
Originally I had this long post describing what I'm doing and where I'm
stuck and yadda yadda yadda. I think what it boils down to is that I
just don't know what the syntax of some of this js means.

I've searched several times in the past for what I consider "advanced"
js but all I seem to find are people who seem to still be living in the
late 90s.

Here's a specific example of something I don't quite understand:

(This comes from ajax_tables.js. I cut out some of the code for

loadFromDataAnchor = function (ev) {
    var format = this.getAttribute("mochi:dataformat");
    var href = this.href;
    sortableManager.loadFromURL(format, href);

SortableManager.prototype = {

    "initialize": function () {
        // just rip all mochi-examples out of the DOM
        // make a template list
        // set up the data anchors to do loads
        var anchors = getElementsByTagAndClassName("a", null);
        for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
            var node = anchors[i];
            var format = getAttribute(node, "mochi:dataformat");
            if (format) {
--------->     node.onclick = loadFromDataAnchor;

Is 'node.onclick = loadFromDataAnchor' adding an onclick event to the
current node?

Then going to the definition of loadFromDataAnchor...

loadFromDataAnchor = function (ev) {

What is 'ev' and where does it come from? At this point I assume it
means "event" but I'm not positive. But even if it does, I'm not sure
how it's being used.


Having avoided js like the plague for so many years has put me at a bit
of a disadvantage... but I think once I learn the basics I should be
good to go.

I guess this post is a bit long too. So much for rewrites. :)


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