On 5/17/06, Julio Oña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just pressed replay.....

I do that all the time too :o)

> I think in python it should be something like:
> Having defined:
> def fa(value):
>     return .....
> def fb(value):
>     return ....
> def fc(value):
>      return ....
> function_list=[fa,fb,fc]
> Or composition function is:
> def compose(function_list, value)
>     return reduce(lambda fn, value: fn(value), function_list, value)

Almost. Traditionally, compose will return a function instead of
directly applying the composition. Something like:

def compose(function_list):
   return lambda value: (reduce(lambda fn, v: fn(v), function_list, value))

Actually, to make this work you would also have to reverse the
arguments to the reduce-operator, since the accumulated value will be
the first item on the list:

def compose(function_list):
   return lambda value: (reduce(lambda v, fn: fn(v), function_list, value))

> so you could call:
> result = compose(function_list, value)

Or if compose returns a function:
result = compose(function_list)(value)


ps. I'm sorry for the errors in my previous posts, where I incorrectly
took compose(f,g)(x) == f(g(x)) -- the correct is compose(f,g)(x) ==
g(f(x)), i.e. the functions are applied in the same order they are
given to "compose".
For more about function composition:

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