On Jan 13, 2008 11:35 AM, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, I'm something of a newcomer to MochiKit to forgive me if this
> is a silly question.
> When using Signal's 'connect' function to add signal callbacks I'm
> using the form:
> var obj = new MyObj;
> connect(window, "onload", obj, 'init');
> So that 'this' still refers to obj in the init function.
> However, I'm also using custom callbacks for a Draggable I'm creating,
> e.g.:
> var dr = new Draggable($('drag'), {
>     'onchange': this.dragMoved
> }
> In the MyObj.dragMoved function I need access to the obj object, but
> 'this' refers to the signal source.
> I tried:
>     'onchange': partial(this.dragMoved, this)
> adding a 'self' parameter onto MyObj.dragMoved, but self seemed to be
> a copy of 'this' as it was when I connected the callback, rather than
> the live version - a closure in other words.
> Is there a way for me to get at the live obj instance in this
> situation?

Yeah, use bind instead of partial.


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