some times some mobile companys remove some features from o. s. to make thair own features ifective while customisation. that's why i sujjest people to buy an android to ask any expurt so he or she can avoid problem of accessibility.
cause this customisation the accessiblity kill.
some time it improve also.
because android is an open sorce anybody can change anything.
infect i have also seen some phones without accessibility option.
now you think what will happen if any v i buy it.?
there for i allways say to all the vlind friends that you should not think only about prise and look.
but also you should think about accessibility and features an o s version.

On May 28, 2016 9:06:48 AM Chandrashekhar Kulkarni <> wrote:

Dear list members,
Is there anyone on the list using oppo mobile? One of my friends uses
this mobile. But many times his talkback stops working suddenly.
Particularly if the phone is not switched off at night or for a long
time. Surprisingly I did not find accessibility shortcut in it in the
accessibility options.
If anyone has some idea please help how can a totally blind person can
restart talkback once it stops particularly when there is no shortcut.
C. B. Kulkarni

Mobile +919820811332 Land line : 0251  2482633
skype ID: chandrashekhar.b.kulkarni

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