On Dec 9, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Antti Vähäkotamäki wrote:

MochiKit.Compat doesn't seem to be in the repository anymore and I
couldn't find any information on the issue. Is it merged into the other
modules or is it completely abandoned?

What is the current status of IE 5.5 compatibility and what are the
future plans for it?

MochiKit.Compat was a waste of space so I tossed it. It never did anything useful.

I don't care about IE 5.5. If someone else goes through the trouble of making it work, I'll take the patch. However, don't bother unless you're going to have to maintain it because I'm not going to test on IE 5.5.

If someone is seriously interested in taking that on, I'd be happy to dole out commit bit after I see a working patch.


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