )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "The DeckLink drivers not 
installed.\n" );
                        return false;
                IDeckLinkIterator* deckLinkIterator = 

                if ( !deckLinkIterator )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "The DeckLink drivers not 
installed.\n" );
                        return false;

                // Connect to the Nth DeckLink instance
                for ( i = 0; deckLinkIterator->Next( &m_deckLink ) == S_OK ; 
                        if( i == card )
                                SAFE_RELEASE( m_deckLink );
                SAFE_RELEASE( deckLinkIterator );
                if ( !m_deckLink )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "DeckLink card not 
found\n" );
                        return false;

                // Obtain the audio/video output interface (IDeckLinkOutput)
                if ( m_deckLink->QueryInterface( IID_IDeckLinkOutput, 
(void**)&m_deckLinkOutput ) != S_OK )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "No DeckLink cards 
support output\n" );
                        SAFE_RELEASE( m_deckLink );
                        return false;

                // Get the keyer interface
                IDeckLinkAttributes *deckLinkAttributes = 0;
                if ( m_deckLink->QueryInterface( IID_IDeckLinkAttributes, 
(void**) &deckLinkAttributes ) == S_OK )
#ifdef _WIN32
                        BOOL flag = FALSE;
                        bool flag = false;
                        if ( deckLinkAttributes->GetFlag( 
BMDDeckLinkSupportsInternalKeying, &flag ) == S_OK && flag )
                                if ( m_deckLink->QueryInterface( 
IID_IDeckLinkKeyer, (void**) &m_deckLinkKeyer ) != S_OK )
                                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "Failed 
to get keyer\n" );
                                        SAFE_RELEASE( m_deckLinkOutput );
                                        SAFE_RELEASE( m_deckLink );
                                        return false;
                        SAFE_RELEASE( deckLinkAttributes );

                // Provide this class as a delegate to the audio and video 
output interfaces
                m_deckLinkOutput->SetScheduledFrameCompletionCallback( this );
                m_deckLinkOutput->SetAudioCallback( this );

                return true;

        int preroll()
                mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( 
getConsumer() );

                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: starting\n", __FILE__, 

                if ( !mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "running" ) )
                        return 0;

                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: m_preroll=%dth\n", 
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, m_preroll );

                // preroll frames
                for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_preroll ; i++ )
                        ScheduleNextFrame( true );

                // start audio preroll
                if ( m_isAudio )
                        m_deckLinkOutput->BeginAudioPreroll( );
                        m_deckLinkOutput->StartScheduledPlayback( 0, 
m_timescale, 1.0 );

                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: exiting\n", __FILE__, 

                return 0;

        bool start( unsigned preroll )
                mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( 
getConsumer() );

                // Initialize members
                m_count = 0;
                preroll = preroll < PREROLL_MINIMUM ? PREROLL_MINIMUM : preroll;
                m_channels = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "channels" );
                m_isAudio = !mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "audio_off" );
                m_terminate_on_pause = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, 
"terminate_on_pause" );

                m_displayMode = getDisplayMode();
                if ( !m_displayMode )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "Profile is not 
compatible with decklink.\n" );
                        return false;

                // Set the keyer
                if ( m_deckLinkKeyer && ( m_isKeyer = mlt_properties_get_int( 
properties, "keyer" ) ) )
                        bool external = ( m_isKeyer == 2 );
                        double level = mlt_properties_get_double( properties, 
"keyer_level" );

                        if ( m_deckLinkKeyer->Enable( external ) != S_OK )
                                mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "Failed to enable 
%s keyer\n",
                                        external ? "external" : "internal" );
                        m_deckLinkKeyer->SetLevel( level <= 1 ? ( level > 0 ? 
255 * level : 255 ) : 255 );
                else if ( m_deckLinkKeyer )

                // Set the video output mode
                if ( S_OK != m_deckLinkOutput->EnableVideoOutput( 
//                      bmdVideoOutputFlagDefault )
                        (BMDVideoOutputFlags) (bmdVideoOutputFlagDefault | 
bmdVideoOutputRP188 | bmdVideoOutputVITC) ) )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "Failed to enable video 
output\n" );
                        return false;

                // Set the audio output mode
                if ( m_isAudio && S_OK != m_deckLinkOutput->EnableAudioOutput( 
bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz, bmdAudioSampleType16bitInteger,
                        m_channels, bmdAudioOutputStreamTimestamped ) )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "Failed to enable audio 
output\n" );
                        return false;

                m_preroll = preroll;
                m_reprio = 2;

                for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ( m_preroll + 2 ) ; i++)
                        IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame* frame;

                        // Generate a DeckLink video frame
                        if ( S_OK != m_deckLinkOutput->CreateVideoFrame( 
m_width, m_height,
                                m_width * ( m_isKeyer? 4 : 2 ), m_isKeyer? 
bmdFormat8BitARGB : bmdFormat8BitYUV, bmdFrameFlagDefault, &frame ) )
                                mlt_log_error( getConsumer(), "%s: 
CreateVideoFrame (%d) failed\n", __FUNCTION__, i );
                                return false;

                        mlt_deque_push_back( m_frames, 
reinterpret_cast<IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*>(frame) );

                // Set the running state
                mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "running", 1 );

                return true;

        bool stop()
                mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( 
getConsumer() );

                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: starting\n", __FILE__, 

                // Stop the audio and video output streams immediately
                if ( m_deckLinkOutput )
                        m_deckLinkOutput->StopScheduledPlayback( 0, 0, 0 );

                while ( mlt_frame frame = (mlt_frame) mlt_deque_pop_back( 
m_aqueue ) )
                        mlt_frame_close( frame );

                while ( IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame* frame = 
(IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*) mlt_deque_pop_back( m_frames ) )
                        SAFE_RELEASE( frame );

                // set running state is 0
                mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "running", 0 );

                mlt_consumer_stopped( getConsumer() );

                mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), "%s:%s: exiting\n", __FILE__, 

                return true;

        void renderAudio( mlt_frame frame )
                mlt_properties properties;
                properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame );
                mlt_properties_set_int64( properties, "m_count", m_count);
                mlt_properties_inc_ref( properties );
                mlt_deque_push_back( m_aqueue, frame );
                mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%d frame=%p, len=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, 
__LINE__, frame, mlt_deque_count( m_aqueue ));

        bool createFrame( IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame** decklinkFrame )
                uint8_t *buffer = 0;
                int stride = m_width * ( m_isKeyer? 4 : 2 );
                IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame* frame = 
(IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*)mlt_deque_pop_front( m_frames );;

                *decklinkFrame = frame;

                // Make the first line black for field order correction.
                if ( S_OK == frame->GetBytes( (void**) &buffer ) && buffer )
                        if ( m_isKeyer )
                                memset( buffer, 0, stride );
                        else for ( int i = 0; i < m_width; i++ )
                                *buffer++ = 128;
                                *buffer++ = 16;

                return true;

        void renderVideo( mlt_frame frame )
                HRESULT hr;
                mlt_image_format format = m_isKeyer? mlt_image_rgb24a : 
                uint8_t* image = 0;
                int rendered = mlt_properties_get_int( 
MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(frame), "rendered");
                int height = m_height;
                IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame* m_decklinkFrame = NULL;

                mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%s: entering\n", __FILE__, 

                if ( rendered && !mlt_frame_get_image( frame, &image, &format, 
&m_width, &height, 0 ) )
                        uint8_t* buffer = 0;
                        int stride = m_width * ( m_isKeyer? 4 : 2 );

                        if ( createFrame( &m_decklinkFrame ) )
                                m_decklinkFrame->GetBytes( (void**) &buffer );

                        if ( buffer )
                                int progressive = mlt_properties_get_int( 
MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "progressive" );

                                // NTSC SDI is always 486 lines
                                if ( m_height == 486 && height == 480 )
                                        // blank first 6 lines
                                        if ( m_isKeyer )
                                                memset( buffer, 0, stride * 6 );
                                                buffer += stride * 6;
                                        else for ( int i = 0; i < m_width * 6; 
i++ )
                                                *buffer++ = 128;
                                                *buffer++ = 16;
                                if ( !m_isKeyer )
                                        // Normal non-keyer playout - needs 
byte swapping
                                        if ( !progressive && 
m_displayMode->GetFieldDominance() == bmdUpperFieldFirst )
                                                // convert lower field first to 
top field first
                                                swab2( (char*) image, (char*) 
buffer + stride, stride * ( height - 1 ) );
                                                swab2( (char*) image, (char*) 
buffer, stride * height );
                                else if ( !mlt_properties_get_int( 
MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "test_image" ) )
                                        // Normal keyer output
                                        int y = height + 1;
                                        uint32_t* s = (uint32_t*) image;
                                        uint32_t* d = (uint32_t*) buffer;

                                        if ( !progressive && 
m_displayMode->GetFieldDominance() == bmdUpperFieldFirst )
                                                // Correct field order
                                                d += m_width;

                                        // Need to relocate alpha channel RGBA 
                                        while ( --y )
                                                int x = m_width + 1;
                                                while ( --x )
                                                        *d++ = ( *s << 8 ) | ( 
*s >> 24 );
                                        // Keying blank frames - nullify alpha
                                        memset( buffer, 0, stride * height );
                if ( m_decklinkFrame )
                        char* vitc;

                        // set timecode
                        vitc = mlt_properties_get( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame 
), "meta.attr.vitc.markup" );
                        if( vitc )
                                int h, m, s, f;
                                if ( 4 == sscanf( vitc, "%d:%d:%d:%d", &h, &m, 
&s, &f ) )
                                                h, m, s, f, 

                        // set userbits
                        vitc = mlt_properties_get( MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame 
), "meta.attr.vitc.userbits" );
                        if( vitc )
MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "meta.attr.vitc.userbits" ));

                        hr = m_deckLinkOutput->ScheduleVideoFrame( 
m_decklinkFrame, m_count * m_duration, m_duration, m_timescale );
                        if ( S_OK != hr )
                                mlt_log_error( NULL, "%s:%s:%d: 
ScheduleVideoFrame failed, hr=%.8X \n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, hr);
                                mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%s: ScheduleVideoFrame 

        HRESULT render( mlt_frame frame )
                HRESULT result = S_OK;

                // Get the audio
                double speed = mlt_properties_get_double( 
MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES(frame), "_speed" );

                if ( m_isAudio && speed == 1.0 )
                        renderAudio( frame );

                // Get the video
                renderVideo( frame );

                return result;

        void reprio( int target )
                int r;
                pthread_t thread;
                pthread_attr_t tattr;
                struct sched_param param;
                mlt_properties properties;

                if( m_reprio & target )

                m_reprio |= target;

                properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( getConsumer() );

                if ( !mlt_properties_get( properties, "priority" ) )

                pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&tattr, SCHED_FIFO);

                if ( !strcmp( "max", mlt_properties_get( properties, "priority" 
) ) )
                        param.sched_priority = 
sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO) - 1;
                else if ( !strcmp( "min", mlt_properties_get( properties, 
"priority" ) ) )
                        param.sched_priority = 
sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO) + 1;
                        param.sched_priority = mlt_properties_get_int( 
properties, "priority" );

                pthread_attr_setschedparam(&tattr, &param);

                thread = pthread_self();

                r = pthread_setschedparam(thread, SCHED_FIFO, &param);
                if( r )
                        mlt_log_error( getConsumer(),
                                "%s:%s: [%d] pthread_setschedparam returned 
%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, target, r);
                        mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(),
                                "%s:%s: [%d] param.sched_priority=%d\n", 
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, target, param.sched_priority);

        // *** DeckLink API implementation of IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback 
IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback *** //

        // IUnknown needs only a dummy implementation
        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID 
*ppv )
                { return E_NOINTERFACE; }
        virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef()
                { return 1; }
        virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release()
                { return 1; }

        /************************* DeckLink API Delegate Methods 

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RenderAudioSamples ( bool preroll )
                mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%s: ENTERING preroll=%d, len=%d\n", 
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, (int)preroll, mlt_deque_count( m_aqueue ));
                mlt_frame frame = (mlt_frame) mlt_deque_pop_front( m_aqueue );

                reprio( 2 );

                if ( frame )
                        mlt_properties properties = MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame 
                        uint64_t m_count = mlt_properties_get_int64( 
properties, "m_count" );
                        mlt_audio_format format = mlt_audio_s16;
                        int frequency = bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz;
                        int samples = mlt_sample_calculator( m_fps, frequency, 
m_count );
                        int16_t *pcm = 0;

                        if ( !mlt_frame_get_audio( frame, (void**) &pcm, 
&format, &frequency, &m_channels, &samples ) )
                                HRESULT hr;
                                mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%s:%d, samples=%d, 
channels=%d, freq=%d\n",
                                        __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 
samples, m_channels, frequency );
#ifdef _WIN32
                                unsigned long written = 0;
                                uint32_t written = 0;
                                BMDTimeValue streamTime = m_count * frequency * 
m_duration / m_timescale;
m_deckLinkOutput->GetBufferedAudioSampleFrameCount( &written );
                                mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%s:%d 
                                        __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 
written );
                                if ( written > (m_preroll + 1) * samples )
                                        mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), 
"renderAudio: will flush " DECKLINK_UNSIGNED_FORMAT " audiosamples\n", written 
#ifdef _WIN32
                                hr = m_deckLinkOutput->ScheduleAudioSamples( 
pcm, samples, streamTime, frequency, (unsigned long*) &written );
                                hr = m_deckLinkOutput->ScheduleAudioSamples( 
pcm, samples, streamTime, frequency, &written );
                                if ( S_OK != hr )
                                        mlt_log_error( NULL, "%s:%s:%d 
ScheduleAudioSamples failed, hr=%.8X \n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, hr 
                                        mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%s:%d 
ScheduleAudioSamples success %d samples\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 
written );
                                if ( written != (uint32_t) samples )
                                        mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), 
"renderAudio: samples=%d, written=" DECKLINK_UNSIGNED_FORMAT "\n", samples, 
written );
                                mlt_log_error( NULL, "%s:%d mlt_frame_get_audio 
failed\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

                        mlt_frame_close( frame );

                if ( preroll )
                        m_deckLinkOutput->StartScheduledPlayback( 0, 
m_timescale, 1.0 );

                return S_OK;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ScheduledFrameCompleted( 
IDeckLinkVideoFrame* completedFrame, BMDOutputFrameCompletionResult completed )
                mlt_log_debug( NULL, "%s:%s: ENTERING\n", __FILE__, 

                mlt_deque_push_back( m_frames, 
reinterpret_cast/*dynamic_cast*/<IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame*>(completedFrame) );

                //  change priority of video callback thread
                reprio( 1 );

                // When a video frame has been released by the API, schedule 
another video frame to be output

                // ignore handler if frame was flushed
                if ( bmdOutputFrameFlushed == completed )
                        return S_OK;

                // schedule next frame
                ScheduleNextFrame( false );

                // step forward frames counter if underrun
                if ( bmdOutputFrameDisplayedLate == completed )
                        mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), 
"ScheduledFrameCompleted: bmdOutputFrameDisplayedLate == completed\n" );
                if ( bmdOutputFrameDropped == completed )
                        mlt_log_verbose( getConsumer(), 
"ScheduledFrameCompleted: bmdOutputFrameDropped == completed\n" );

                return S_OK;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ScheduledPlaybackHasStopped()
                return mlt_consumer_is_stopped( getConsumer() ) ? S_FALSE : 

        void ScheduleNextFrame( bool preroll )
                // get the consumer
                mlt_consumer consumer = getConsumer();

                // Get the properties
                mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );

                // Frame and size
                mlt_frame frame = NULL;

                mlt_log_debug( getConsumer(), "%s:%s:%d: preroll=%d\n", 
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, preroll);

                if( mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "running" ) || preroll )
                        frame = mlt_consumer_rt_frame( consumer );
                        if ( frame != NULL )
                                render( frame );

                                mlt_events_fire( properties, 
"consumer-frame-show", frame, NULL );

                                // terminate on pause
                                if ( m_terminate_on_pause &&
MLT_FRAME_PROPERTIES( frame ), "_speed" ) == 0.0 )

                                mlt_frame_close( frame );
                                mlt_log_error( NULL, "%s:%s: 
mlt_consumer_rt_frame return NULL\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );


/** Start the consumer.

static int start( mlt_consumer consumer )
        // Get the properties
        mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
        DeckLinkConsumer* decklink = (DeckLinkConsumer*) consumer->child;
        return decklink->op( OP_START, mlt_properties_get_int( properties, 
"preroll" ) ) ? 0 : 1;

/** Stop the consumer.

static int stop( mlt_consumer consumer )
        int r;

        mlt_log_verbose( NULL, "%s:%s: entering\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );

        // Get the properties
        DeckLinkConsumer* decklink = (DeckLinkConsumer*) consumer->child;
        r = decklink->op(OP_STOP, 0);

        mlt_log_verbose( NULL, "%s:%s: exiting\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );

        return r;

/** Determine if the consumer is stopped.

static int is_stopped( mlt_consumer consumer )
        // Get the properties
        mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
        return !mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "running" );

/** Close the consumer.

static void close( mlt_consumer consumer )
        mlt_log_verbose( NULL, "%s:%s: entering\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );

        // Stop the consumer
        mlt_consumer_stop( consumer );

        // Close the parent
        consumer->close = NULL;
        mlt_consumer_close( consumer );

        // Free the memory
        delete (DeckLinkConsumer*) consumer->child;

        mlt_log_verbose( NULL, "%s:%s: exiting\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ );

extern "C" {

// Listen for the list_devices property to be set
static void on_property_changed( void*, mlt_properties properties, const char 
*name )
        IDeckLinkIterator* decklinkIterator = NULL;
        IDeckLink* decklink = NULL;
        IDeckLinkInput* decklinkOutput = NULL;
        int i = 0;

        if ( name && !strcmp( name, "list_devices" ) )
                mlt_event_block( (mlt_event) mlt_properties_get_data( 
properties, "list-devices-event", NULL ) );

#ifdef _WIN32
        if ( FAILED( CoInitialize( NULL ) ) )
        if ( FAILED( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CDeckLinkIterator, NULL, 
CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDeckLinkIterator, (void**) &decklinkIterator ) ) )
        if ( !( decklinkIterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance() ) )
        for ( ; decklinkIterator->Next( &decklink ) == S_OK; i++ )
                if ( decklink->QueryInterface( IID_IDeckLinkOutput, (void**) 
&decklinkOutput ) == S_OK )
                        DLString name = NULL;
                        if ( decklink->GetModelName( &name ) == S_OK )
                                char *name_cstr = getCString( name );
                                const char *format = "device.%d";
                                char *key = (char*) calloc( 1, strlen( format ) 
+ 1 );

                                sprintf( key, format, i );
                                mlt_properties_set( properties, key, name_cstr 
                                free( key );
                                freeDLString( name );
                                freeCString( name_cstr );
                        SAFE_RELEASE( decklinkOutput );
                SAFE_RELEASE( decklink );
        SAFE_RELEASE( decklinkIterator );
        mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "devices", i );

/** Initialise the consumer.

mlt_consumer consumer_decklink_init( mlt_profile profile, mlt_service_type 
type, const char *id, char *arg )
        // Allocate the consumer
        DeckLinkConsumer* decklink = new DeckLinkConsumer();
        mlt_consumer consumer = NULL;

        // If allocated
        if ( decklink && !mlt_consumer_init( decklink->getConsumer(), decklink, 
profile ) )
                // If initialises without error
                if ( decklink->op( OP_OPEN, arg? atoi(arg) : 0 ) )
                        consumer = decklink->getConsumer();
                        mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( 
consumer );

                        // Setup callbacks
                        consumer->close = close;
                        consumer->start = start;
                        consumer->stop = stop;
                        consumer->is_stopped = is_stopped;
                        mlt_properties_set( properties, "deinterlace_method", 
"onefield" );

                        mlt_event event = mlt_events_listen( properties, 
properties, "property-changed", (mlt_listener) on_property_changed );
                        mlt_properties_set_data( properties, 
"list-devices-event", event, 0, NULL, NULL );

        // Return consumer
        return consumer;

extern mlt_producer producer_decklink_init( mlt_profile profile, 
mlt_service_type type, const char *id, char *arg );

static mlt_properties metadata( mlt_service_type type, const char *id, void 
*data )
        char file[ PATH_MAX ];
        const char *service_type = NULL;
        switch ( type )
                case consumer_type:
                        service_type = "consumer";
                case producer_type:
                        service_type = "producer";
                        return NULL;
        snprintf( file, PATH_MAX, "%s/decklink/%s_%s.yml", mlt_environment( 
"MLT_DATA" ), service_type, id );
        return mlt_properties_parse_yaml( file );

        MLT_REGISTER( consumer_type, "decklink", consumer_decklink_init );
        MLT_REGISTER( producer_type, "decklink", producer_decklink_init );
        MLT_REGISTER_METADATA( consumer_type, "decklink", metadata, NULL );
        MLT_REGISTER_METADATA( producer_type, "decklink", metadata, NULL );

} // extern C
Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!
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