Hi guys,
This is just a e-mail to see/gather info about something that I have been
curious about and related to  a project that I have been working on for a
while now.
I'm not really active on this list, I know that's putting it lite, but aye.
I just give it a glance or so once in a long while and not much more but
this might benefit some people on here too besides the lists I'm active on
hence the reason for me to write

  How many among you all are IOS users, and not only that  but also
Even if you aren't would you consider jailbreaking if it benefits you?
Write back however you like, but as always I'd prefer a direct reply to me
instead of the list because I am quite likely to miss those,bsides its far
eazyer for me to get to the e-mails that are at me and not at the list

“The most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The
essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”
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