On Tuesday 06 March 2018 11:33 PM, Adam Baso wrote:
> Hi mobile-l and wikitech-ambassadors friends!
> Rita shared with colleagues a cool diagram of the Wikipedia for Android app
> flows, and we thought you may be interested to see it as well.

Thanks! It was interesting and useful, indeed. Some random corrections I

- I noticed small typos in the 8th and 15th info boxes found in the left.

- There's a hanging "Else if..." in the "My lists" subsection of the
"Reading lists" section. There's also a spooky clapperboard in one of
the images in the section.

- An image description overlaps an image in the "Reading list"
subsection of the "Reading lists" section.

One last note regarding the file itself: It would have been nice if the
flows were splitted across different pages in the PDF file. The PDF
readers I used couldn't handle the one very large page containing all
the flows. One of them even distorted the page when I zoomed. (I had to
extract the image in the page and view it in an image viewer ;-) )



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else on the team more valuable, not the person who knows the most.”

      - Joel Spolsky

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