Developer-type questions here. I run into path length limitations when  
running PHP with mod_fcgid.

I need to set "DefaultInitEnv PATH ..." to a rather long path; I quickly  
hit the INITENV_VAL_LEN of 128 as defined in fcgid_pm.h.

   * Are there negative effects if I bump this number up?
   * What is the max path length for any given platform? fcgid_global.h  
defines _POSIX_PATH_MAX as 255, which also seems low... (mine is 468 on my  
Windows dev machine)
   * Are there build instructions somewhere so I can do my own compile on  
the Win32 platform?

JFYI, some PHP extensions - like Sybase and Oracle clients - look for  
library files in the PATH variable. Add in a few extra directories for  
external programs you want PHP to call, and one quickly runs out of PATH  

Any help is appreciated!

- James

(I would have sent this to a developers mailing list, but couldn't find it  
if it exists.)

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