Hi there,

On 6/15/07, Yves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I then use DeferredList() to create a list of all the Deferred objects
> and I add a callback.
> Now my problem is, how do I know from my callback function that the
> result comes from the seventh request I made, or the ninth, etc.?

The callback to the deferredlist will receive one parameter, an array
with the result of each deferred. Each element of that array is again
a two-element array, the first element being a boolean, true if that
deferred was successful and false otherwise and the second element is
the result of that deferred. To clarify, the result is whatever a
regular callback to that deferred would have received.

If the index of the deferred doesn't suffice to find the keyword, you
can make sure you receive the keyword like this:

function combine_key_with_result(key, result) {
    return {key: key, result: result};

var xhr_deferreds = map(function (key) {
    var d = do_your_xhr_call_and_return_deferred(key);
    d.addCallback(partial(combine_key_with_result, key));
    return d;
}, your_keyword_list);

var dl = new DeferredList(xhr_deferreds);
dl.addCallback(function (results_list) {
    forEach(result_list, function (dl_result) {
        var success = dl_result[0];
        var key = dl_result[1].key;
        var result = dl_result[1].result;
        // now do your thing here :)


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